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Vanishing Habitat: Hit the Showers! Photo Contest FIRST PLACE Winner   Vanishing Habitat: Hit the Showers!
Vanishing Habitat: Hit the Showers!

I wondered why Elephants always smell so good...

James Quantz Jr. - Mike D. Perez

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mike D. Perez
Mike D. Perez's Gallery

Very cool James! Great DD work as always.

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May 06, 2008


Lynn Haack
  Your work is so unique! Love how you send thought-provoking messages with a little bit of humor. You are a true master of lighting and photo-editing! Very enjoyable work....Lynn

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May 06, 2008

- Wanda-Lynn Searles

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Wanda-Lynn Searles
Wanda-Lynn Searles's Gallery
  WOW! Awesome image and effects James!

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May 07, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Mike, Lynn, and Wanda-Lynn!

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May 07, 2008


Dave Ombrello
  James, I don't want to sound repetative but when it's true it's true. Your work is inspiring and thought provoking at the same time as it is humorous. I enjoy every time you upload a new one. I can't imagine how many hours you spend at your computer. Kepp it up.

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May 07, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Dave! If that's repetitive, I'll take it! Honestly, the fact that some people enjoy what I do makes all the time worthwhile.

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May 07, 2008


Michelle Alton
  I agree. I wait with bated breath for each new James Quantz post! You have a sort of surreal way of seeing the world.
Do elephants really smell GOOOD?

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May 07, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Michelle. I think you know the answer to that!

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May 07, 2008


Robyn A. Terrell
  You are amazing, James. Ditto to what Lynn said...she took the words right out of my mouth.

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May 08, 2008


Kimi A. Phillips
  Excellent, as always! You never disappoint!:)

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May 09, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Robyn & Kimi! Maybe the judges will like this one...

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May 09, 2008


Dave Ombrello
  James, I know we all strive to be recognized by the editors, however do not let that get in your way, your creativity and technical skills need no further acknowledgement other than what you give to those that enjoy your work. Keep it up. Dave

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May 09, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Dave. I promise you recognition (or not) from the editors here won't sway my work. Sometimes though it is funny what is recognized...

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May 12, 2008


Martie Last
  This is definitely going into my "Faves"!!! Great title and imaginitive photoshop work! I love this!

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May 24, 2008


"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar
  one of my favs, not because i'm the distributor of PEPSI in our island, lol..but because this is very beautiful and once again the treatment is over the top!

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May 26, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Martie and Nolax! Nolax. Nolax, that's pretty funny...

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May 27, 2008


Chris Ebben
  I agree with what has already been said, I only wish I could think of ideas like that!!! Very well done=^..^=

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June 07, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks, Chris!

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June 09, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  James, great shot please give us a call at 707-545-1438 PST to discuss this shot.

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June 19, 2008


"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar
  congrats, James!!

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June 19, 2008

- Anne M. Young

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Anne M. Young
Anne M. Young's Gallery
  Fantastic as usual - congratulations

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June 19, 2008

- Sharon F. Morris

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Sharon F. Morris
Sharon F. Morris's Gallery
  Congrats James on your win. Your image is amazing.

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June 20, 2008


Kimi A. Phillips

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June 20, 2008


Michael Umbreit
  James - Congratulations on your win!! - Mike

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June 20, 2008

- Judy V. Kennamer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Judy V. Kennamer
Judy V. Kennamer's Gallery
  MARVELOUS James!!!! Congrats on your win!!!

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June 20, 2008


Colleen Farrell
  Incredible! Right down to the reflections in the puddles. Stunning work, James! Congratulations on a well-deserved 1st place win!

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June 20, 2008


  CONGRATULATIONS on the well deserved win, James. This is just so creative and imaginative.

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June 20, 2008

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Son-of-a-gun! James, there are so many photographers on this site and to be able see all of their work is almost impossible but sometimes I get lucky and find a photographer that just blows my socks off! You are one of the most amazing Photoshop skilled persons I've seen! I'd love to be one tenth as talented as you when I grow up!:-) Your gallery is utterly amazing and I have a feeling you are about my dads age if you served in WWII!
You are going into my favorite photographers file and I send you a heart felt congratulations on your 1st place win!

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June 20, 2008


Chris Ebben
  Very well done, I knew this was a winner, Congratulations=^..^=

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June 20, 2008


Cyn Valentine
  WTG James.. fantastic winner!!!

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June 20, 2008

- Linda D. Lester

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Linda D. Lester
Linda D. Lester's Gallery

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June 20, 2008

- Elida Gutierrez

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Elida Gutierrez
Elida Gutierrez's Gallery
The Golden Cup
A Special Trophy for
"The May Winners"

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June 20, 2008


Vikram Jamwal
  Very Very imaginative, and so well-deserved first place winner! Wonder-ful work James!!!


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June 20, 2008


Renata Gusciora
  Awesome,great imagination,super work and fantastic winner!!!:-)

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June 20, 2008


Nemil B. Chabebe
  This is a very well deserved winner, great imagination and composition, the use of the program, and the light/shadows here are perfect. CONGRATULATIONS!

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June 21, 2008


Dave Ombrello
  Congratulations James, FINALLY the recognition you deserve.

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June 21, 2008


Michelle Alton
  Congratulations, James! Thrilled to see you in this "exalted place."

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June 21, 2008


Sharon King
  I LOVE this!! Terrific work, Congratulations!!!

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June 21, 2008


Jo Vollstedt
  Holy Cow, you are one creative guy with great Photoshop skills to boot! Congratulations on your win!

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June 21, 2008


Stephanie Frey
  Cool! Congrats on this wonderfully creative win!

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June 21, 2008 - Errick L. Cameron

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: Volunteer
Contact Errick L. Cameron
Errick L. Cameron's Gallery
  Congratulations on a this might fine work!

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June 21, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Wow, I was out of town so thank you everyone for the kind words!

Colleen, I try to include all the details!

Joannie, I'm only in my thirties! I guess one of my other images was pretty convincing for you!

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June 21, 2008


Lynn Haack
  WTG on this excellent WINNER!!!! Lynn

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June 21, 2008

- Joannie Bertucci

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Joannie Bertucci
Joannie Bertucci's Gallery
  Oh hell James, now I'm old enough to be your mother! :-)

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June 21, 2008


Colette M. Metcalf

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June 22, 2008


Derek D. Dafoe
  WTG James!! Congrats on a Great WIN!!

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June 22, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Congratulations James! imagination and composition was great:-)

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June 22, 2008


Donna La Mattino Pagakis
  Nice creativity James, congratulations!!

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June 22, 2008

- Erica Murphy

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Erica Murphy
Erica Murphy's Gallery
  Congratulations James!! This is so innovative and clever. Even better though, it made me smile. Great work. This is a wonderful photo.

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June 23, 2008


  Congratulations, and love your sense of humor!

jo ann c.

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June 23, 2008

- Jacqualyn A. Volker

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jacqualyn A. Volker
Jacqualyn A. Volker's Gallery
  Congratulations James! Would love to spend the day in your brain just to see what you see. *S* Great Job!!

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June 23, 2008


Mitzie Loland
  Congratulations on your winner James!!

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June 25, 2008

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  What a wonderful way to win, James--by making everyone smile as they enjoy your work. This is very clever and equally well executed. I'm about to come over to explore your gallery! Congratulations.

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June 27, 2008


Karolyn J. Seeley

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July 01, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks again everyone! I really appreciate the kind words.

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July 02, 2008


Jean-Pierre Ducondi
  Amazing work. Every time I look at your work I am stunned. You are a great artist. Congrats.

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July 03, 2008 - Dominick M. Dimacale

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dominick M. Dimacale
Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery
  Congratulations james on your Win.


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July 06, 2008 - Elizabeth A. Marker

Contact Elizabeth A. Marker
Elizabeth A. Marker's Gallery
  Hi James!!
What an AWESOME image!
I just saw it in the PC PHOTO Magazine!!
That is so outstanding!! One of these days, mabey you will see me in there?

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July 06, 2008


James Quantz Jr.
  Thanks Jean-Pierre and Dominick! Hey Elizabeth, I haven't seen it yet but they are supposed to be sending me a copy. Hopefully it printed okay! There maybe some more news with this image soon as I'm starting production on a DVD. I'm thinking of breaking it down and constructing it for viewers to see and learn techniques from my workflow.

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July 07, 2008


Chris Ebben
  A DVD you say, now that sounds very interesting!! Congratulations again, you have done extremely well=^..^=

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July 07, 2008


Marsha S. Smith
  Saw this photo is PC Photo magazine and was simply amazed. Imagine my surprise when I find it here also. A huge congratulations on both your win here and the prestige that comes with being published in such a cool mag.

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July 12, 2008


Allen Hughes
  I'm so glad I happened across your gallery. You are most definitely an inspiration. The DVD is a wonderful idea.

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November 17, 2008


Nadya Johnson
  Amazing - astounding - wonderful! I stand in awe of your darkroom work, as well as your imagination, James!! It's also amazing that I've been at Better Photo all these years, yet somehow missed your photos for so long! Ann P. referred me to your gallery and I'm so glad she did! WOW - WOW - WOW! (Did you do the DVD??)

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July 24, 2009

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