Sneak Preview - A View Through the Past
Uploaded: April 18, 2004 15:43:12
The digital camera setting was auto and the picture was taken on April 11, 2004 on a walled bridge overlooking the very old city of Cesky Krumlov in The Czech Republic. As I was trying to sharpen the picture, I inadvertently hit 10 on the sharpness scale and the picture came to life! The photo looks like an ancient oil canvas painting, when in fact, it is just a photo of an ancient city viewed through its past.
Cathy Barrows April 18, 2004
great view and very nice shot....looks like eyes to the city #118842Cathy Barrows May 19, 2004
Congrats on your win...i guess you are really thrilled and surprised without any critiques #549708Donna W. Neal May 19, 2004
Congratulations on your WIN Sharon !! #549741Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 19, 2004
Good for you!! Congratulations!! #550691
Evy Johansen
May 19, 2004
Judy Rae May 20, 2004
Congratulations Sharon! I love this photo! #552280Susana Matos May 22, 2004
Congratulations on this winner!
Sharon Crook
May 24, 2004
I am currently living in Vienna, Austria so do not have much contact with other photograpers.....still learning German so it is harder to talk techniique, etc. without having a common language.
I am hoping to increase my day to day interaction with photographers beginning in June when I will have a break from my classes.
Thanks again for all of your wonderful comments.
Sharon #558077
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