Summer Beach

© Kenny Chu

Summer Beach

Uploaded: June 06, 2006 13:13:10


Santa Monica,
F/22, 1/10 sec, WB Auto-1, warm filter modified Phtoshop CS2

Exif: FNumber: 22, ExposureBiasValue: 0/1, ExposureTime: 0.1, Flash: flash did not fire, ISO: 200, WhiteBalance: auto white balance


Chuck Freeman June 06, 2006

I can only say that this is a great photograph. I really like the sweeping image.
I have not been to DAYTONA BEACH in a long time. But this image reminds me of Daytona at Sundown. #459770

Jessica Jenney June 06, 2006

Wonderful soft tones and lighting, Kenny! #2861193

Kenny Chu June 06, 2006

Thank you, Chuck...
Thank you, have a very beautiful gallery. #2861951

John Matthews June 06, 2006

wow Kenny - this is awesome!

Kenny Chu June 07, 2006

Thank you, John.
I like your silver lining. #2864536

June 07, 2006

ITA! The tones are awesome. Beautiful! Looks like a vintage postcard. #2866502

Kenny Chu June 07, 2006

Paige, thank you. You have a beautiful gallery.... #2866956

Daniel G. Flocke July 25, 2006

Kenny - Congratulations on your Finalist!!! Good luck next round!

~Daniel #3075486

Kenny Chu July 25, 2006

Thank you, Daniel.. #3077723

Cris . ( D.K. ) July 26, 2006

to me it is one of the best this month in this an "oniric" look to the photo,something right out of a dream.great work #3083413

Kenny Chu July 26, 2006

Thank you for you compliment, Cris #3084755

She-She Killough July 28, 2006

WOW! How cool is this image Kenny! It looks so surreal! I love it! And wish you a BIG Congratulations on your awesome 2nd place win Kenny! Btw do you know you remind me of Jackie Chan in your mini pic...and I am a BIG Jackie Chan fan!

Sheesh #3092677

Kenny Chu July 28, 2006

hahahha, sheesh...thank you... #3093011

Daniel G. Flocke July 28, 2006

Kenny - Congratulations on your 2nd Place Winner!!!

~Daniel #3093796

Kenny Chu July 28, 2006

Thank you, Daniel #3094044

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic July 28, 2006

Congratulations on your 2nd place winner. #3094350

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 28, 2006

Congrats on your excellent win! Jeff #3095078

Kenny Chu July 28, 2006

Thank you, Kay.
Thank you, Jeff. #3095324

Gail Vitikacs level-classic July 28, 2006


Kenny Chu July 28, 2006

Thank you, Gail. #3095952

Nobu Nagase July 28, 2006

Congratulations on this beauty and win!!! #3097109

Kenny Chu July 28, 2006

Thank you, Nobi #3097117

bob cornelison July 29, 2006

Great mood lighting!
~:O) #3100370

Kenny Chu July 30, 2006

Thank you, Bob #3100627

Leanne M.E. Boyd July 30, 2006

Amazing image, Bob - congrats on your win! #3101386

Janine Russell level-classic July 30, 2006

Kenny, congratulations on your Second Place win. #3103509

Kenny Chu July 30, 2006

Thank you, Leanne and Janine #3103561

anonymous July 31, 2006

Stunning Stunning image - I hope you have graced the walls of your home with this one - a well deserved win! #3107983

Kenny Chu July 31, 2006

Thank you, Natalie for your nice compliments.... #3107999

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