- Autumn Whirl -

Uploaded: September 10, 2007 14:30:32


I love falling Autumn leaves and
was also in an artistic mood today.

Multiple layers- color alteration with sepia, several textures, and extensive
opacity/rotation work to simulate a slight radial blur in areas.

Thanks for looking! :)


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 10, 2007

A wonderful autumn creation Jennifer! Very Beautiful! Jeff #735191

Alexis Yobbagy September 10, 2007

SUPERB, ELEGANT darkroom work!!! WOW GIRL!!! #4773835

Sheila D. Bottoms September 10, 2007

This is so amazing! Love it. I love fall too, but they are not falling yet here in OK. They aren't even turning. But I can't wait!!! #4773848

Tammy Bergström September 10, 2007

Oooh, this is so great...don't know how you did it, but it's soooo good! :o) #4773861

Cyn Valentine September 10, 2007

Beautiful creation Jennifer..love the effects..great image!! #4773867

Jennifer L. Alder September 10, 2007

THANKS ladies!!
I spent most of the afternoon doing this-- have REALLY been neglecting to post my layering work here as of yet- so decided to create something today.
I appreciate the kind words :) #4773878

Michelle L. Frick September 10, 2007

Absolutely beautiful artwork Jennifer! You need to print this out and hang it! #4773951

Karen Slagle September 10, 2007

Beautiful creation, Jennifer. I too love fall and cool weather... #4773956

Esther Smith September 10, 2007

Beautiful Jennifer!! Awesome work!! #4773958

Shannon D. Miller September 10, 2007

This is BEAUTIFUL Jennifer, your editing is simply amazing! This should be on a wall! Shannon~ #4774078

Melissa G. Meiselman September 10, 2007

Wonderful compilation of images with stunning effects, wonderful textures and color, Jennifer! #4774118

Erin Appelbaum September 10, 2007

Awesome PS work Jennifer. Love the touch of autumn color among the B&W tones. Peter #4774313

Chua Wee Boo September 10, 2007

Super creative & a beautiful one,Jennifer! #4774389

Denise M. Snyder September 10, 2007

I see a winner here Jennifer - this is just fabulous ps work!!! #4774420

Claudia Kuhn level-classic September 10, 2007

Beautiful autumn creation Jennifer! #4774463

Joan Kocak September 10, 2007

so creative Jennifer, excellent work, and super colors, love this!!! #4774572

Nancy (Peaches) Harker September 10, 2007

Jennifer this is so beautiful. Wonderful job! You go girl! #4774612

Sam Britt September 10, 2007

Very creative, great effects, Jennifer. #4774626

Su Sana E. P level-classic September 10, 2007

Beautiful and very creative abstract composition, Jennifer!! I love your work on this.


Elizabeth R. G September 10, 2007

Ohhhhh this is SO cool!!! Love the layers and fall colors-just beautiful!! #4774916

Lynn Haack September 10, 2007

Jennifer...absolutely beautiful! Lynn #4775024

Chuck Bruton level-classic September 10, 2007

Well Jennifer, seems everyone is in agreement. Nice job. #4775113

September 10, 2007

Beautiful Jennifer. Such a different look. Just great. #4775165

Vishal Sharma September 10, 2007

Very creative with great effects, Jenni! #4775207

Anna Diederich September 10, 2007

How in the world did I miss this yesterday Jennifer! What a creative image. Nice work. #4775233

Jennifer L. Alder September 10, 2007

Anna, I just posted it this evening, LOL!

frank w. degenhardt September 10, 2007

Jennifer- Just love the tones and colors of this. What a fabulous work of art you have created to bring in the fall season so full of color and beauty.
Your artistic mood made for a stunning display.
have a great day:) #4775278

Angela Azzinnaro September 10, 2007

Wonderful job on this image Jen!!! All of the work on this was well worth it!!!! GREAT IMAGE!!! #4775352

Stefania Barbier level-classic September 11, 2007

WOW Jen you're an artist.... this is soooooooooo beautiful!!!!!! super job girl! #4775464

Carol Teal September 11, 2007

A stunning creation and work of art Jennifer! Just beautiful! #4775648

Derek D. Dafoe September 11, 2007

Very creative Jennifer!! Wonderful work of art!! Yes fall is right around the corner isn't it?? #4775749

Glenn E. Urquhart September 11, 2007

A Very Creative and Beautiful Composition, Jennifer!!! VERY Well Done! Cheers, Glenn. #4775929

Bill Wyatt September 11, 2007

Wow this is beautiful! Very artistic the colors are awesome too! #4776009

Amanda Chapman September 11, 2007


Jennifer!!! Your layering and texture skills are amazing!!!!!

Like a true professional :)


Donna W. Neal September 11, 2007

Outstanding work with gorgeous results! #4776266

Christopher Jamison September 11, 2007

Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the smell of the air! You can almost get that sense just by looking at this image! Very well done. Very creative! #4776349

Mary K. Robison September 11, 2007

What a seasonal gem you've created, Jennifer!
The "brrr" months (September~December)have barely begun, and your true work of art sets a perfect mood for the upcoming weeks of packing away summer clothes and pulling on sweaters, etc. Wonderful colors, especially the concentration of warm colors in the center. #4776427

Jennifer L. Alder September 11, 2007

I am glad you enjoyed it, everyone!
THANKS for the support!
:))))) #4776494

Maria Zammit level-classic September 11, 2007

Very creative Jennifer, it's outstanding! #4776646

Ross Throndson September 11, 2007

Wow...Amazing Creation, Jennifer....your PS skills are way beyond anything I know....Beautiful Work!! #4777036

Angie Sidles level-classic September 11, 2007

Jennifer, this is beautiful. You did an exceptional job with the effects on this. Everything blends beautifully. Your PS skills are tremendous! Nice job!! #4777140

Datha Y. Thompson September 11, 2007

Excellent ps work Jennifer!! WOW I LOVE THIS!!! the color, tones, effects evrything just BEAUTIFUL!! WTG :0) #4777223

Melissa Olsen September 11, 2007

WOW...super creative and COOL Jen!! #4777260

Jennifer L. Taranto September 11, 2007

Really cool!! Beautiful work! #4777294

Emily E. Bem September 11, 2007

AWESOME creation!!!
WOW! WOW!WOW! :)))))))))))))))) #4777371

Debra R. Harder September 11, 2007

I second that...WOW, WOW, WOW! Truly AWESOME work, Jennifer! Deb #4777552

Vikram Jamwal September 11, 2007

More art... and beautiful Jennifer :))) #4777743

Anita Hogue September 11, 2007

WOW, awesome and unique, Jennifer! #4777753

Jennifer L. Alder September 11, 2007

Thank you! #4777804

Sinta D W Plock September 11, 2007

This is sooooooooo LOVELY.
A piece of art !! #4777809

Tressie Davis September 11, 2007

Love the PS work on this, very creative! #4778308

Larry Lawhead level-deluxe September 11, 2007

This is really OUTSTANDING, Jennifer!! Well done!

      LarryL Happenstance Photography


Barbara Waldoch September 11, 2007

Fantastic work of art, Jennifer! #4779061

Janet McNeil level-classic September 11, 2007

Beautifully done - great work with filters!! Just lovely! #4779068

Cassie L. Woodlee September 11, 2007

Beautiful work of art Jennifer!!!!!!! #4779210

Allison Gaulin September 11, 2007

Amazing PS work, Jennifer- I wish I could do this!! WOW!! #4779338

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 11, 2007

Awesom image, great skills! Fabulous gallery!

jo ann c. #4779428

Evy Johansen level-classic September 11, 2007

WOW... This is so beautiful, Jennifer!! Wonderful work! #4779925

Jennifer L. Alder September 12, 2007

Oh MY! Thanks so much you guys--- I really appreciate it
:)))))))))) #4780129

Anna Diederich September 12, 2007

LOL!! Sometimes I confuse myself with the time difference...DUH! #4780670

Christy B. Anderson September 12, 2007

I missed this one Jennifer! Fantastic!!
Love the fall colors and warm feel! #4780823

Revonda L. Gentry September 12, 2007

Wow!! Very beautiful work, Jennifer!! #4781795

Nadya Johnson September 12, 2007

Gorgeous work on this one, Jennifer! Very striking artwork here! #4781815

Crystal M. Gove September 12, 2007

WOW...this is GORGEOUS, Jennifer!!!! You did a GREAT job here! #4781904

Eugenio Diaz September 12, 2007

AMAZING, I can feel the fall is here, just looking into your image. Good work!!!
Eugenio #4782074

Jennifer L. Alder September 12, 2007

THANK YOU!!!!!!! #4782216

cheryl m. phillips September 12, 2007

I LOVE fall colors! They are all throughout my home...
So warm and inviting I think!
This is just beautiful and creative!
~cheryl #4783169

Beverly A. Wright September 12, 2007

This is extremely creative and artistic
Jennifer! I love this! These colors and
the design are really putting me in the
mood for fall! Very classy image, I
would definately consider hanging this
one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #4783372

Jessica Jenney September 12, 2007

Gorgeous autumn image, Jennifer! I love leaves too! Wonderful earth tones, textures and effects work! #4783565

Ray Thoms September 13, 2007

Very nicely done Jennifer, good use of effects #4784817

Chastity Abbott September 13, 2007

Beautiful!!! I love the work you applied and the color in the center! I can't wait to see more of your fall images!!! Great image! #4785712

Holly Shao September 13, 2007

Awesome design and creative work, Jennifer! Love the tones!

Holly #4785844

Jennifer L. Alder September 14, 2007

Thanks ladies and Ray #4790256

Sheryl A. Hudson level-classic September 15, 2007

Stunning art work and colors, Jennifer! Almost looks like silk! #4793066

Sherry Karr Adkins level-deluxe September 15, 2007

This is really nice, Jennifer. Great PS work. You are very creative. #4795538

Dianna Hauf September 15, 2007

I am so impressed!!!! THIS is fantastic!! LOVE your presentation, your use of effects and your composition!!! Terribly creative and wonderful!!! #4795679

Jennifer L. Alder September 16, 2007

Thanks so much Ladies, I really enjoy this type of work #4798503

Steven E. Ray September 16, 2007

Great work with your artistic mood Jennifer! I like this one a great deal! Beautiful! #4799961

Jennifer L. Alder September 17, 2007

Thanks, Steven! It was fun to do :) #4805513

Suzanne L September 18, 2007

Jennifer, this is a wonderful creation! The colors and textures are just fantastic! #4807084

Shawn Jennings September 21, 2007

Great work on this Jennifer! Love the tones! #4820091

Daniella Puente September 24, 2007

You did an amazing work here...is a wonderful art photo, with precious colors and textures, congrats!!! LOVE IT... #4837236

eileen bedford September 25, 2007

AWESOME Work on this, your gallery shows fantastic work. #4845746

Jennifer L. Alder September 25, 2007

I really appreciate it ladies and Shawn!
:))))))) #4845797

Debbie Hartley October 01, 2007

This is amazing Jennifer! I love the effects and the tones, beautiful! #4867697

Christina C. Moore October 01, 2007

Oooooo... Wonderful composition. #4869603

Jennifer L. Alder October 03, 2007

Thanks all! :) #4878796

Lynn Haack October 03, 2007

Beautiful layers , colors,comp and effects! LOVE THIS! Lynn #4879562

"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar October 24, 2007

hi Jen! congrats on your finalist! :) goodluck on the next round my friend! :) #4974525

cheryl m. phillips October 24, 2007

That's what I'm talkin' about!
I LOVE THIS ONE, you know that right?!@
~cheryl #4974563

Laurence Saliba level-classic October 24, 2007

And another!!! CONGRATS Jennifer!!! #4974798

Michelle L. Frick October 24, 2007

Congratulations again Jennifer! Look at you go!!! #4974849

Emily E. Bem October 24, 2007

What a beauty!!!!!!!!!! #4975028

Odeth Mizuno October 24, 2007

Congratulations on your finalist, Jennifer! Very artistic and creative :D #4975111

Angie Sidles level-classic October 24, 2007

You are cleaning up!! WTG again!! :) #4975198

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 24, 2007

Great mood and design Jennifer, congratulations!! This is a creative finalist!! #4975199

Mary K. Robison October 24, 2007

What a wonderful month for you, Ms. multi-finalist!
CONGRATULATIONS on this marvelous creation making finalist, Jennifer, and best of luck to you in the next level up with ALL your finalists!

Steven E. Ray October 24, 2007

Knew this one was probably going to get a finalist. Big congrats and a wave of luck for the winners circle :) #4975205

Su Sana E. P level-classic October 24, 2007

Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Jen!! #4975522

Jennifer L. Alder October 24, 2007

THANKS ALL!!!! You all are the best! :) #4975712

Debra R. Harder October 24, 2007

BIG CONGRATS, Jennifer, on this spectacular finalist! Deb #4975845

Carol Teal October 24, 2007

Beautifully created Jennifer! Congrats! #4975970

Sherry Karr Adkins level-deluxe October 24, 2007

Congrats on your finalist, Jennifer. #4976020

Evy Johansen level-classic October 24, 2007

Big congratulations again, again... Jennifer!! Love this image!! Good luck! #4976108

Jessica Jenney October 25, 2007

Congratulations, Jennifer! A stunning finalist! Good luck! #4976313

Shannon D. Miller October 25, 2007

Congratulations Jennifer this is a beautiful photo! Shannon~ #4977343

Joan Kocak October 25, 2007

LOVE your work here, CONGRATS girl! #4977551

Dianna Hauf October 25, 2007

Excellent and deserving!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! #4977567

Anna Diederich October 25, 2007

Congratulations Jen! This is stunning! #4977907

Glenn E. Urquhart October 25, 2007

A Big Congratulations on your Award, Jennifer!!! Well Deserved! Cheers, Glenn. #4978277

Erin Appelbaum October 25, 2007

Congrats again, Jennifer. Peter #4978362

Cheryl E. Molennor October 25, 2007

Congratulations! #4978370

Kathy L. Clark October 25, 2007

WTG Jennefer. congrats girl. #4978533

Melissa Olsen October 25, 2007

Yippie again! #4978597

Amanda Chapman October 25, 2007

I just KNEW this would be a finalist!!!

CONGRATS JEN! #4978629

Jenny Bosmans October 25, 2007

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Jennifer! :) #4978879

Maria Zammit level-classic October 25, 2007

Congratulations on your finalist Jennifer. Wish you success on the next round. #4979395

Tarun Bose October 25, 2007

Big congrats for your excellent finalist, Jennifer. #4979416

Colleen Farrell October 25, 2007

You really captured the sensation of falling leaves in this artistic image, Jennifer! Congratulations on a most well-deserved finalist! #4979432

Terry L. Ellis level-classic October 25, 2007

Congratulations again, Jennifer! Another beautiful finalist! #4979866

Teresa Norris October 25, 2007

WOW! The colors and movement you've captured and created are incredible! What beautiful artwork...congratulations, Jennifer! #4980121

Daniella Puente October 25, 2007

I LOVE TO SEE THIS ONE finalist Jennifer!!! so wonderful :))) #4981390

Stefania Barbier level-classic October 25, 2007

spectacular.......... BIG BIG congrats Jen!!!!!! #4981609

Elizabeth A. Marker level-deluxe October 25, 2007

So very happy for you Jennifer! You deserved each and everyone of your finialist!!! #4982716

Pat Gamwell October 26, 2007

Incredible creativity, Jen! CONGRATS! #4983634

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett October 26, 2007

Very nice, Jennifer ... Beautiful colors and super PS work ......... congrats on this Finalist award, too ..

........... steve #4984093

Sharon King October 26, 2007

What a Beautiful piece of art! Congrats on your finalist! #4985194

Jeana Clark October 27, 2007

Wonderful finalist and CONGRATS!!!

~J~ #4990504

Errick L. Cameron level-deluxe October 27, 2007

very creative #4993063

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic November 14, 2007

Gorgeous creation, Jennifer!
Congratulations on being a finalist AND for being featured in the site's 'Digital Darkroom.'
--Lisa #5071697

Laurence Saliba level-classic November 14, 2007

Congrats on the feature in Digital Darkroom Jennifer!!!! #5071916

Sherry Karr Adkins level-deluxe November 14, 2007

Congrats on being featured in Digital Darkroom! #5073406

Milan Banik November 14, 2007

congratulations #5073419

Lois Adomite November 14, 2007

Congratulations on being featured in digital darkroom. this is an amazing photo, and I missed it earlier, so glad to see it now. great work. Lois #5073840

Lindley Johnson level-classic November 14, 2007

This is wonderfully creative, Jennifer -love the colors and effects!Congratulations on your finalist and on being featured in Digital Darkroom. #5074298

Jennifer L. Alder November 14, 2007

WOW! What an honor to be featured amongst such great artists and artwork! Thanks VERY much all for the kind words-- they mean a lot to me! :) #5074689

Su Sana E. P level-classic November 16, 2007

Now this is Awesome work!! Huge Congratulations on your DD Feature, Jen!! WTG!!! #5080577

Jennifer L. Alder November 23, 2007

Thanks SuSana!! :) #5112341

Debra R. Harder December 20, 2007

You've got the mojo going girl! Congratulations on your beautiful finalist! Deb #5235545

Aimee C. Eisaman January 04, 2008

You are a true artist! This would be a beautiful sofa sized picture to hang on a wall....I am just so amazed as I look thru your gallery! #5292965

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest Finalist

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