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Mary C. Legg |
I had to look at it because it looked like rhubarb, but when I looked closer, it seemed to be more like chard; however both are edible but one must be cooked. Thanks for the appetizer-- will be chewing on this leaf for a while
Bill Foxworthy |
Hi Mary, thanks for your comment. This is actually the underside of a Sea Grape tree leaf. They grow along the shore of salt water and the grapes are actually pretty good. I just liked the red running through the green.
Mary C. Legg |
well, while you're paddling around down there, would you pick me some and send them over? if the leaves look edible, the fruit has to be better. can you make wine, jelly or syrup with them? even better.
Bill Foxworthy |
I dont know about the leaves but the fruit is winding down now. I have never made jelly or anything but my Wife had a tree in her front yard when growing up. She loves the grapes.
Mary C. Legg |
a sea grape that grows on a tree? now this is beginning to sound very interesting. I thought the Almighty screwed up when he made legless lizards, but a grape on a tree has to be noteworthy. I have to dig about in your gallery and see what else is interesting after this nice conversation.forgive my fingers--they're dyslexic and spastic.
- Janine Russell Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
Bill, excellent colors, detail, clarity and lighting.
- Kay E. Mahoney Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your finalist. Good luck in the next round.
Bill Foxworthy |
Thanks everyone for the nice comments and thanks also to the judge for choosing this for a finalist. That is a first fo me and I am very happy to hear that. Happy Holidays to everyone!! :) bf
Mary C. Legg |
oh foxy bill, see -- it was noteworthy and they probably thought that it was pretty special too-- congrats on your finalist..
- Janine Russell Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
Bill, congratulations on your finalist.
Bill Foxworthy |
Thanks Mary and Janine, Your kindness and special words are what makes this site so special. It sure makes you feel wanted :)
Kenneth Mucke |
Bill...congrats on this awesome winner
- Kay E. Mahoney Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your second place winner.
Donna W. Neal |
Congratulations on your well deserved Winner Bill
- Janine Russell Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
Bill, congratulations on your Second Place Winner!
Joline Frazier |
Congratulations, Bill...nice shot.
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Congratulations on your SECOND place win!!! Super details and colors!
- Gail Sullivan Contact Gail Sullivan Gail Sullivan's Gallery |
Hi Bill...congrats on your win!
Bill Foxworthy |
Thanks everyone for the very nice comments. My first win at BP and I am honored. bf :)
Ariel Lepor |
Nicely saturated! Ariel
Stephanie Thibaudeau |
Hi Bill, Congrats on your great win!
Bill Foxworthy |
Thanks very much Ariel and Stephanie.
RC Fritz |
Beautiful macro. Congrast on your WINNER!
Cheryl E. Molennor |
Gorgeous Bill Congratulations
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