Silver  2021 Photo Challenge

Uploaded: March 29, 2021 15:13:15 | Entered: May 30, 2021 07:12:24


Piece of cake, I thought, when I saw Silver this morning. Wasn't. (Details/Macro)

Exif: Camera: Apple iPhone 12 Pro; Shutter Speed: 1/30; Aperture: f/1.6; ISO: 800; Orientation: 1; Date: 2021:03:29 17:11:26


Bob D. Hall level-classic March 29, 2021

Great theme photo, Janet!! #1759372

Beatriz Rocha level-classic March 29, 2021

Well seen Janet! #11887484

Monica Mermoz level-classic March 29, 2021

Great shot, Janet!! You found an interesting subjet and made a beautiful composition. #11887501

Christine Greenspan level-deluxe March 29, 2021

Great comp and textures, Janet! #11887506

Terry Korpela level-deluxe March 29, 2021

Nicely Done Janet! #11887543

Terry Cervi level-deluxe March 29, 2021

Fantastic closeup shot and so wonderfully composed, Janet! Excellent work! #11887562

Adilson F. Ferreira level-classic March 29, 2021

Wonderful details, Janet! #11887593

Candice C. Calhoun level-deluxe March 29, 2021

Great shot, and I agree about the challenge! Tossed about 50 shots today lol! Love this one! ccc #11887619

Rudi Reiner level-classic March 29, 2021

Excellent macro details Janet! #11887634

Elias A. Tyligadas level-deluxe March 29, 2021

Excellent photo for the theme and greatly composed and presented, Janet! #11887644

Ujjwal Mukherjee March 30, 2021

Wonderful subject! Excellent composition and capture,Janet! #11887702

Paul Coco March 30, 2021

A winner! Love this one, Janet. #11887707

Janet Criswell level-classic March 30, 2021

Thanks so much Bob, Beatriz, Monica, Christine, Terry K., Terry C., Adilson, Candice, Rudi, Elias, Ujjwal and Paul! Your comments make my day! #11887715

Natasha Pliss level-classic March 30, 2021

The image perfectly composed, the light flawlessly managed. Excellent work, Janet!! #11887720

G. Margaret Hennes level-classic March 30, 2021

Excellent closeup Janet! #11887828

Janet Criswell level-classic March 30, 2021

Thanks so much Natasha and Margaret! Much appreciated! #11887830

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