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Shake it, If you got it !! |
Susan Weisensel |
So very cute Derek, outstanding detail. So sorry they did not make it.
|| - Dominick M. Dimacale![]() Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Oh my, great capture, Derek. Dominick
Dianna Hauf |
Oh my goodness Derek!!! What an adorable, precious capture!!!! I squeal with delight over such a capture and then my heart breaks at how cruel mother nature can be! I am glad you got this shot! It really is terrific.
Jennifer L. Taranto |
aww ... what an adorable little one!! shame to hear that this cutie didn't make it :( beautifully captured!! lovely clarity!!
- Anne M. Young![]() Contact Anne M. Young Anne M. Young's Gallery |
Another stunning shot - can see this a winner! Love it
Chua Wee Boo |
How terrific this shot is,Derek!A winner to me!
cheryl m. phillips |
Ohhhh..... Poor things. This is really cute! Glad that you were able to get these shots though! ~cheryl
- Lisa R. Buffington![]() Contact Lisa R. Buffington Lisa R. Buffington's Gallery |
So adorable yet so sad! Beautiful image of this cute little one. Mother nature can be cruel. Glad you were able to get the shot.
Martie Last |
What a great moment in time! I love the way the water is dancing off that little body.
Michael Umbreit |
Derek - This is such a neat shot!! Love the details and colors! Sometimes I wish there were a few more predators in the pond near me as the geese become overly abundant and cause other problems. A balance would be nice. - Mike
Jim Huffield |
Derek your photography is awesome, keep up the good work. Jim
Brett Dolsen |
An amazing capture and clarity Derek!!Id hope we see this again!! Brett
Derek D. Dafoe |
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!!
Dawn M. Schneider |
Oh my gosh is this fantastic!!!! I love everything about it. I hope you entered this image in one of the contests. winner!!
Jennifer L. Alder |
LOL!!! How did I miss this one? SUPER CUTE- Love your pov and the setting. :)
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
Gorgeous capture!!! Love it!!!
Eivor Kuchta |
Perfect timing, Derek! I love how you captured the trail of water drops with your fast shutter speed.
Kimi A. Phillips |
Adorable image! Great timing, Derek!
|| - Jeff Robinson![]() Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
Outstanding capture Derek.... Nature is tough and it hurts to see that the little ones have disappeared. Your photography really has given this baby a life through your work and we all benefit from your talent!! Jeff
Kathy Cline |
AWWWW I LUV HIM/HER!! Actually I "LOVE" all your animals. Your web site name is also adorable. BLESSINGS Kathy
- Dennis Flanagan![]() Contact Dennis Flanagan Dennis Flanagan's Gallery |
Fun shot Derek.
Kimi A. Phillips |
Kathy L. Clark |
Derek congratulations on your fabulous finalist. This is so..... cute.
Daniella Puente |
Superb finalist!!!!
Jennifer L. Alder |
So happy to see this one again, Derek! Big congrats on your finalist ! :)
Margaret R. Barry |
Congratulations on your fantastic finalist, Derek!
Michelle L. Frick |
Congratulations Derek!!
Dianna Hauf |
So happy to see this as a finalist! Congratulations Derek!!!
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE, So sad of a story! BIG Congrats on your finalist!
Eivor Kuchta |
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Derek!
Michael Umbreit |
Derek - Congratulations on your shakin' finalist! - Mike
Sandy Hawkins |
Derek, Congrats on this darling finalist! Sandy :-)
Deb Koskovich |
Adorable! Congrats on your great finalist, Derek!
Barbara Waldoch |
Congratulations on this beautiful Finalist, Derek!
- Anne M. Young![]() Contact Anne M. Young Anne M. Young's Gallery |
Congartulations a great finalist - the little fella lives on despite the turtles! Good luck
- Stephanie Frey![]() Contact Stephanie Frey Stephanie Frey's Gallery |
Congratulations Derek!
Sam Britt |
Congratulations, Derek!!
Colleen Farrell |
OMG, this is sooo cute! Congratulations on an awesome finalist, Derek! Sorry to hear none of the babies survived.
Sharon Sawyer |
Congratulations on your amazing finalist.
Brett Dolsen |
Congratulations Derek well deserved!!Brett
Michelle Alton |
Congratulations on this wonderful FINALIST Derek! Next step: Winners' Circle! Michelle
|| - Jeff Robinson![]() Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
Congrats Derek on this Excellent Finalist! Jeff
- Judy V. Kennamer![]() Contact Judy V. Kennamer Judy V. Kennamer's Gallery |
Totally gorgeous Derek!!!! A big CONGRATS on your Finalist!
- Erica Murphy![]() Contact Erica Murphy Erica Murphy's Gallery |
Congratulations on this great finalist!
Jim Huffield |
Awesome win, Derek. Jim
Amy M. Wilson |
A huge congratulations on your well-deserved WIN Derek!
Jennifer L. Alder |
Big congrats, Derek, on your winning image!!! Yay! :)
Tiia Vissak |
Kimi A. Phillips |
Amber Kennedy |
congrats on this well deserved win!
- Sharon F. Morris![]() Contact Sharon F. Morris Sharon F. Morris's Gallery |
So cute!! Wonderful capture. Congrats on your win. :-)
Sharon Sawyer |
WTG, Derek. Congratulations on your Second Place win... did I hear beer this weekend ???? LOL Have a great time celebrating and have one for me.
Deb Koskovich |
Congrats on your very deserving win, Derek!
Michael Umbreit |
Derek - WTG there buddy!!! - Mike
- Bojan Bencic![]() Contact Bojan Bencic Bojan Bencic's Gallery |
Congratulations, Derek!
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Golden Cup A Special Trophy for "The May Winners"
Tarun Bose |
Congrats Derek, for your excellent winner.
Derek D. Dafoe |
Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments and continued support here at BP!!!
Michelle Alton |
Derek, I'm thrilled to see this fantastic photo as a winner! Really big congratulations! Michelle
Colette M. Metcalf |
|| - Jeff Robinson![]() Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
Congrats Derek on your well deserved Win! Jeff
Michael G. Marshall |
Congratulations Derek on your winning image! Michael
Colleen Farrell |
WTG, Derek! A most well-deserved win!
- Stephanie Frey![]() Contact Stephanie Frey Stephanie Frey's Gallery |
Congrats Derek on your beautiful win!
- Laura E. Swan![]() Contact Laura E. Swan Laura E. Swan's Gallery |
DEREK! This is so exciting!!! So happy for you friend! -Laura Swan
Martie Last |
Congratulations on this well-deserved award! I knew this was a winner! Way to go, Derek!
Gary Lange |
SUPERB timing and outstanding comp on this winner, Derek!! Many congrats!!
|| - Laurie Daily![]() Contact Laurie Daily Laurie Daily's Gallery |
How perfect, Derek! Congratulations on your great winner. So sad to hear of the snappers. I think that is the reason why baby ducks don't stay long in our pond, although I like to think momma duck takes them down into the swamp for safe keeping!
Anita Hogue |
WOW, CONGRATULATIONS! This is absolutely fabulous, Derek!
Roger Fry |
Must get a 40D and a 500mm lens ! Fantastic !
Donna R. Wageman |
|| - Dominick M. Dimacale![]() Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Derek on your Win.
|| - Elizabeth A. Marker Contact Elizabeth A. Marker Elizabeth A. Marker's Gallery |
Congratulations on such an awesome capture!!
Janice Mezzacappa |
Fantastic capture, the details are just amazing, CONGRATS!!!
Melissa Wynn |
AWWWW this is just so cute! Great capture of the gosling shaking off the water. Sorry the little fellows didn't survive. Congratulations on your win. Love it. Missy
BetterPhoto Member |
awwww hes so cute:)i could not get a picture like that
Jane Hirst |
Wonder capture....I can hardly wait for this years new crop of babies. I just love it.
- Laura E. Swan![]() Contact Laura E. Swan Laura E. Swan's Gallery |
Lol! I love your title Derek! Really cute! I just saw this image scrolling on the BP winners circle! On You Big GOLD WIN!!! -Laura :)
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