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Jeana Clark |
My thoughts and prayers will be with you Steve!!! ~Jeana~ Would also like to list previous comments for Steve..... JEANA! THIS IS A WONDERFUL IMAGE AND DEDICATION TO A GREAT MAN AND GOOD FRIEND!! MY PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU AS WELL STEVE!! BILLY A very beautiful flower and a very nice poem and wish Jeana! Cliff TAKE CARE ~ BE WELL ~ GOD BLESS
Emily E. Bem |
GORGEOUS image!I love the colours!
|| - Mike D. Perez![]() Contact Mike D. Perez Mike D. Perez's Gallery |
Beautiful colors, details and effect, Jeana! A wonderful dedication.
|| - Jeff Robinson![]() Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
A terrific image for Steve! Nice work Jeana! Jeff
Gorgeous image, Jeana!! Really well done!
Cyn Valentine |
Beautiful Jeana!
Jeana Clark |
Good Morning Emily, Mike, Jeff, Amy, and Cyn... Thanks so you all for your wonderful comments and input! I appreciate them all very much! Steve is such a great guy and he will enjoy reading all these when he's feeling better! Thanks again for taking the time!! :o) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! ~Jeana~
Melissa G. Meiselman |
I, too, hope all goes well with Hurk and you left a beautiful poem and dedication to him, Jeana!! Your picture is exquisite and I like the bit of grain tying the whole thing together.
Judy A. Lawhon |
Beautiful lily, Jeana!! Wonderful tribute to Steve....get well soon, Steve!!
- Dr Silly![]() Contact Dr Silly Dr Silly's Gallery |
Jeana I know Steve was sick but this is the first I have heard about surgery. My prayers are with him. Flowers like this one is the reason I try to stay a way from the flower themes. LOL Beautiful. :O)
Jeana Clark |
Thanks so much Billy, Melissa, Judy, and DOC! I appreciate your very kind words for and thoughts for Steve! He really is a great guy....He will definately appreciate it!! Thanks again!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!! ~Jeana~
Sandra R. Alvey |
OH WOW!! This is SUCH a lovely picture Jeana!! Congrats on your capture!! Sandi
BetterPhoto Member |
A very BEATIFUL and meaningfull tribute Jeana!
Jeana Clark |
Good Afternoon Sandra and Cliff!! Thanks so much for your kinda nd wonderful comments! I appreciate it greatly! HAVE A SUPER AFTERNOON!! ~Jeana~
Tarun Bose |
Outstanding composition and colours. Great get well photo for Hurk. I shall pray for Hulk's quick recovery. Well done dear Jeana.
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Nicely done, Jeanna. Hopefully we'll here positive results tonight!
Erin Appelbaum |
This is a gorgeous image Jeana. Beautiful for a get well. Peter
David Phalen |
A wonderful dedication for Steve. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Jeana ,This is Beautiful,,,,,
Jeana Clark |
Evening Tarun, Ken, Peter, David, and Melodie! Thanks so much for your wonderful and kind responses and well wishes for will mean alot to him!!! I also appreciate your kindness! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!! :o) ~Jeana~
Brooke Jantz |
Wow the effect on an already beautiful flower. You are such a sweetheart. Steve is blessed to call you his friend. Adding my prayers as well...
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Brooke! Thanks so much!!! I appreciate that greatly!!! :o) HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!! ~Jeana~
Dianna Hauf |
I am so choked up right now Jeana...This is beautiful in every way and the poem itself so moving! I did not know of surgery for Steve but I am always touched by his comments and pray also for his rapid recovery!! You did a lovely, lovely job on this....
Jeana Clark |
Well Thank You Dianna!! Wonderfully said...I appreciate that very much!!! I am sure that Steve will be very touched by your kindness!!! I always look forward to your comments!!! Thanks again SO MUCH!!! :o) HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!! ~Jeana~
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
Have I told you how much I love this shot??? ..... Thanks once again, Jeana ... I have had several personal contacts due to this photo and dedication ..... I can't thank you enough ............. steve
Jeana Clark |
It brings me SUCH joy Steve that you are pleased with this image....that really matters to me....I'm also glad that you are doing well and are able feeling well enough to stop in and say HI!!! You've got alot of people here in BetterPhoto land that really care about you....our prayers and thoughts will continue to be with you!!! Thanks again for stopping in and letting me know!!!! BLESSINGS TO YOU!!! ~Jeana~
Jillian Danielson |
This is such a beautiful photo! Great work,Jeana, and beautiful poem!
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Jillian! Thank so much for stopping in and for your wonderfully kind comments!! It's VERY MUCH appreciated!!! HAVE A GREAT NIGHT!! ~Jeana~
Bambi L. Dingman |
Jeana, this is a beautiful image and a wonderful tributie to Steve! I'm happy to see Steve's comment above and hope that he's doing well!!
Jeana Clark |
Good Morning Bambi!! Thanks so much!!! I appreciate hearing from you and for you taking the time!!! Yes....we all wish many Blessings and good health for Steve!!! He's a GREAT guy!! Thanks again!!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! ~Jeana~
cheryl m. phillips |
This is really beautiful, Jeana! So thoughtful of you as well! Looks like it was very much appreciated! Best wishes to Steve! ~cheryl
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
I am truly humbled by all the comments I've read here, Jeana (and everyone) ... it brings a tear to my eye thinking about everyone who has had the Godliness, graciousness and human dignity to comment in this manner about someome they have never met face to face ..... you only know me through my photos.... and I'm flattered ... Steve
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Cheryl!!! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness regarding this image!! Steve is a wonderful human being.... Thanks so much!!! HAVE A GREAT EVENING!!! ~Jeana~ Steve..... With Love & Prayers!!! :o) ~Jeana~
Dianna Hauf |
GOOD deeds do NOT go unnoticed!! Jeana, what goes around comes so deserved this finalist! Cangratulations so very much my friend!! :):)
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
WOW, Jeana ... Congrats on this beautiful finalist, I knew you'd get it!! Nice Work ....... steve
Erin Appelbaum |
Congrats, Jeana. A well deserved and beautiful finalist. Peter
Sam Britt |
Congratulations, Jeanna!
Connie J. Bagot |
Congratulations on this lovely finalist Jeana!
Shawn Jennings |
Fantastic image Jeana! Congratulations on your finalist!
- Dr Silly![]() Contact Dr Silly Dr Silly's Gallery |
Congratulations on this Beautiful Finalist. :O)
BetterPhoto Member |
Very lovely,
Jeana Clark |
GOOD EVENING EVERYONE!!!! Thanks so much for all of your wonderful well wishes!!! It's appreciated VERY much!!!!! Thanks again!! HAVE A GREAT EVENING ALL!! ~Jeana~
|| - Laurie Daily![]() Contact Laurie Daily Laurie Daily's Gallery |
Another HUGE congrats, Jeana!!!
Jeana Clark |
Hello again Laurie!!! Thanks hon so much!!! I appreciate it very much!!!! ~Jeana~
Tarun Bose |
Big, big, congrats Jeana on your lovely finalist.
Jeana Clark |
A Big, big, THANK YOU Tarun!!! As always...great to hear from you!! HAVE A GREAT EVENING!! ~Jeana~
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna |
Congratulations on this wonderful finalist, Jeana!!!!!!! :-) k
Revonda L. Gentry |
Congratulations on this beautiful work of art!!
Jeana Clark |
Good Morning Kitty and Revonda!! Thanks so much girls for your kind comments and input!!!! I appreciate it very much!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!! ~Jeana~
Christy Nichols |
Congratulations again Jeana!!
Sherri Gorman |
Congratulations on your GORGEOUS win!!!! Stunning!!!!
- Claudia Kuhn![]() Contact Claudia Kuhn Claudia Kuhn's Gallery |
Congrats on your win, beautiful!!
Joan Kocak |
WOW, CONGRATS on your win Jeana, this is beautiful!
David Phalen |
BIG Congrats on a well deserved Win!
Carol Teal |
A stunning winner Jeana! Congrats!!!
Connie J. Bagot |
Congratulations on this magnificent win Jeana!
Kathy L. Clark |
Jeana congrats on a glorious winner.
Hurk (Steve) Hurkett |
Absolutely Fabulous, Jeana!!! Congrats on this wonderful 2nd Place Winner ... I'm very Happy for you .... Steve
- Dr Silly![]() Contact Dr Silly Dr Silly's Gallery |
Congrats Jeana on your beautiful Gold. :O)
- Nikki McDonald![]() Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Somehow I missed this one completely, Jeana, and now I see it's a recognized winner. Congratulations! It's simply beautiful.
Heather |
Congrats Jeana! Your Work is Awesome,Keep up the Good Work!!!
Steve M. Harrington |
I'm am so pleased at your win, Jeana! :) Steve
Jeana Clark |
Good Afternoon!!! My thanks goes out to...Christy, Sherri, Claudia, Joan, David, Carol, Connie, Kathy, Steve(HURK), Doc, Nikki, Heather, & Steve Harrington for ALL of your VERY kind well wishes and comments!!! I appreciate each one!!!! I'm just SO THRILLED!!!!!! Thanks again!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! ~Jeana~
|| - Agnes Fegan![]() Contact Agnes Fegan Agnes Fegan's Gallery |
Congratulations on your beautiful winning photo !
Judy A. Lawhon |
Congratulations, Jeana...the image and poem are beautiful!!
Karen Slagle |
This is glorious, Jeana. Big congrats on this wonderful winning capture.
Jeana Clark |
Good Afternoon Agnes, Judy, and Karen!! Thanks so much!!! I appreciate your kindness!!! HAVE A GREAT AFTERNOON!!! ~Jeana~
Chastity Abbott |
How gorgeous is this!!!!!! Beautiful congrats on your winning image!!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!
Tarun Bose |
Huge congrats Jeana, for your excellent second place winner.
Sam Britt |
Congratulations on your winner, Jeana!
- Kay E. Mahoney![]() Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your second place winner.
|| - Mike D. Perez![]() Contact Mike D. Perez Mike D. Perez's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your Winner in a very tough category, Jeana! Great job!
|| - Laurie Daily![]() Contact Laurie Daily Laurie Daily's Gallery |
Yay, yay Jeana!!! So happy to see this one...congrats on your wonderful second place winner!!!
You DONE Good......;0)!!!!!
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Chastity, Tarun, Sam, Kay, Billy, Mike, Laurie and Melodie!!! Thanks so much for your encouraging thoughts and well wishes!!! I appreciate them greatly and am SO excited!!!! HAVE A GREAT EVENING ALL!!! ~Jeana~
Colette M. Metcalf |
A BIG congratulations to you, Jeana!!!
Jeana Clark |
Thank you SO much Colette!!! I truly appreciate your kindness!!!! ~Jeana~
A huge congratulations on your win, Jeana!! You did a great job on this! WTG!! :)
Ron Roberts |
Erin Appelbaum |
Well deserved Jeana. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Peter
Cassie L. Woodlee |
Congratulations on your wonderful winner!!!!
Jeana Clark |
Good Morning Amy, Ron, Peter, and Cassie!!! Thanks so much for your kindness!! I appreciate hearing from you all!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! ~Jeana/~
Steve Rice |
Jeana, Good morning, Congratulations on a great win!!!! A beautiful capture. Take care!!
Jeana Clark |
GOOD MORNING STEVE!!! Thanks so much for stopping by today!! I appreciate hearing from you and I thank you for your kind comments!!! Thanks again!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! ~Jeana~
Phil Stith |
Jeana, congrats on a great capture and winner!!! Love the subtle coloring and soft effects. Phil
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Phil!! I thank you for taking the time to stop by and give me such nice and encouraging words!!! VERY appreciated!!! HAVE A SUPER WEEKEND!!! ~Jeana~
- Lisa J. Boulden![]() Contact Lisa J. Boulden Lisa J. Boulden's Gallery |
Jeana, congratulations on your winner here! Well-deserved. Hope Steve is doing well and on the road to recovery! --lisa
- Ken Smith![]() Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Awesome job, Jeanna. Congratulations!!
Jeana Clark |
Thanks so much Lisa and Ken!!! I appreciate hearing from you!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!! ~Jeana~
- Janine Russell![]() Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
Jeana, big congratulations on your Second Place Winner!
Jeana Clark |
Good Mroning Janine!! So great to hear from you!!! Thanks so much!!! I appreciate your thoughtful words!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! ~Jeana~
Nancy (Peaches) Harker |
WOW, this is sooooooooo beautiful. Love the poem and very nice dedication to Steve. BIG Congrat's on your second place win girl!
Jeana Clark |
Evening Peaches!!!♥ Thanks so much!!! I was SO SHOCKED!!!! Got to admit though the feeling is wonderful! I've just enjoyed getting EFP's and finalists that this was awesome!!! Thanks again!! HAVE A GREAT EVENING!!! ~Jeana~
Steven E. Ray |
A deserving congratulations on your Second Place Winner Jeana! I enjoy your gallery immensely!
Kimi A. Phillips |
Jeana Clark |
Thanks so much Steven and Kimi!!! I appreciate that greatly!!! HAVE A GOOD ONE!! ~Jeana~
Phil Stith |
Great job, Jeana. Congratulations!!!
Jeana Clark |
Good Morning Phil!! Thank you very much!! I truly appreciate your stopping by and for you kind comments and input!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY!! ~Jeana~
- Shelly A. Van Camp![]() Contact Shelly A. Van Camp Shelly A. Van Camp's Gallery |
I can't believe I missed this...very elegnant and beautiful...Love this, Jeana!!!!! I hope Steve is doing better too!
Jeana Clark |
Good Evening Shelly!!! Thanks so very much!!! Your kind and thoughtful words are greatly appreciated!!! Thanks again!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!! ~J~
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