The Lovely Lotus

© Heather K. McFarland

The Lovely Lotus

Uploaded: March 23, 2002


Taken in natural sunlight at a nature center pond. F5.5 at 1/793 sec.


Debbie Groff March 23, 2002 0

I'm in AWE!. Stunninly Beautiful! #4337

March 23, 2002 0

WOW,this is a winner heather,how close was your camera from subject? #6203

Michael Shirk March 24, 2002 0

Great Picture! #6230

Jim Peak My Courses March 24, 2002 0

Stunning! #6233

Carol Sherman March 24, 2002 0

This is absolutely fantastic! #6249

Heather K. McFarland March 25, 2002 0

Thank you for your comments everyone. They are appreciated.

I was lucky enough to go to my local nature center on the one day that this lotus plant was in bloom. It only bloomed once all year and had 3 blossoms. I thought it was the most beautiful flower I had ever seen. It was growing in the middle of the pond and I had to stretch my arms as far as I could in order to get this close. I don't remember how close the camera was, but the plant has rather large blossoms, about 5 inches across.

I can't wait till it blooms again and get a 2nd chance to shoot it! #6261

Jeff Galbraith April 07, 2002 0

Hi Heather,
Congrats on a well deserved win in the March contest. #6616

Toni A. Martin April 08, 2002 0

Think I'm going to have to stop shooting flowers now. I have never seen a flower image that could top this! WOW to infinity! #6700

Donna R. Moratelli April 10, 2002 0

This is unreal Heather!How big was this flower? I never seen anything like this. The details and texture are beautiful.Excellent work #6778

Debbie Franks April 11, 2002 0

What a beautiful & unusual flower! You did a great job on your capture...Congratulations, It's lovely and a real winner! #6815

Heather K. McFarland April 14, 2002 0

Thank you Donna and Debbie.

Donna - this flower was quite large actually. The blossoms are about 5 inches across...and one of the most beautiful water lillies/lotus's I have ever seen!! #6905

Cheryl Meisel April 23, 2002 0

Heather this is just AMAZING! Congrats! Cheryl #7209

Eddie King April 26, 2002 0

Gosh, this is the one. Great isn't close. Thanks Heather. #7311

Christopher B. Smyth May 12, 2004 0

There are no words strong enough to describe this shot. the moment I saw it I was in awe, superb, fantastic.and more. #531640

gloria s. kasse vega December 14, 2004 0

This is beautiful. It looks like natures birthday cake.
GLoria #971849

linda ozag August 18, 2005 0

Hi Heather, I looked at every one of your photos. This one tops them all. I am remimded of a wedding cake. Thank goodness you bit the bullet and didn't buy a $10.00 toss away camera. You are gifted and you make me think about what I want to do w/ photography in the future. Take care, you are in focus, Linda #1731422

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 10, 2007 0

This is amazing!! Super clarity and design. A fabulous winning image! #4625763

Mitzie Loland December 11, 2007 0

Great photo Heather :) #5194261

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