Call of the wild (rev)
Uploaded: August 10, 2006 12:26:19
Jennifer Funnell August 10, 2006 0
Well Done stephanie.... #500558Carla Metzler August 10, 2006 0
Wonderful work, Stephanie! #3147083Roger Bernabo August 10, 2006 0
GRRRReat work Stephanie! #3147150Paul Michko August 10, 2006 0
Very creative image, Stephanie. #3147185Stephanie Lyons August 10, 2006 0
Beautiful work on this ... #3147205Kirsten Kiki Kjaer August 10, 2006 0
Beautiful work indeed. #3147977ALLEN O. HOWARD August 11, 2006 0
Awesome Stephanie! What a work of Art! #3149634Ronald F. Fischer August 14, 2006 0
Wonderful work of art, Stephanie! #3163076Shelly L. Rauscher August 21, 2006 0
Beautiful Stephanie! #3193355Karen Slagle September 27, 2006 0
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Stephanie. #3367764Nadya Johnson September 27, 2006 0
Gorgeous, Stephanie! Congratulations on your outstanding finalist and best of luck in the next round! #3369065
Nancy L. Green
September 27, 2006
Pamela Shane September 27, 2006 0
I just love wolves - this is simplyLorraine A. Cook September 27, 2006 0
Stunning! Congratulations on this awesome finalist, Stephanie!<:)) #3369883
Rakesh Syal
September 27, 2006
Emile Abbott
September 27, 2006
Tressie Davis
September 27, 2006
Judyann Plante September 28, 2006 0
Congratulations, Stephanie! This is just beautiful.Judyann ><> #3376089
Stephanie Laird
September 28, 2006
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna September 28, 2006 0
CONGRATULATIONS, Staphanie! :-) ^.^ Kitty #3376624Mary Timman September 29, 2006 0
Outstanding and I bet we see this again. Congratulations and best of luck! #3381897
Jeff Robinson
September 29, 2006
Revonda L. Gentry September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win!! Spectacular image!!! #3382874Darryl Wilkinson September 29, 2006 0
Outstanding winner, Stephanie! Congratulations! #3383148
Janine Russell
September 29, 2006
Jenny Bosmans September 29, 2006 0
Big congratulations, Stephanie! :) #3383383Alan L. Borror September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations, Stephanie! #3383489
Rakesh Syal
September 29, 2006
Tarun Bose September 29, 2006 0
Big congrats Stephanie for being a winner. Well done. #3383932Carla Metzler September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your winning image, Stephanie!! :) #3384048Sylvia Rossler September 29, 2006 0
Big congrats on your win Stephanie :O) #3384261
Virginia Leone
September 29, 2006
Donna W. Neal September 29, 2006 0
This is a gorgeous winner Stephanie, Congratulations!!! #3384595Karen Slagle September 29, 2006 0
Hooray on your winning image, Stephanie. #3384976Lorraine A. Cook September 29, 2006 0
Woooooo Hoooooo!!!!!Congratulations on this awesome win, Stephanie!<:)) #3384991
Mary Timman September 29, 2006 0
Knew we would see it again. I love it more and more everytime I look at it!
Kay E. Mahoney
September 29, 2006
Claudia Kuhn
September 29, 2006
She-She Killough September 29, 2006 0
AWESOME Stephanie!! Huge Congratulations to U on this WINNER!! #3386159
Terry L. Ellis
September 29, 2006
Colette M. Metcalf September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations to you Stephanie!! #3386750
Mitch Spence
September 29, 2006
Linda D. Lester
September 29, 2006
Nadya Johnson September 29, 2006 0
Congratulations on your VERY gorgeous winner, Stephanie! #3387479Kay Beausoleil September 30, 2006 0
Beautiful concept and execution, Stephanie -- congratulations on your win! #3388102
Evy Johansen
September 30, 2006
Sherry Stricklin Boles
September 30, 2006
Emile Abbott
September 30, 2006
Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 30, 2006 0
Congratulations on your second place win!!! Truly beautiful and unique! #3391360
Adilson F. Ferreira
October 01, 2006
Tammy Scott October 02, 2006 0
Beautifully done - congratulations #3397049Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. October 03, 2006 0
Your wonderful creativity has been rewarded with this awesome piece of work. Great job, Stephanie. Awesomely creative work in your gallery!! #3402680Ross Throndson October 03, 2006 0
Congratulations, Stephanie, on this Awesome Winner!! :^) #3403658
Sheryl A. Hudson
October 04, 2006
Heather E. Lupo October 11, 2006 0
Congratulations on your win with this beautiful creation! It's really gorgeous! :) #3432721Sherrye Nozaki October 23, 2006 0
Fantastic piece of creative artwork!Cassie L. Woodlee February 09, 2007 0
Awesome artwork Stephanie!!!!!!!!! May I ask how you did this? #3930356john dunne February 19, 2007 0
wow wow wow #3965292Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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