Uploaded: August 31, 2005 09:59:32
Mary L. Graham August 31, 2005 0
Nice portrait Jeffrey!! love the black & white =) #303266Jeffrey A. Serrano August 31, 2005 0
thanks a lot...Mary...I really appreciate your comment. #1788480Bobbi S. Tomes August 31, 2005 0
Great job, I love the lighting. #1789735Maria Socorro S. Alcantara September 01, 2005 0
An eye catcher...great shot. #1791314Jeffrey A. Serrano September 01, 2005 0
Thank you so much Bobbi and Maria Socorro. Bobbi I would love to share with you my lighting technique on this particular photo if you are interested. This photo is an original scan from the print no retouches or enhancement was made. #1791679Jeffrey A. Serrano September 01, 2005 0
Thank you so much Bobbi and Maria Socorro. Bobbi I would love to share with you my lighting technique on this particular photo if you are interested. This photo is an original scan from the print no retouches or enhancement was made. #1791680Maria M September 24, 2005 0
Wow, he is an excellent model. Very handsome. Your wonderful use of lighting really makes the most of his features. #1872879Mary L. Graham September 24, 2005 0
congrats Jeffrey!! =) #1873831Jessica Hughes September 25, 2005 0
This is a gorgeous portrait, Jeffrey. I love everything about it. Congratulations on your finalist! #1879453Maria Socorro S. Alcantara September 25, 2005 0
Congratulations!! #1880109Nelina Joy A. De Villena September 25, 2005 0
I am so thrilled to learn you're a finalist, Jeff. Wish you all the best! #1880482Jeffrey A. Serrano September 25, 2005 0
Thank you so much guys for all your comments and congratulations...it really means a lot to me. #1880488Claudette Foote September 25, 2005 0
This is a gorgeous portrait, Congratulations Jeffrey. #1883091Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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