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Donna Roberts |
Love the graphic lines of this silhouetted staircase Davide.
Dan Holm |
EXCELLENT find, framing and capture, Davide!! An awesome graphic shot!
Mata Patan |
Più che climbing mi sa di excaping!!! Bella foto!
Leanne M.E. Boyd |
Cool graphic shot, Davide!
Karen Engelbreth |
Wonderful find and shot, Davide!
Stephanie Lyons |
Awesome! Love this!
Carla Metzler |
Wonderful shot, Davide!
Jenny Bosmans |
Stunning image, Davide!! Love the silhouettes and the presentation!!
- Linda D. Lester![]() Contact Linda D. Lester Linda D. Lester's Gallery |
Wonderful shot....I think we could see this again! Great shot!
Peter Mantione |
One word! "WINNER"
Robert M. Nicholson |
Jenny Bosmans |
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Davide!!
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
CONGRATS Davide!!!!!!!!!
Vicki Hunt |
This is one of my favorite finalists! Congrats!
KHAWLA Haddad |
Congratulations on this awesome finalist....Best of luck in the next round!!
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Outstanding image, congratulations!!!
BetterPhoto Member |
Very nice graphic silhouette.
Jenny Bosmans |
Congratulations on this fantastic Winner, Davide!!
- Claudia Kuhn![]() Contact Claudia Kuhn Claudia Kuhn's Gallery |
Congrats, love the silohouettes!
KHAWLA Haddad |
CONGRATULATIONS on your 2nd Place win!!!!
Kay Beausoleil |
Congratulations on your win, Davide -- love the design!
Leonard Pierce |
Congratulations on your second place win Davide!!!
Peter Mantione |
Please Read the first comment I left!!!!
Davide Patanè |
Grazie a tutti!!! Peter Hai indovinato con la tua previsione!
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
CONGRATULAZIONE Davide!!!!!!!! Ce l'ha fatta anche tu!!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!!!
Tammy Scott |
Mata Patan |
Donna W. Neal |
Sergio La Spina |
Il Davide non si smentisce mai Grande vittori !!!!!!
bob cornelison |
Congrats Davide on this stark shot of energy! ~:O)
Sharon Day |
Big congratulations on your 2nd place win, Davide!! Fantastic image and well deserved win!
Cathy M. Gromball |
Congratulations on your Second Place win, Davide! Cathy :)
Karen Engelbreth |
Big congtats on your POTD, Davide :0))
Paul Michko |
Congratulations, Davide. Excellent image.
Jenny Bosmans |
Congratulations on this well deserved POTD, Davide!!
Mata Patan |
Your dream comes true:POTD!!!!!! WOWWWWWWW!!!!!!!
||||||||||| - Candice C. Calhoun![]() Contact Candice C. Calhoun Candice C. Calhoun's Gallery |
Congratulations for your win and wonderful POTD! ccc
Kathleen Clemons |
Congratulations, Davide!
Scott Pedersen |
Nice sillloette. Love the lines.
Laura Clay-Ballard |
fab winning image. congrats on potd!
Joe Ciccone |
great idea, terrific exacution..cheers
Vicki Hunt |
Well, I have already commented on how this is one of my favorites! I am so happy it is POTD! Congrats!
- Laurence Saliba![]() Contact Laurence Saliba Laurence Saliba's Gallery |
Another CONGRATS Davide!!!!!
Wilson Low |
cool... Congrats!
Ed Heaton |
Nicely done Davide, Congrats on both 2nd place and POTD!!!
Jane P. Anderson |
I love the graphic quality of this shot. Great eye and capture. Congrats!
- Guy D. Biechele Contact Guy D. Biechele Guy D. Biechele's Gallery |
Superb bold composition. Congrats on your Second Place Win and POTD. Well deserved.
David Phalen |
Congratulations on your POTD.
Leonard Pierce |
WOW! Congratulations on a very well deserved POTD Davide!!! You should enter this in every contest you can find!
Joy Rector |
congrats on the POTD
Debra Curran |
Nice! Love it!
Mary N C. Taitt |
Wonderful. Great shot, Davide! Congratulations on your POTD and your second place. Mary :-)
Tori A. Woods |
nice photo Davide....congrats on your win and POTD.......Tori
Leanne M.E. Boyd |
Congratulations Davide! On both your POTD and win!!!!
BetterPhoto Member |
great shadow effects and you still managed to capture alot of detail too! good job and congrats on your potd!
Kathleen R. Struckle |
Congrats on both POTD and your win!!
Ken Lankard |
Excellent shot! Tells a story with beautiful lighting and framing. Congratulations!
Elisabeth A. Gay |
Terrific shot Davide! Congratulations! Ann
Brian Lobdell |
Superb in every way Davide! Great composition and cropping... Congratulations! This certainly deserves the attention and accolades!!
- Jill Odice![]() Contact Jill Odice Jill Odice's Gallery |
I also loved this when I first saw it! Congrats Davide on this well deserved honor! :-)
Mary Clarke |
Many congratulationson POTD Davide, great image
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
This is one of my favorites from last months contest, very well done, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wendy Stevenson |
Congrats on your win and POTD with this most excellent image!!! Really well done Davide!!!
- Terry L. Ellis![]() Contact Terry L. Ellis Terry L. Ellis's Gallery |
Congratulations, Davide, on this superb POTD and your second place win!! Wonderful!
Debbie Roberts |
Wonderful! Love this shot!
- Evy Johansen![]() Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Wow... Big congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Davide!!
Martin J. Preslar |
WOW Davide! Great shot, framing, lines, and lighting! Congrats on your POTD and 2nd place win! :)
Martin J. Preslar |
WOW Davide! Great shot, framing, lines, and lighting! Congrats on your POTD and 2nd place win! :)
Terri L. Scribner |
Big congrats on this great POTD!! (2nd place win also!)
BetterPhoto Member |
Very nice work. I love your gallery. You have a wonderful eye. Marilou Burleson
Keith L. Clayton |
Super eye and a super shot!! Many Congrats!!
Sergio La Spina |
Ei la eccola la foto del giorno sei contento?? bellissima sta fot bravo
BetterPhoto Member |
Davide: your picture depicts an inspiring message- to climb and reach the Goal. I am impressed with the theme, contrast of colors and the composition. Congrats on your POTD!!! From Avis K. Williams Caesar
Melody Molinaro |
Way Cool
Sinziana I. Ene |
Great shot! Beautiful figure ! Perfect lines and contrast !
Lori Carlson |
Great elements to this shot! Congratulations Davide on all it's recognition!! :0)
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