Grandpa's Brown Eyed Girl
Uploaded: September 05, 2006 12:24:39
setting sun wishing she was on the tractor and not standing in front of this old car.
Chastity Abbott September 05, 2006 0
This is great! I like the setting and the warm lighting. The overgrown grass colors with the truck colors is AWESOME!!! Beautiful little girl..beautiful portrait~ #516603Sher Skinner September 05, 2006 0
thanks so much she was so waiting for that tractor photo. #3268861Terri L. Scribner September 05, 2006 0
Beautiful!!! Great warm colors!! #3268882Vendla Stockdale September 05, 2006 0
Wonderful image, love the colors #3269253Cyn Valentine September 05, 2006 0
Awesome!! Love the comp! Great colors..well done! #3269277Amy JACKSON September 05, 2006 0
Wonderful portrait, Sher!! Love the colors and the car makes a great background! #3269296Donna M. Whipkey September 05, 2006 0
Great photo! #3269673
Sherry Stricklin Boles
September 05, 2006
TS September 06, 2006 0
Beautiful lighting and colors. #3271657
Janine Russell
September 06, 2006
Dennis Flanagan
October 06, 2006
Kay E. Mahoney
October 27, 2006
Sharon King October 27, 2006 0
I just love everything about this! Congrats on your finalsit! #3510481Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 28, 2006 0
This is lovely!! Congratulations!! #3511247
Janine Russell
October 28, 2006
Evy Johansen
October 29, 2006
Penny Steiner October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your first place win on this awesome portrait, Sher. #3516849She-She Killough October 29, 2006 0
LOVELY First place WIN Sher!!! Many COngrats to you!! :) #3517346Donna W. Neal October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations Sher! #3517530Terri L. Scribner October 29, 2006 0
Big congratulations on this great win!!! #3517553Denise M. Snyder October 29, 2006 0
This is really beautiful! Congratulations on a well deserved win! #3518047Cyn Valentine October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations..outstanding image! #3518053
Arnie Horwitz
October 29, 2006
Milan Banik October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations #3518240
Kay E. Mahoney
October 29, 2006
Janine Russell
October 29, 2006
Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your first place win!! A beautifully lit portrait!! #3519726Kathleen R. Struckle October 29, 2006 0
Beautiful portrait. congrats on your first place win!! #3519795Beverly A. Wright October 29, 2006 0
Sher, I just saw this!! CongadulationsSher Skinner October 30, 2006 0
Thank you all I just got home and found this great win..!I shared it with Kayla.. and I was .. out taking this print to another art show to enter it as a matter of fact.. so wish us luck .. and thank you all so much. Sherry #3519955
Claudine Grove
October 30, 2006
RC Fritz October 30, 2006 0
Big congratulations on your WIN, Sher! #3520817Frank M. Melchior October 30, 2006 0
Kudo's on a fine portrait, well done. #3521182Mick Burkey October 30, 2006 0
Congratulations yourFirst Place win, Sher! Love the tones and texture. Nicely done! #3523846Mary Clarke October 31, 2006 0
Congratulations on First Place Sher, lovely image #3524895
Sherry Stricklin Boles
October 31, 2006
Cathy M. Gromball November 01, 2006 0
Congratulations on your First Place win, Sher! Wonderful work!Cathy :) #3533148
Larissa M. November 03, 2006 0
Congrats on a wonderful picture that won First!!!: )
~Lue... #3541507
Kerry W. Willis December 27, 2006 0
precious to us.... priceless for the parents... no doubt... K.W. #3745204Toni Hopper September 22, 2007 0
oh wow, fantastic image! love the richness of colors! #4827160Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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