Singing Chickadee

© Janine Russell

Singing Chickadee

Uploaded: February 07, 2006 07:52:09


Photo of a Chestnut-backed chickadee was taken on February 6, 2006 at 2:25pm in Edmonds, Washington
Canon 400mm F/4 DO IS lens + Kenko 36mm extension tube @ F/9, 1/250 second, ISO 250
Cropped, levels, increased saturation, cloned, resized, dodged eye and sharpened in Photoshop


Su Sana E. P level-classic February 07, 2006 0

Oh what a cute capture!!! DOF and clarity of the image are awesome as usual!! #387714

Kerby Pfrangle February 07, 2006 0

very nice capture and I like this little bird looking directly at me. Very cute. Kerby #2388036

Mary K. Robison February 07, 2006 0

Your bird "portraits" continue to amaze me, Janine. You capture them at the most opportune moment (this time, singing) ~ you must have tremendous patience! #2388045

James Whitbread February 07, 2006 0

You have a great talent Janine,and you must have a lot of birds where you live:) #2388048

Stanley J. Contrades February 07, 2006 0

Amazing timing and capture of its feather details, Janine!! You sure it's not scolding you :-)!! Exceptional skills and series!!
Much Aloha,
Stan #2388069

Jill Odice level-classic February 07, 2006 0

I'm sure it's song is as sweet as it's face :-) Beautiful work Bird woman! #2388100

Leanne M.E. Boyd February 07, 2006 0

The clarity and detail is amazing Janine - Beautiful shot! #2388141

Janine Russell level-classic February 07, 2006 0

Susan, Kerby, Mary, James, Stan, Jill and Leanne, I really appreciate all of your kind and encouraging comments; thanks very much. #2388157

Renee Doyle February 07, 2006 0

What a wonderful capture Janine!!! #2388261

Milan Banik February 07, 2006 0

Janine love this open pose ,talking with us. #2388362

Donald K. Cherry February 07, 2006 0

Very pretty, Janine! #2388429

Colette M. Metcalf February 07, 2006 0

Cute shot and pose, Janine:0) #2388788

David and Carol Kelly February 07, 2006 0

Janine, Very nice capture. #2388871

Evy Johansen level-classic February 07, 2006 0

Awesom capture - again, Janine! Simply adorable! #2388894

Roger Bernabo February 07, 2006 0

Super shot Janine #2388993

Gail Vitikacs level-classic February 07, 2006 0

BEAUTIFUL capture Janine! #2389159

Laurence Saliba level-classic February 07, 2006 0

What a lovely capture Janine!!!! #2389508

Jack R. Perry February 07, 2006 0

Wonderful capture Janine ! #2389585

Carla Metzler February 07, 2006 0

Great capture, Janine! #2389746

Murry Grigsby February 07, 2006 0

Super catch Janine! Your bird images are OUTSTANDING!! #2389809

Glenn E. Traver February 07, 2006 0

nice composition and DOF , the clarity and sharpness is excellent~ waiting for the moment~ Perfect ~ GT #2389897

Janine Russell level-classic February 07, 2006 0

Renee, Milan, Donald, Colette, David and Carol, Evy, Roger, Gail, Laurence, Jack, Carla, Murry and Glenn, thanks so much for all of your kind words of encouragement. #2389936

Piotr M. Organa February 07, 2006 0

:) :) :)
from Piotr! #2390036

Karen Engelbreth February 07, 2006 0

Too cute - wonderful image, Janine! #2390131

Margot Petrowski February 07, 2006 0

WOW, Janine!!!!!!! Fantastic!!! #2390249

Steven Gunnerson February 07, 2006 0

Another great one Janine! Super job keeping everything sharp on your subject. He is really cute and a great model :o) #2390267

Cindy Wong February 07, 2006 0

What a Cute photo!! :D #2390268

Susie Peek-Swint February 07, 2006 0

Great timing Janine ~ beautiful capture! #2390591

Deb Holmes-Hatfield February 07, 2006 0

These little chickadee's are just so cute, perfect timing on this Janine! #2391050

Janine Russell level-classic February 07, 2006 0

Piotr, Karen, Margot, Steven, Cindy, Susie and Deb, all of your comments are a great encouragement to me; thanks very much. #2391138

SaMi Martin February 08, 2006 0

Great shot of this little guy and great detail! #2391687

Stan Lubach February 08, 2006 0

MOM!!! She's looking at me!!! ;)
Wonderful capture, Janine. Great colors and DOF. #2391838

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic February 08, 2006 0

Nice capture Janine. Love the colors and the close up. #2391957

Tammy Scott February 08, 2006 0

WOW! The clarity on this is just amazing! Very nicely shot! #2391977

Deborah Sandidge February 08, 2006 0

Exquisite capture of this singing little feathered friend, Janine! #2392369

Janine Russell level-classic February 08, 2006 0

SaMi, Stan (love your title suggestion), Kay, Tammy and Deb, thanks very much for your nice comments and encouragement. #2392551

Cathy Barrows February 09, 2006 0

just perfect #2396123

Wende Trew February 09, 2006 0

Oh Wow!!! Love the detail with this!! Awesome!! #2396188

Janine Russell level-classic February 09, 2006 0

Cathy and Wende, I really appreciate your kind comments and encouragement; thanks very much. #2396581

Karacan Salkuci (Kalacay) February 09, 2006 0

How cute and adorable. Great work,sharp and clear.Good exposure. #2396643

Janine Russell level-classic February 09, 2006 0

Kara, thanks very much for your encouraging comments. #2396753

Kate Jackson February 09, 2006 0

This is so so adorable Janine! What marvellous timing. Lots of detail to marvel over but I am fascinated with his little toes!!! #2397077

Janine Russell level-classic February 09, 2006 0

Kate, thanks very much for your nice comments; maybe he needs a manicure? #2398485

Rob T. Henry February 09, 2006 0

Beautiful shot, Janine!!! Great DOF!!! #2398724

Janine Russell level-classic February 09, 2006 0

Rob, thanks very much for your encouraging comments. #2398856

Anita Taylor February 10, 2006 0

Incredible little guy! You captured him perfectly! Super sharp, great DOF and rich color. I love all your bird images :) #2400072

Janine Russell level-classic February 10, 2006 0

Anita, I really appreciate your kind and encouraging comments; thanks very much. #2400558

Jill Flynn February 13, 2006 0

I LOVE the expression and character Janine! You are amazing!!!! #2411867

Janine Russell level-classic February 13, 2006 0

Jill, thanks very much for your kind comments. #2412402

lyn winans February 18, 2006 0

Adorable Janine, I love these guys, and you captured him beautifully ! #2432116

Janine Russell level-classic February 18, 2006 0

Lyn, thanks very much; I really appreciate your kind comments. #2432135

Steven Gunnerson March 22, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine!!!!! #2562944

Sylvia Rossler March 22, 2006 0

Big congrats Janine :O) #2562975

Leanne M.E. Boyd March 22, 2006 0

Congrats Janine! #2563286

Jenny Bosmans March 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Janine!! #2563427

Erica Murphy level-classic March 22, 2006 0

Absolutely gorgeous Janine!! New camera??? Perfect focus and fabulous blurred bG. Congrats and good luck in the contest! #2563514

Jill Flynn March 22, 2006 0

Congratulations on this OUTSTANDING finalist Janine and good luck in the next round! #2563574

Stan Lubach March 22, 2006 0

Congrats, Janine! #2563636

Renee Doyle March 22, 2006 0

Yeah!!!! Congratulations Janine!!! Best of luck in the next round!!!

Jack R. Perry March 22, 2006 0

Congratulations, great shot. #2563706

Janine Russell level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Steven, Sylvia, Leanne, Jenny, Erica, Jill, Stan, Renee and Jack, thanks very much for your kind words of encouragement. #2563731

Megan p March 23, 2006 0

What a remarkable shot and such a cute chickadee!!! Congratulations Janine!! #2563825

Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Congrats on this cute little finalist, Janine! #2563896

Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine!,
Amalia #2564048

Su Sana E. P level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on this cute Finalist, Janine!! #2564075

Dodi D. Dominado March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine. Great shot, fine details. #2564168

Graeme yew Chow March 23, 2006 0

Big congrats Janine, Hey it make my day too. #2564210

Sharon F. Morris level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Congrat Janine I love these little birds. Great capture of this singing Chickadee.

Gail Vitikacs level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Way to go...big congratulations Janine! #2564375

Judyann Plante March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine! #2564492

Anne D. Eigen March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Janine! #2564631

Jesus M. Salazar March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine!!!


Janine Russell level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Megan, Sherry, Douglas, Amalia, Susan, Dodi, Graeme, Sharon, Gail, Judyann, Anne and Jesus, I really appreciate your encouragement; thanks very much. #2565226

Paul Sikora March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine and I hope it wins for you, it certainly deserves it #2565264

Milan Banik March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations Jannie! #2565438

Donna Roberts March 23, 2006 0

I am sure that this darling little birdie will be really chirping now!!
Congrats Janine - really pleased to see this image as a finalist.
:-) ddu

Lorraine A. Cook March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine!!<:)) #2566060

Piotr M. Organa March 23, 2006 0

Congrats!! :-o) #2566340

Marvin H. Gohlke Jr. March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations on your beautiful shot, Janine, and great luck in the finals!!! #2566493

Crystal M. Gove March 23, 2006 0

Very cute!! Congratulations, Janine :o)!! Good luck!! #2566693

Corinne M. Thompson March 23, 2006 0

Well deserved Finalist Janine, Congrats! #2566876

Janine Russell level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Paul, Milan, Donna, Don, Jill, Lorraine, Piotr, Marvin, Crystal and Corinne, thanks very much for all of your kind words of encouragement. #2566966

Rakesh Syal level-classic March 23, 2006 0

WOW!!!! I am so happy, Janine!!!! My heartiest congratulations!!! #2567096

Terry L. Ellis level-classic March 23, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine! Wonderful! #2567234

Donna W. Neal March 23, 2006 0

A Big Congratulations on this well deserved finalist Janine #2567787

Nadya Johnson March 23, 2006 0

Somehow, I missed this (can't believe it!) but congratulations on a stunning finalist, Janine! #2567867

Sharon Day March 24, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine!!! You do such wonderful bird photos! Good luck next round! #2568259

Pat Gamwell March 24, 2006 0

Well deserved CONGRATS, my friend! #2568587

Darryl Wilkinson March 24, 2006 0

Way to go, Janine! CONGRATULATIONS on this beautiful Finalist!!! #2568594

Life Expressions March 24, 2006 0

Congrats on your lovely finalist, Janine! #2568665

Nobu Nagase March 24, 2006 0

This is absolutely precious!!!
Many congrats, Janine!!! #2569060

Janine Russell level-classic March 24, 2006 0

Rakesh, Terry, Donna, Nadya, Sharon, Pat, Darryl, Robin and Nobi, I really appreciate all of your kind and encouraging comments; thanks very much. #2569327

Cathy M. Gromball March 24, 2006 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Janine!

Cathy :) #2571790

Susan T. Evans level-classic March 24, 2006 0

Congrats Janine, fantastic work. #2572088

Cindy Cone March 25, 2006 0

Congrats on this well-deserved finalist, Janine! #2572613

Janine Russell level-classic March 25, 2006 0

Cathy, Susan and Cindy, thanks very much for your kind and encouraging comments. #2572634

Esther Smith March 25, 2006 0

Way to go, Janine!! Beautiful gallery too! #2573046

Janine Russell level-classic March 25, 2006 0

Esther, thanks very much for your nice comment; glad you enjoyed my gallery. #2573061

Nicole Kessel March 25, 2006 0

Congratulations on your mighty fine finalist, Janine! #2574455

Janine Russell level-classic March 25, 2006 0

Nicole, thanks very much for your kind and encouraging comment. #2574520

Ken Smith level-classic March 25, 2006 0

Janine, congrats on your finalist. Well deserved. #2574809

Deborah Lewinson level-addict March 26, 2006 0

Superb finalist, Janine, hearty congrats!
-Debby #2575060

Janine Russell level-classic March 26, 2006 0

Ken and Debby, I really appreciate your nice comments; thanks very much. #2575668

Monika Sapek March 26, 2006 0

What a cute finalist! Many congratulations and good luck in the next round with this image, Janine!

Janine Russell level-classic March 26, 2006 0

Monika, thanks very much for your kind comments and encouragement. #2577465

Su Sana E. P level-classic March 27, 2006 0

My heartfelt Congratulations on this well deserving WIN, Janine!! WTG!! #2578260

Darryl Wilkinson March 27, 2006 0

WAY TO GO, Janine! Congratulations on your win!!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!! #2578295

Alisha L. Ekstrom March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on your winner Janine!!! WOOHOO!!! #2578323

Mike F. Anderson March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine! A well deserved win on a great image!

Jill Flynn March 27, 2006 0

A big congratulations on your win Janine!!! #2578389

Daniel G. Flocke March 27, 2006 0

Janine - Congratulations on your 2nd place finish!!!

~Daniel #2578518

Renee Doyle March 27, 2006 0

Yeah!!!!! Glad to see gold here Janine!!! Congratulations!!!!

Stanley J. Contrades March 27, 2006 0

Bravo, Janine!! CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!! #2578596

John Tubbs level-deluxe March 27, 2006 0

Fantastic shot, congratulations! #2578618

Janine Russell level-classic March 27, 2006 0

From Amalia Arriaga de Garcia 3/26/2006 9:54 PM

AMALIA #2578625

Cathy Barrows March 27, 2006 0 well deserved...and you know I truly believe that #2578698

Janine Russell level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Susan, Darryl, Alisha, Mike, Jill, Daniel, Renee, Stan, John, Amalia and Cathy, I really appreciate all of your kind comments and continued encouragement and support; thanks everyone. #2578737

Steven Gunnerson March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine!!!! #2578744

Debbie Hartley March 27, 2006 0

WOW Way to go Janine!! Congratulations, your bird shots are always so beautiful! #2578772

Andrea W. Hedgepeth March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine! Another wonderful bird image. I love them. #2578910

Glenn E. Traver March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine, a little beauty ~ GT #2578916

Jenny Bosmans March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on this beautiful winner, Janine!! :) #2578971

Sylvia Rossler March 27, 2006 0

Big congrats on your winner Janine :O) #2579040

Alan L. Borror March 27, 2006 0

Beautiful winner, Janine! #2579195

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on this adorable second place winner Janine. #2579406

KHAWLA Haddad March 27, 2006 0

Big Congratulations on your Second Place win, Janine!!!. #2579452

Sharon F. Morris level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine on your finialist on this wonderful capture of a singing chickadee #2579499

Claudia Kuhn level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Wonderful capture Janine! Congrats on your win! #2579589

Life Expressions March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on your win, Janine! :) #2579771

Peter K. Burian March 27, 2006 0

A gorgeous image, Janine.

You did everything just right, in-camera, and later.

Peter #2579859

Ken Smith level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Janine, big congratulations!!! #2579863

Holly Shao March 27, 2006 0

Janine, congratulations!!! #2579874

Marie Fields March 27, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS on your win, Janine! Way to go!!!! #2579884

Terry L. Ellis level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Janine, congratulations on this fantastic second place win!!! #2579885

Barbara Helgason March 27, 2006 0

CONGRATULATIONS JANINE!! A gold badge! WTG! Well deserved with this beautiful capture! This little chickadee is singing for you Janine!! #2579916

Megan p March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine!!!What a wonderful winner!!!! #2580006

Dee Ann Young March 27, 2006 0

This is a fantastic image! Congratulations! #2580249

Leanne M.E. Boyd March 27, 2006 0

Awe, sweet shot, Janine! Congratulations on your win! #2580284

Donna W. Neal March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations on your well deserved win Janine! #2580428

lyn winans March 27, 2006 0

Congrats Janine,way to go ! #2580504

Linda L. Ruiz March 27, 2006 0

Well deserved. I love this shot. Beautiful. Congrats #2580687

Desire Lilyman March 27, 2006 0

Congrats Janine on a well deserved win. Beautiful shot !!! Keep the good work. #2580750

Anita Ott March 27, 2006 0

BIG CONGRATULATIONS!!! I was so excited for you, this is a much deserved win. #2580804

Dee Langevin level-classic March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine on your well deserved win! Your bird photos are outstanding. #2580983

Nobu Nagase March 27, 2006 0

My special congrats to you, Janine, for your fabulous win!!! I'm happy to see your wildlife images are receiving big nods from the BP judges. #2581166

Lorri Shane March 27, 2006 0

Janine--CONGRATULATIONS on your win!
I am very happy for you. It is sooooo deserved. Lorri #2581190

Monika Sapek March 27, 2006 0

I am so happy to see this photo once again! My heartfelt congratulations on your Second Place Win, Janine!

Stephen Zacker March 27, 2006 0

Wonderful capture. Congratulations #2581340

Stan Lubach March 27, 2006 0

Congrats on getting the gold, Janine! Very well deserved! #2581385

Sharon Day March 27, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine!!! Great capture of the little bird! #2581650

Ronald F. Fischer March 27, 2006 0

Awesome winner, Janine!! #2581660

Stanley C. Sims March 27, 2006 0

A big congratulation on this image. I wen to your gallery, and saw more of your bird photos. Very good work. I know nothing about PS, but you did an amazing job with it. #2581683

Theresa Marie Jones level-deluxe March 27, 2006 0

Great use of light, concept, composition, exposure, detail and impact. Congratulations Janine! #2581691

Corinne M. Thompson March 28, 2006 0

Congrats on your Second Place win! #2581709

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

From Kerry Haines 3/27/2006 11:21 AM

Janine, Janine, Janine

Super congrats on your "Singing Chickadee" recognition. A true winner certainly well deserved.

I always look forward to your postings, appreciating the talent required to properly photograph these beautiful flying creatures.

Again, kudos to you; well done Janine!

Kerry #2581741

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

From Colette Metcalf 3/27/2006 3:15 AM

Congratulations on your WIN, Janine!!! #2581746

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Steven, Debbie, Andrea, Glenn, Jenny, Sylvia, Alan, Kay, Kelly, Sharon M, Claudia, Robin, Peter, Ken, Holly, Marie, Terry, Barbara, Megan, Dee Y, Leanne, Donna, Lyn, Linda, Desire, Anita, Dee L, Nobi, Lorri, Monika, Stephen, Stan, Sharon D, Ronald, Stanley, Theresa, Corinne, Kerry and Colette, I really appreciate all of your kind and encouraging comments and support; thanks everyone. #2581775

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

From Murry Grigsby 3/27/2006 7:12 AM

Congratulations on your wonderful bird photo and win Janine!! #2581814

Susan T. Evans level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Congrats Janine on this awesome well deserved second place winner. #2581871

Anne D. Eigen March 28, 2006 0

A big congratulations, Janine, on this well-deserved win!!! #2581901

Robyn Mackenzie March 28, 2006 0

Huge congratulations on this fantastic winner, Janine! Your bird images are superb, and if it's possible they are getting better and better! :o) Robyn #2581936

Graeme yew Chow March 28, 2006 0

Janine, big congrats winner 2nd place on your great works of bird. Finally I sensed that your bird images get the deserved votes. More to come next month on your recent close up bird head shots. #2582000

Wally Orlowsky March 28, 2006 0

Congratulations on this cheerful winner, Janine! #2582023

Wayne T. Fisk March 28, 2006 0

Wonderful capture Janine! You're a winner in many ways!
Wayne #2582252

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Murry, Susan, Anne, Robyn, Graeme, Wally and Wayne, I really appreciate all of your nice comments, encouragement and support; thanks everyone.

Deborah Sandidge March 28, 2006 0

Beautiful capture, Janine - congratulations on your win! #2582311

Cora Miller level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Congratulatons on your win, Janine! Your portrait of this little bird is truly remarkable! #2582415

Jim Kinnunen level-classic March 28, 2006 0

I can hear the song in Spokane Janine!!! A BIG congratulations on your win!!! #2582511

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Deb, Cora and Jim, thanks so much for your encouragement, support and kind comments. #2582540

Evy Johansen level-classic March 28, 2006 0

BIG Congratulations on your beautiful win, Janine! So well deserved! #2582586

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Evy, thanks very much for your kind and encouraging comments. #2583827

Candy Dzenkiw March 28, 2006 0

Awesome capture...congratulations Janine! :-) #2584160

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Candy, I really appreciate your kind comments; thanks very much. #2584321

Jane M March 28, 2006 0

Wow Janine!...I don't know how I missed viewing this one..well done and congrats! #2584615

Michael Robichaud March 28, 2006 0

Perfect composition, color, and detail. Congrats on your win. #2584760

Pu Chen March 28, 2006 0

The chickdee is so cute. Great shot, as always. Congratulations for your win, Janine! #2585113

Janine Russell level-classic March 28, 2006 0

Jane, Michael and Pu, thanks very much for all of your encouraging comments and support. #2585200

Kristi A. Howson March 29, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine on this beautiful win. Such a precious capture of this little bird! #2585596

Janine Russell level-classic March 29, 2006 0

Kristi, thanks very much for your kind comments and encouragement. #2585996

Esther Smith March 29, 2006 0

Congratulations, Janine!! Well deserved!! #2587448

Karen K. Givens level-classic March 29, 2006 0

Congrats Janine that is really a beautiful image of that little chickadee. I love looking at your gallery. :) #2588172

Robert M. Nicholson March 29, 2006 0

Congrats!!! Wonderful job capturing this little guy!!! #2588448

Janine Russell level-classic March 30, 2006 0

Esther, Karen (glad you've been enjoying my gallery) and Rob, thanks very much for all of your kind and encouraging comments. #2589623

James Whitbread March 30, 2006 0

Well done great job your the best Janine!! #2590262

Gary Lange March 30, 2006 0

Janine, I have no idea how I missed this one. WOnderful all around image, I love birds anyway. Congratulations!!! #2590671

Janine Russell level-classic March 30, 2006 0

James and Gary, thanks very much for your kind comments and encouragement. #2590871

jennifer B. short March 30, 2006 0

WOW, I missed this one too somehow. But I did see it on the home page and went WOW. Congratulation on such a beautiful image. #2590903

Janine Russell level-classic March 30, 2006 0

Jennifer, I really apprecite your kind and encouraging comments; thanks very much. #2590922

April 01, 2006 0

congratulations on your win !! amazing capture..keep clicking :-) #2597466

Janine Russell level-classic April 01, 2006 0

Papiya, thanks very much for your nice comments and encouragement. #2598097

Marilyn S. Neel level-addict April 04, 2006 0

Congratulations Janine, Excellent capture!! #2607305

Janine Russell level-classic April 04, 2006 0

Marilyn, thanks very much for your kind and encouraging comments. #2607605

Douglas Currie April 04, 2006 0

Janine, let me add my name to your list of congratulations. Love your pictures. #2608476

Janine Russell level-classic April 04, 2006 0

Douglas, thanks very much for your kind comments and encouragement. #2608920

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 08, 2006 0

How on earth did I miss this win? Congratulations, belatedly, Janine! Your birds are always a treat to look at! #2620126

Janine Russell level-classic April 08, 2006 0

Christopher, I really appreciate your nice comments and encouragement; thanks very much and I'm glad you enjoy my feathered friends. #2620595

Mary K. Robison April 14, 2006 0

A belated CONGRATULATIONS!, Janine! This little beauty fully deserves that golden plaque! #2640571

Janine Russell level-classic April 14, 2006 0

Mary, thanks very much for your nice comments and encouragement. #2640888

Melanie Murray April 22, 2006 0

What a wonderful image! Congratulations Janine, well deserved. :) #2673655

Janine Russell level-classic April 22, 2006 0

Melanie, thanks very much for your encouraging comments. #2673906

Ann Coates level-classic June 16, 2011 0

This is stunning, congratulations on your winner. #9462950

Wanda-Lynn Searles level-classic February 18, 2015 0

How adorable! Beautiful capture and awesome timing! #11249662

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You learn by doing. Take your next online photography class. All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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