
Uploaded: June 01, 2006 16:45:12


I must have taken 200 photos for this lesson! Everything in our music room, toys, flowers, the cat! This was fun!!

1/3, F3.2 window side light, fill flash with omni unit. Wide angle with macro. Used PS radial blur filter set at 10 to be whimsical.

Exif: FNumber: 3.2, ExposureBiasValue: 0/10, ExposureTime: 0.263157894736842, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 143, WhiteBalance: auto white balance


Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 26, 2006

Excellent idea, great colors and beautiful design!! Congratulations on your finalist win! #510937

Serena Pierce level-classic August 26, 2006

Congratulations!! Very cool image! #3222827

Melissa G. Meiselman August 26, 2006

What an incredible image, Jannalee!! Congratualtions on your finalist!!! #3223315

Janine Russell level-classic August 28, 2006

Jannalee, great colors, lighting and effects; congratulations on your Second Place Win. #3236546

Naomi Weiser August 28, 2006

Nice effects, Congrats on the win! #3237178

Nadya Johnson August 29, 2006

Outstanding image, Janalee! Congratulations on your very stunning Winner! #3240108

Karamatullah Danyal August 29, 2006

Congratulations. A very well deserved win for a very beautiful photograph. #3241986

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