Photo Discussion
Category: Friendly Praise Archive

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flow Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner   flow
kayaker in limerick ireland

Pierre Leclerc


Geralyn Montambault

Excellant composed action shot!

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November 06, 2005

- Terry L. Ellis

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Terry L. Ellis
Terry L. Ellis's Gallery
  Exciting action/motion capture, Pierre! Fabulous work!

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November 06, 2005

- Janine Russell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Janine Russell
Janine Russell's Gallery
  Pierre, awesome action capture.

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November 06, 2005


Kay Beausoleil
  Congratulations on your winner, Pierre -- a great composition under difficult circumstances!

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December 23, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Felicitations Pierre!!!!!

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December 28, 2005


  Congratulations on your awesome Winner!!!

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January 05, 2006


Cathy M. Gromball
  Congratulations on your Second Place win, Pierre!

Cathy :)

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January 20, 2006

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