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At the edge of the woods
BetterPhoto Member |
Awesome photo Dominic! I love the backlight!
Daniella Puente |
Dominic congrats on this AMAZING image, is just to enjoy and so inspiring ++++ To my FAVS right now!
Vladan D. Djordjevic |
Terrific photo with great tones, composition, lighting, lines, dramatic feeling.
aaaaa bbbbb |
Great mood! Love all the lines and the birds on the fence. Great lighitng and tones.
Kevin P. Kreischer |
Great capture Dominic
Anna M. Halasz |
Wow.....awesome shot.Love the mood here.Wonderful tones and comp. Anna
Christie R. Bielss |
Great shot! Very mysterious! Fantastic job capturing this!
Kathy Radford |
Awesome capture Dominic. Kathy in NH
Daniel Siddlington |
Many thanks to you kind folk for such wonderful glowing compliments on this image! Cheers Dominic
Jodi Zimmer |
Wow..this is incredible.I feel like I am right there! This...we'll see again.A winner!
Avril Young |
Outstanding love the mood of the the tones and light.... congrants!!! well done!
Ed Taguba |
Wowsers!! Look like from the movie Harry Potter.. love the photo. Congrats on POTD! Aloha,
Tiia Vissak |
Susie Peek-Swint |
Great capture Dominic ~ perfect timing with the birds and light ~ many congrats on POTD!
- Ronda Chatelle Contact Ronda Chatelle Ronda Chatelle's Gallery |
Absolutely FANTASTIC Dominic! PERFECTLY captured with great lighting and tones. Congratulations on your POTD recognition!!!
- Les Rhoades![]() Contact Les Rhoades Les Rhoades's Gallery |
Congrats on your POTD selection!
Toni Riggs |
Great image, congrats!
BetterPhoto Member |
congratulation on your POTD fantastic shot great image
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
This is unique and moody, a cool potd, congratulations Dominic!
Anna Diederich |
Congrats on your POTD! Very cool image!
Jim Britt |
Great shot and congrats on your win.
||||||||||| - Laurie Daily![]() Contact Laurie Daily Laurie Daily's Gallery |
Such a fabulous image, Dominick. I love the mood and tones...congrats on your POTD!!!
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
Terrific capture, Dominic .... Congratulations on this super POTD!!
- William C. Raco![]() Contact William C. Raco William C. Raco's Gallery |
Fantastic composition, focus and exposure Congratulations on the POTD, Dominic
Jennifer L. Alder |
OH WOW!!!! This is going right into my favs! STUNNING image.. congrats on your POTD, Dominic :)
Louise Kumpf |
This is wonderful, Dominic! Congratulations on your POTD pick! It's been a while since I looked through your gallery and I really enjoyed doing so this morning - so many marvelous and inspiring images there!
Pradeep K. Kaushik |
Congratulation on your POTD! Mood,tones & details are great, superb image Dominic.
- Patricia A. Casey![]() Contact Patricia A. Casey Patricia A. Casey's Gallery |
Congratulations, Dominic on the POTD! Wonderful mood piece including my favorite family of birds, corvids (ravens, crows, jays and magpies)....beautiful! I also took a look at your many beautiful images....all the best in the next round with this one....Patricia
Amanda Chapman |
Steven Deam |
Wonderful image Dominic. Love the dramatic mood. Great dynamic range with just enough detail in the shadows... Congratulations on POTD.
Eivor Kuchta |
I love the mood you've created here. Congratulations on your POTD!
Denise Denomy |
Wendy Stevenson |
I absolutely love this Dominic!!! Big Congrats on the recognition!! Very well deserved!
BetterPhoto Member |
My reaction was 'Oh Wow' as the photograph downloaded. A wondrous image. The 'restrictions' of the monochrome image emphasises the interplay of shape and tone and texture and reaches back to the days when we poured over trays of chemistry ... and emerged from the darkroom after an afternoon's work with one triumphant image. I just want to keep looking at it.
Leslie Carson Wolfe |
"Very atmospheric, sinister even" A very disturbing image.
Carolyn M. DAlessandro |
WOW!! This is by far the most unusual catch all of this at one time is awesome...the mist,the fence, the birds,tones,something out of the "Birds"(movie)... Congratulations is in order for many things.... all of it is OUTSTANDING!!
becky estey |
Congratulations Dominic! This has such a dramatic mood. Absolutely love it!
Roy D. Deeds |
Edgar Allen Poe would have loved this, as do I. What a wonderful experience for you!
||||||||||| - Kathleen K. Parker![]() Contact Kathleen K. Parker Kathleen K. Parker's Gallery |
Fabulous photo. Congrats on POTD, Dominic. kk
Karolyn R. Moltzan |
Dominic, this is absolutely amazing. Did you really manage to capture this all at once, or did you have to add the birds in? I just love the moody feeling created here with the backlighting and the wonderful choice of monochromatic color somewhere between b&w and sepia. Great job!
Jean E. Hildebrant |
Ditto to all the above! A wonderful image! I especially love the design elements of it. The vertical lines of the trees repeated in the fence and the shapes of the birds, just works wonderfully. It has the whole package, hope it goes far!
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton |
Great B&W image.. Congrats Dominic!!
Daniella Puente |
I love this!!! and I think is an excellent POTD :))
Deon |
Congratulations on POTD. Excellent work.
Colleen Farrell |
Wonderful capture, so moody! Congrats on your POTD!
- Tamara K. Walker![]() Contact Tamara K. Walker Tamara K. Walker's Gallery |
Awesome! Congratulations.
James R. Hardy |
Awesome shot, very powerful image. I love it. Congrats on the photo of the day.
Debra LeVasseur |
Awesome shot!! You were at the right place at the right time!
Joy Rector |
congrats on the POTD
Kathy L. Clark |
Congratulations on a very cool POTD Dominic.
Siete Meeter |
Terrific photo with great tones, composition, lighting, lines, dramatic feeling, and congrats on the POTD
Nancy Donnell |
Wow, Dominic, What can I say that hasn't been said. If you added the birds and made up the scene, WoW! If you came upon it that way, still WOW. The softer background pops the birds, and adds a great feel. Sepia was a perfect choice. Congrats on this POTD!
BetterPhoto Member |
Congratulations!That is so cool! fabulous image.
- Laura L. Gonzales![]() Contact Laura L. Gonzales Laura L. Gonzales's Gallery |
Fabulous comp and lighting!!! Congratulations on your fantastic POTD!!! WTG! Laura
Casey A. Hanson |
Congrats on this stunning POTD, Dominic! Well done! :0)
Kathleen R. Struckle |
Congrats on your beautiful POTD!!
- Songbird Cline![]() Contact Songbird Cline Songbird Cline's Gallery |
really great photo. reminds me of an old spooky Hitchckock movie! excellent story telling!
- Evy Johansen![]() Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your beautiful POTD, Dominick!!
Sharon Sawyer |
Congratulations, Dominick !!!
Josselyne Klecanda |
Love it! congrats.
Mary Timman |
Magnificent...Congratulations on POTD!
Milan Banik |
love this composition congrates
Cassie L. Woodlee |
Awesome, CONGRATS on POTD !!!!!
Erin N. Blair |
OMG this photo is AMAZING. Love it! Great job!
Cheryl Meisel |
This is just magical. How pretty and different. I love this! BIG CONGRATS on your wins with it! Cherylm
Liz blahh |
Stunning image!
BetterPhoto Member |
Love the mood captured here. Could be straight out of a horror film.
Tammy Espino |
Congrats on this finalist Dominick! :)
Daniella Puente |
WINNER in my opinion !!!
- Marisol Pastor![]() Contact Marisol Pastor Marisol Pastor's Gallery |
Congratulations. This is surely worth the recognition. You have created an incredible atmosphere with the use of light and tones ... let alone the mysterious birds on the fence! It reminds me of Hitchcock.
Eivor Kuchta |
Congratulations on your wonderful finalist, Dominic!
Mike Clime |
Congrats Dominick on your winner!
- Marisol Pastor![]() Contact Marisol Pastor Marisol Pastor's Gallery |
Congratulations again! When I saw this yesterday I knew it had to be a winner.
Jennifer L. Alder |
Congrats, Dominic, on this stellar first place win!
Chastity Abbott |
the mood here is just out of this world amazing!!! You did it!!!!! Huge congrats!
Kate Jackson |
An amazing and delightful image Dominic! Big congrats on your win!
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
Super WIN, Dominic ... Way-to-GO!!
Michael Umbreit |
Dominic - Congratulations on your win!! - Mike
Sue Marshall |
Congrats Dominic on your WIN!! Beautiful image!! :-)
Colleen Farrell |
So well-deserved! Congratulations on your first place win, Dominic!
Amanda Chapman |
So happy to see this win!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!
Marcel J. Fernandez |
Congratulations Dominick on another splendid Winner.
- Claudia Kuhn![]() Contact Claudia Kuhn Claudia Kuhn's Gallery |
Wonderful capture, congratulations Dominic!!
Amanda Cass |
WELL DONE DOM ! I love it!!
Karen Slagle |
I loved this the first time I saw it and am so happy to see it with a gold medallion
Kristi A. Howson |
WOW...the contrast of the bird silhouettes to the mist really makes such a dramatic effect Dominic. Congratulations on this fabulous 1rst Place Winner!
Vladan D. Djordjevic |
Congratulations on your terrific winner! I love this photo.
Mary Timman |
Congratulations Dominic!
Jill Flynn |
One of my favorites of yours Dominic. Congratulations on your win. Will miss you!
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! The Golden Cup A Special Trophy for "The May Winners"
Cassie L. Woodlee |
Anna M. Halasz |
Congratulations Dominic!!!!! Anna
- Evy Johansen![]() Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your beautiful win, Dominick!!
Vikram Jamwal |
Fantastic picture!!! Congrats Dominick!!!
- Les Rhoades![]() Contact Les Rhoades Les Rhoades's Gallery |
Congratulations on your winning photo!![]()
||||||||||| - Jeff Robinson![]() Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
Congrats Dominick on this 1st Place Win!! Jeff
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
Colette M. Metcalf |
BetterPhoto Member |
Wonderful tones CONGRATULATIONS! love this.
- Mary Beth Aiello![]() Contact Mary Beth Aiello Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery |
Big congrats on this fabulous win, Dominick.
- Terry L. Ellis![]() Contact Terry L. Ellis Terry L. Ellis's Gallery |
An excellent First Place win, Domonick! Congratulations!
Jeffrey S. Rease |
This is fantastic, Dominic! Really excellent and deserving of the win. Congratulations! :-)
- Laura L. Gonzales![]() Contact Laura L. Gonzales Laura L. Gonzales's Gallery |
Congrats on this well deserved win!!! Laura
- Stephanie Frey![]() Contact Stephanie Frey Stephanie Frey's Gallery |
Congrats on your terrific win!
- Gail Vitikacs Contact Gail Vitikacs Gail Vitikacs's Gallery |
Well deserved...totally beautiful!!!!!
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Very moody Dominic, excellent win!! Congratulations!
- Patricia A. Casey![]() Contact Patricia A. Casey Patricia A. Casey's Gallery |
I'm so happy this wonderful photo won! Congratulations....from me and all the ravens in the world..... Patricia
Joan Kocak |
Congrats Dominic! This is oneof my all time favorites
- Erica Murphy![]() Contact Erica Murphy Erica Murphy's Gallery |
Congratulations on your wonderful FIRST PLACE WINNER!
- Jacqualyn A. Volker![]() Contact Jacqualyn A. Volker Jacqualyn A. Volker's Gallery |
Very Very Cool!! Congratulations on your 1st place win! Very well deserved!
Wally Orlowsky |
Congratulations on this dramatic and creative winner, Dominic!
Mitzie Loland |
Congratulations on your winner Dominic!!
Darson Sumarno |
love the tone and the bg light ...can become a good book cover :) ...COngrats
||||||||||| - Dominick M. Dimacale![]() Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Dominic on your Double Win. Dominick
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Love the engrossing feel to it. Congrats.
Jean B. Hall |
Missed this when it first came on. It's great! Belated congratulations!
Madeleine Guenette |
Congratulations Dominic on a outstanding image. The tones, the composition and the presentation are perfect. Mado
Nancy Grace Chen |
dreamy, beautiful scene. love how the photo is punctuated by the birds, love the mist.
Margie R. Kirby |
Beautiful tones and lighting. A dramatic photo. Congratulations!
Julie Christiansen |
Congrats late and quite outstanding.
BetterPhoto Member |
Alexandra Hankova |
This is a bit late...but...congratulations! :-) Fantastic image!
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