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an old book store in Porto, PortugalF/3.2____ISO 400____1/60s
Bogdan Grosu
Jill A. Johnson |
Awesome Work Bogdan!!! fantastic curves & lines on this... the red so makes it pop... Jill :)
July 05, 2005
BetterPhoto Member |
uau! Tare de tot. Oricum, cred ca aprecierea mea nu cantereste prea mult pt ca nu sunt profesionist. Ai si ceva Photoshop in ea?Oricum, ma bucur ca nu sunt singurul roman care baga poze aici
July 05, 2005
Bogdan Grosu |
no photoshop in here...just some levels adjustment, frame and resize... cheers salut
July 06, 2005
Siete Meeter |
July 07, 2005
Chris Macer |
I love the curves and the color in this one!
July 07, 2005
Kelly Heaton |
Wow look at the lines! Great Capture! Congrats!
August 21, 2005
Kay Beausoleil |
Congratulations for your win, Bogdan -- great design!
August 23, 2005
Wendy Stevenson |
Beautiful shot and image! Congratulations on your win!!
August 23, 2005
Bogdan Grosu |
thanks has been an honor!
August 23, 2005
Ricardo Ribeiro |
Boas! Só agora tive oportunidade de ver as outras fotos vencedoras do mês... Muitos parabéns pelo prémio ebm merecido! Esta está excelente... tal como a outra que conheço da mesma série! Um abraço!
September 09, 2005
Lori Carlson |
This is such a neat shot Bogdan!! Congratulations to you! :0)
September 27, 2005
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