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Sunset City
Bernard B. Travers |
Breathtaking clarity and color. A masterpiece - or better yet, a piece of masterwork, John.
Timothy L. Leggett |
very nice picture, John.
Cheryl A. Tessens |
This is wonderful! It is more than an just a is a beautiful piece of art!Love all the diff colors bouncing on all the buildings
Damian P. Gadal |
Wonderful shot!
Timothy L. Leggett |
congratulations on second place, John. Tim
Damian P. Gadal |
Congrats - stunning, stunning, stunning...
- Sandra Hardt Contact Sandra Hardt Sandra Hardt's Gallery |
This is a wonderful image. It is my grand prize for the month! -Sandy
Kerry Drager |
Hi John, I really like this image! In fact, this shot makes a great selection for BetterPhoto's "Where in the World?" quiz. It will be featured in the next issue of the PhotoFlash newsletter, which goes out this week. John, let's see if anyone can come up with the correct answer, so please don't reveal the location of this beautiful photo. I'll check back in several days and see how things are going. And, for everyone else, have fun guessing where this fantastic scene can be found! Kerry Drager
Scott Morwitz |
I'll take a guess. Could this be Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? It looks quite familiar, though I can't place the exact vantage point.
Kay Kenny |
I want to say Tokyo for some's truly a great shot!
||||||||||| - Larry Lawhead Contact Larry Lawhead Larry Lawhead's Gallery |
I'm w/ Scott. That's Pittsburgh.  LarryL
- Sandra Hardt Contact Sandra Hardt Sandra Hardt's Gallery |
Yes, it does look like Pittsburgh....facing the hill where the lift goes up the side of the mountain...
BetterPhoto Member |
Budapest, doesn't look like Pittsburgh to me, grew up near there.
Anthony Gedris |
I going to have to go with Tokyo. It was the first place I thought of when I saw the picture. Beautiful shot regardless.
Stacey L. Robbins |
Vancouver, Canada thats my best guess
- Sandra Hardt Contact Sandra Hardt Sandra Hardt's Gallery |
I have looked at this again and still go with Pittsburgh...I believe the hill in the back in where the "rich folks" of Pitssburgh lived and took the "incline" down to the bottom to go to work...I believe we are also looking at the Smithfield Bridge...Isn't there anyone from Pittsburgh who could confirm/reject????
BetterPhoto Member |
This Pittsburgher comfirms this is the 'burgh! And you're right--that is the Smithfield St. Bridge (now renamed the Roberto Clemente Bridge).
Michele King |
My best guess would be Sydney, Australia. Michele
Kerry Drager |
Hi Everybody, Thanks for taking part in the "Where in the World?" quiz in BetterPhoto's PhotoFlash newsletter. Good guesses, and for those of you who said Pittsburgh ... you are correct! Again, thanks ... and, John, congrats again on this awesome photo! Best,
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