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Put your right foot in, Put your right foot out...
- Su Sana E. P Contact Su Sana E. P Su Sana E. P's Gallery |
LOL. This is too cute fo words, Teresa!! I love it.
Paul E. Earl |
Very cute, Teresa.
Carol Teal |
Cute title and capture Teresa!
Brett Dolsen |
Love the title of this great timing fun capture Teresa!! Brett
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much SuSana, Paul, Carol and Brett.
Lynne Morris |
LOL Teresa, this is a hoot, what a fantastic capture with a perfect title! Thanks for the laugh, I love it!
Ray Clarke |
Perfect timing on this wonderful fun shot Teresa
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar |
great tones and perfect title, Teresa! beautiful image!
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
LMAO, WAY to funny Teresa, love the title!
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
LMAO, WAY to funny Teresa, love the title!
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
Super lovely image Teresa!!! Love the title!!
Chua Wee Boo |
Wow! Sooooo cute image,Teresa!Love it!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
Fantastic tones, lighting, textures, detail & clarity here, Teresa!!! Love the title too!!! WOnderful work again, my friend!!!
Deb Koskovich |
Ding, ding, ding -- you win!! You gave me my first laugh of the day, Teresa! I love the timing of this, your title is perfect, and the photo itself is outstanding!
Tiia Vissak |
a great capture!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Lynne, R&A, Nolax, Peaches, Laurence, Chua, Patrick, Deb and Tiia.
Carol Sawyer |
Very cute capture and great timing, Teresa!
Jennifer L. Alder |
LMAO! Teresa, you have come up with THE perfect title for this image. :) Great light and tones here
Bill Wyatt |
LOL very cute and wonderful clarity and tone!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Carol, Jennifer and Bill.
Jeana Clark |
FANTASTIC $ FUNNY TERESA!!!! Wonderfully captured with great details!! WELL DONE!!! ~J~
Melissa G. Meiselman |
OHHH this is too funny, Teresa!! Very well captured with sharp detail and wonderful composition!!
Erika Haight |
A great B&W capture Teresa! I love this one!!! EXCELLENT! erika
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Jeana, Melissa and Erika.
Eugenio Diaz |
Great image Teresa!!!beautiful light and tones , very creative...Well done!!!
Emiel Van Hemelrijck |
Very great capture Teresa
Stephen Zacker |
This just puts a smile on your face :-)
John Connolly |
Love your title Teresa, and a great shot as well! Super timing, my friend!
Wanda B. Anderson |
Cute capture! What an opportunity!
Sandra R. Alvey |
Elephants are so fun! Awesome capture of these marvelous creatures Teresa, I love your B&W conversion and I've never seen a better lookin Elephant Butt! LOL!
Barbara Waldoch |
LOL wonderful capture and title, Teresa!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Eugenio, Emiel, Stephen, John, Wanda, Sandi and Barbara.
Yulianto Soeroso |
nice concept nice monocrome
Maureen M. Bisson |
Awwww Teresa...this is sooo special!!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Yulianto and Maureen.
Rhonda Burger |
Love the title. Great image Teresa. Rhonda
Heather L. Haderly |
Awesome catch Mom!!!!!! So I'm thinking the one centered is Mom and the other is her daughter kicking her for humming in public, or dancing perhaps. She's also (the daughter elephant) muttering firmly "knock it off!" We shall call this naughty elephant Maddi and The sweet humming and dancing elephant Heather.
- Sharon F. Morris![]() Contact Sharon F. Morris Sharon F. Morris's Gallery |
Great capture on this one Donna and love the texture. Made me smile too. :-)
- Melinda F. Schneider![]() Contact Melinda F. Schneider Melinda F. Schneider's Gallery |
I needed that laugh! Thanks, Teresa.
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Rhonda, Heath, Sharon and Melinda.
Jennifer A. Lambert |
The title is PERFECT and I LOVE the shot...especially in Blk and Wht. Great job !!! Blessings, Jenny
- Reynaldo D. Reyes![]() Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
Not a good idea to trip such a big animal. LOL :) But I think his is a great capture, Teresa
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Jennifer and Reynaldo.
- Lisa J. Boulden![]() Contact Lisa J. Boulden Lisa J. Boulden's Gallery |
So very well done, Teresa! LMBO!!! --Lisa
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Lisa.
Avril Young |
ha ha, this is so your title...what a awesome capture!!!
Rosemary Buffoni |
lol....very cute image and title. Great b&w tones as well. Ro
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Avril and Ro.
Sandra Schlesinger |
You have a great eye, Teresa! Lovely tones in this creative capture.
BetterPhoto Member |
Great timing. I like the angle here and how you can't really tell where the other elephant is or went to. I also like the black and white with what looks like added noise.
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you Sandra and BP Judges so much for your very kind comments. They are greatly appreciated.
Steven E. Ray |
:):):) Great view of the large mammal! I like the added noise, it seems to enhance the visual aspects of the elephants wrinkles. Super work on this one Teresa!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Steven.
Peggy J. Maguire |
Different View for sure Teresa,Great shot.....
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Peggy.
Dick Jenkins |
Teresa I'd title this photograph using lyrics from an old Frank Sinatra song, "And now, the end is near". It's cute and catches your eye with that extra leg poking out of the rock. Your images are always interesting. Good work!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Dick. Wish I'd though of that. I'm still giggling.
Erika Haight |
Dick Jenkins |
- Sharon F. Morris![]() Contact Sharon F. Morris Sharon F. Morris's Gallery |
Congrats Teresa on you finalist. :-)
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
Whoooooooooooooo HOooooooooooooooooo BIG Congrats on your beautiful finalist!!! Best of luck in the next round!!!
Cassie L. Woodlee |
WTG Teresa, CONGRATS on this fantastic finalist!!!!!
Barbara Waldoch |
Congratulations on this outstanding finalist, Teresa!
- Reynaldo D. Reyes![]() Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
Congrats on your finalist Teresa!
Ujjwal Mukherjee |
BIG congratulations,Teresa on your wonderful finalist!!
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Teresa!!!
- Stefania Barbier![]() Contact Stefania Barbier Stefania Barbier's Gallery ![]() |
huge congrats Teresa!!!
Renee Doyle |
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Teresa!!!!
Tiia Vissak |
- Evy Johansen![]() Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Congratulations on a great finalist, Teresa!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
Congratulations on this incredible fianlist, Teresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put Both Hands in the air and Say Wooo Hooooo!! Congratulations Teresa
Sandra R. Alvey |
WooHoo Teresa congrats on this awesome finalist!! Good luck in the next round hon!!
Emiel Van Hemelrijck |
Big congratulations on the autstanding finalist,best of luck in the next round Teresa
Carol Teal |
Such a cute title Teresa! And a BIG congrats on your finalist!!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Erika, Dick, Sharon, Peaches, Cassie, Barbara, Reynaldo, Ujjwal, Laurence, Stefania, Renee, Tiia, Evy, Patrick, Mel, Sandi, Emiel and Carol.
- Su Sana E. P Contact Su Sana E. P Su Sana E. P's Gallery |
Omg! Here you’re!! Huge Congratulations on this wonderful Finalist win, Teresa!!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much SuSana.
- Lisa J. Boulden![]() Contact Lisa J. Boulden Lisa J. Boulden's Gallery |
WOW! Congratulations, Teresa, on this fun and fabulous FINALIST!!! I love the creative POV and title! ~Blessings, Lisa
Sandra Schlesinger |
I'm so glad to see that this wonderfully creative image has been recognized. Congratulations, Teresa!
Pat Gamwell |
WooooHooooo! WTG, girlfriend! Awesome entry! BIG CONGRATS!
Jennifer L. Alder |
A well deserved win, Teresa! HUGE congrats!! :)
Jeana Clark |
- Lisa J. Boulden![]() Contact Lisa J. Boulden Lisa J. Boulden's Gallery |
Wooooohooooo!!!!! You won! Congrats, Teresa! ~Lisa
Bobbie L. Slayton |
WAY TO GO TERESA! I am so happy for you great job!
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
Congratulations on your Win!!!! Trophy:
Barbara Waldoch |
WTG, Teresa, congratulations!
Congratulations Teresa!! WTG!!!
"emmanuel ""nolax""" N. Montemar |
very deserving winner, BIG CONGRATS, TERESA!!
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
HUGE COngrats on your win Teresa!!!
Cyn Valentine |
Congratulations Teresa on this awesome winner!
- Anne M. Young![]() Contact Anne M. Young Anne M. Young's Gallery |
Too good to be true - fantastic winner in so many aspects but particularly timing and humour!
- Kay E. Mahoney![]() Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your second place winner.
- Su Sana E. P Contact Su Sana E. P Su Sana E. P's Gallery |
Huge Congratulations on your Win, Teresa!!
Sam Britt |
Congratulations on this win, Teresa!
- Sharon F. Morris![]() Contact Sharon F. Morris Sharon F. Morris's Gallery |
Congratulation Teresa on your Win!!! I am so glad for you. :-)
- Evy Johansen![]() Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your wonderful win, Teresa!!
William F. Clair |
Well...this is no surprise. :) Congratulations on you first gold. The first is always the most satisfying. Now get it printed and framed. Display with pride!!!
- Reynaldo D. Reyes![]() Contact Reynaldo D. Reyes Reynaldo D. Reyes's Gallery |
Congrats on your win!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing WINNER,Teresa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Dr. Harmeet Singh |
Heartiest congrats...
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your beautiful win, Teresa!!
Renee Doyle |
Big congratulations to you on this wonderful win Teresa!!!
Erika Haight |
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you all so very much. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your very kind comments.
- Cindy Bendush Contact Cindy Bendush Cindy Bendush's Gallery |
WTG Teresa! Congrats on your winner!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Cindy.
Ujjwal Mukherjee |
So glad to see it on the Winner list,Teresa! BIG congratulations on your wonderful win!!
- Stefania Barbier![]() Contact Stefania Barbier Stefania Barbier's Gallery ![]() |
Colette M. Metcalf |
Wanda B. Anderson |
Emiel Van Hemelrijck |
Big congratulations to you Teresa
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Ujjwal, Stefania, Colette, Wanda and Emiel.
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Too funny Teresa, a great winning image!! Congratulations!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Donna.
Carol Teal |
I haven't made it through all the winners yet, and so since I had already commented on the finalists in Animals category, I missed it when the finalist turned to gold. Most of the other categories I have went through was after the winners were announced. So, I just happened to be on the winner's page and saw this! A HUGE congrats on your winning photo!!
BetterPhoto Member |
This is awesome - love the humor and your perfect title!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Carol and Nancy.
Sandra R. Alvey |
Congrats on your BEAUTIFUL Winner Teresa hon! I'm so happy for you!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Sandi.
Angela Pound |
A big CONGRATS Teresa how thrilling for you. GREAT photo.
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Angela. Yes indeed, this was very thrilling for me!!
||||||||||| - Dominick M. Dimacale![]() Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Teresa on your Win! Dominick
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Dominick.
- Marisol Pastor![]() Contact Marisol Pastor Marisol Pastor's Gallery |
This is certainly a well deserved award Teresa. The image is fantastic (tones, textures, comp), the title is too funny!
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so very much Marisol.
oh, I missed a lot of great shots while sitting in a virtual classroom -- this is amazing. great image, (laughing here - love the humor) and congratulations of another well-deserved award. have a great day - k.
Chris Ebben |
Nothing much left for me to say but "well done"!! Good on you=^..^=
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so very much Kea and Chris.
Max Aureli |
he he :-)) This shot!!! :-))
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you Max! I used the "no clothes" filter on this one!!
Max Aureli |
ha ha ha :-))) You stolen from me!! ha ha ha :-))))
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Yup, I did!!! hehehe!!! Unfortunately, the only subject I got to use it on was an elephant!!!
Max Aureli |
ha ha ha!!!! Oh well... :-))) Again, congratulations for this Winner "macro filtered" Teresa!! :-))))
- Laura E. Swan![]() Contact Laura E. Swan Laura E. Swan's Gallery |
HA! What a great capture Teresa! Love this one LOTS! Huge congrats on your win! -Laura
- Teresa Burnett Contact Teresa Burnett Teresa Burnett's Gallery |
Thank you so much Laura.
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