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Jagadeesh Andrew Owens |
Great shot! I think I'd like to see it cropped in more so her face fills the frame with some of the contrasting pinks of the wall on the edges!
Laura Kubasiewicz |
I quite like it with the background as it is, sort of mixing an abstract and a portrait, good capture!
Protacio Serna |
The beauty of this picture resides on the composition. Remember those lines many of us can see trough the viewfinder? They accurately match with the picture. Even the small light pink rectangle on the upper right corner fits perfectly. There are textures also to enjoy, and if there’s something I don’t like is only the direction of light. But that is something that cannot be easily modified when shooting candid on location of course, but sure could make a more expressive picture. Regards
Gianluca Posella |
I agree with Protacio's comment, you realized a good portrait, usually I imagine a portrait like this in B&W but here is nice the way the colours are mixed. Best regards. Gianluca
Jagadeesh Andrew Owens |
I wasn't "criticizing" per se, or saying that it would look better the way I suggested, I was just suggesting another way to present it! The photo as is is great, or I wouldn't have said it! Hope I didn't cause any offense! Sincerely,
Dorann Weber |
Wonderful portrait Mario.. The woman's expression, and detailed facial lines tell a story.. The pick background compliments her..
Nadya Johnson |
This is WONDERFUL, Mario!!! In regards to what is said above, here is my opinion: first, the composition's great the way it is! Why? The TEXTURES are phenomenal! I would not cut the shot in any way. Secondly, you could have a nice photo if you cropped it, yes, but it would be a WHOLE DIFFERENT photograph! The colors (pink background, etc) are terrific! I do not see any problem with the light. True, the sun wasn't glowing on her face but again, that would be whole different photograph. As for the portrait itself and the lady -? OUTSTANDING!! We in the U.S. as a rule, and I do NOT mean, as individuals, tend to disregard old age as much as possible, always seeking for the Young, the Beautiful, and so on. I am not of that school!! It is not Life as it really exists. I am no "spring chicken" now myself, and I would hate to think, the only photographs me that "count" were taken in my 20's when I was what you call, a "looker!" This lady, whoever she is, is MARVELOUS, Mario! I'm so glad you caught her portrait! I will be looking forward very much to more of your work!
Debbie Del Tejo |
Excellent work Mario and may I welcome you as a BP member. I am sure we will see you around here a lot!!! Have fun and again WELCOME!!!!
Perry j. Locke |
Great portrait, I like textures and colors of the wall and burlap and the womans expression on the womans face. It all comes together well. I LIKE IT!!! Perry
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Thank you all for your nice comments!!! Laura, Protacio, Gianluca, Sipho, Dorann, Nadya, Debbie & Perry.
- Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas Contact Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas's Gallery |
Felicidades Mario! Es una fotografia estupenda!, Amalia
Datha Y. Thompson |
Carol Teal |
Congrats Mario! I really like this one and like the colors and texture too. Such a great portrait of this woman!
Cesar J. La Rosa |
This is a WONDERFUL and very powerful portrait, Mario. The composition is excellent and the colors and textures are couldn't have been better. Congratulations on this very well-deserved Finalist!!!
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Amalia: Muchas gracias por tu amable comentario.
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
I am so thankful to all of you who took the time to congratulate me on the finalist recognition.
- Janine Russell Contact Janine Russell Janine Russell's Gallery |
Mario, great portrait; congratulations on your Second Place win.
Carol Teal |
Congrats on your 2nd place win Mario!
- Kay E. Mahoney Contact Kay E. Mahoney Kay E. Mahoney's Gallery |
Congratulations on your 2nd place winner.
She-She Killough |
WONDERFUL Portrait Mario! Love it all! And so does the Judges!! Congratulations Mario!!
Cesar J. La Rosa |
Congratulations on this WONDERFUL WINNER, Mario!!! I'm so happy to see that gold medal next to such a beautiful photograph!
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Janine, Carol, Kay, She_She and Cesar. Thank you everyone for all of your nice comments.
Susana Ms Heide |
Thought provoking portrait! Very well done! Congratulations Mario!!
Allan L. Dy |
Congratulations Mario! Well done! Very expressive image.
- Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas Contact Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas's Gallery |
Congratulations again Mario!, Well deserved!, Amalia
||||||||||| - John V. Roscich Contact John V. Roscich John V. Roscich's Gallery |
Protacio Serna |
Felicidades Maestro Rocafuerte...saludos.
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Gracias por tus comentarios a esta foto y permiteme compartir este premio contigo, pues desde que fue publicada en BP tuviste una critica muy constructiva para ella. Gracias maestro Serna.
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Susana, Allan, Amalia & John: I truly appreciate each of your kind comments and encoruagement; thank you all very much.
Nobu Nagase |
Fabulous!!! Many congrats on your win!!!
Ahab Abdel-Aziz |
great division of the page excellent colour and texture contrast wonderful subject great use of the negative space love it
Ahab Abdel-Aziz |
one nit i'd like to see the folded arms uncropped or taken out altogether
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Nobi, Ahab: Thank you for your kind comments.
Doug J. Dailey |
Mario, Excellent photo. Great! colors, textures, comp, and subject matter. Keep up the great! work. Best wishes,
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Doug: Thank you for your kind comment.
Debbie E. Payne |
This is AMAZING, for all the reasons above. Textures are super and the pink really brings in an element that you don't usually pair with an older person. It makes her radiant and lovely, regardless of her age. We all take aging too seriously and this image is truly a breath of fresh air.
- Mario Rocafuerte Contact Mario Rocafuerte Mario Rocafuerte's Gallery |
Debbie: Thank you, I am very pleased that you like this work.
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