tulip flame

© Kathleen Lynch

tulip flame

Uploaded: February 14, 2006 16:47:32


f32,.6 sec, 60mm macro lens, shot indoors using available window light and soft gold reflector.


Dave Sanders February 14, 2006

Awesome color kate. great capture #392357

Dee Caraballo February 14, 2006

Kate, this is one of the most awesome macros I've ever seen. Simply gorgeous! This should be in the contest. Yes? #2419927

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic February 14, 2006

Beautiful Kate. Love the colors and the closeup. #2420126

February 14, 2006

Very creative Kate - contest - yes #2420409

Joan Powell February 14, 2006

Beautiful , I can almost smell it . #2420609

Kathleen Lynch February 15, 2006

thanks so much for all of the comments. #2423709

Cathy Barrows February 16, 2006

vey pretty #2427864

Cindy Wong February 27, 2006

Kate, the color is stunning in your picture! Good Job! :) #2477043

She-She Killough March 22, 2006

Stunning Kate!! Big COngrats to you!!! #2563035

Melissa A. Mannon March 22, 2006

Your gallery is beautiful Kate! Congratulations again! #2563851

Gustavo Márquez March 22, 2006

Very striking colors!
Congratulations Kate! #2564206

Kathleen Lynch March 22, 2006

Thanks so much to everyone for their comments. #2564452

Dee Caraballo March 23, 2006

YEA KATE!! Well done and well deserved! congratulations! #2566212

Susan T. Evans level-classic March 23, 2006

Congrats Kate, awesome work. #2566837

Anna Diederich March 24, 2006

Very beautiful image Kate. You've captured some awesome detail. I just went through your gallery and you have some great shots in there!! Good luck in the next round!

Anna #2569878

Barbara Helgason March 25, 2006

Kate you've got some really amazing florals in your gallery. They are all stunning. Good luck with this little beauty! #2573815

Janine Russell level-classic March 26, 2006

Kate, excellent detail, colors, lighting and DOF; congratulations on your Second Place win. #2578534

KHAWLA Haddad March 27, 2006

Congratulations on your Second Place win!!!. #2579613

Kathleen Lynch March 27, 2006

Thanks very much Khawla! #2581678

Kathleen Lynch March 27, 2006

Thanks Janine! #2581680

Donna La Mattino Pagakis March 28, 2006

A gorgeous burst of colors, congratulations!! #2584757

Stefan G March 28, 2006

Congratulations, Kate! Beautiful! #2585866

Debbie Hartley March 29, 2006

Kate, this is so beautiful! Congratulations! #2586424

Kathleen Lynch March 29, 2006

Thank you Stefan and Debbie! #2587642

Tonya R. Boles March 30, 2006

Great shot, congrats on your win.. #2592252

paul parent level-deluxe April 16, 2006

W O W #2647983

Joyce ONeil April 21, 2006

Stunning!!!!!!!!!!!!! #2670376

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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