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looking into the eyes of india
Murry Grigsby |
A very engaging portrait Aaron! Nice tight crop, pose, textures and those great eyes!!
January 24, 2005
Kathleen Clemons |
This is a very powerful portrait, Aaron.
January 24, 2005
Lewis P. Church |
One of the best portraits I have seen, as Aaron said, powerful, it's just draws you in to those strong eyes ...
January 24, 2005
Kimberly J. Whipps |
Incredible, beautiful shot. Makes me think "National Geographic"
January 24, 2005
BetterPhoto Member |
Although the word is over-used, this portrait is AWESOME!
January 24, 2005
Debra Booth |
Wonderful portrait, Aaron!
January 24, 2005
Marta Azevedo |
Very well done
January 24, 2005
Michael S. Swaffar |
Great portrait Aaron!
January 24, 2005
Craig A. Rose |
This is an example of superior portrait shooting. The subject is incredibly engaging - even riveting. The crop, as mentioned earlier, is ideal. Overall, this is an image that gives many of us something to shoot for in our people photography. Oh, and not to mention the fact that you had the "courage" to approach your subject - BRAVO! -Craig
January 25, 2005
Christian Turk |
I love portraits, makes you stop and imagine... what's his story, rich man / homeless man (is our human existence so different), what do the eyes say - is he a wise? is their madness beneath? is he old or middle age - the hair is wild and grey, but the eyes and skin show vitality, does he have a mission, what lessons does he have to teach...
January 25, 2005
Stephanie Lyons |
I agree with the comments above ... your creation is hauntingly beautiful ... Excellent job!
January 25, 2005
Janet S. Jonas |
Well done!
January 25, 2005
Jagrut Raval |
excellent shot Aaron !!! actually I am from INDIA so I know how difficult it is to approach these homeless people and talk with them. Great work ... u r the winner man!!! I agree with Kimberly, this photo is for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC just like Steve McCurry's famous potrait photograph of a girl from Afghan refugee camp. -JAGRUT
January 26, 2005
Kimberly J. Whipps |
Congratulations on being a finalist. How could this not be chosen? I see a winner.
February 19, 2005
Jagrut Raval |
hey man congratulations.........
February 19, 2005
Jennifer Rennison |
Excellent portrait, could sit and look at those eyes all day and wonder! Amazing capture, congratulations, Aaron!!
February 19, 2005
Kathleen Clemons |
I am so pleased to see this in the finals, Aaron. Congrats to you!
February 19, 2005
BetterPhoto Member |
Simply, one of the best photos I've ever seen. And I say this after just recently looking thru scores of photos that have won the Pulitzer prize over the past century. How else can I put it? This shot is at the level of Steve Mccurry's Afghan refugee girl!
February 20, 2005
Donna W. Neal |
This is a winner in my book Aaron. The eyes are just awesome. I love the full frame portrait. Once you open it you just can't stop looking at this man's eyes. Wow, good luck in the next round!
February 20, 2005
Christine Pentecost |
What a great picture! My husband and I have a drawing over our fireplace very similar, and ironically, the man in our drawing was a homeless man as well. This is the type of picture that makes me pause and look into the eyes and wonder what his life must be like. Great photo!
February 22, 2005
Debra Booth |
Congratulations on your win, Aaron!
February 22, 2005
Darren M. Alexander |
a well deserved win. perfect image. kudos and congrats! :-)
February 22, 2005
Stephanie Lyons |
Congratulations, Aaron ... I knew this had to be a winner!
February 22, 2005
Donna W. Neal |
Excellent!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your win Aaron ..:)
February 22, 2005
Jennifer Rennison |
Congratulations on your win, Aaron!!
February 22, 2005
Jagrut Raval |
again congratulations on being the winner !!!!!!
February 23, 2005
Susana Matos |
Congratulations on your win! Really wonderful! Cheers from Portugal, Su
February 23, 2005
Kristi A. Howson |
Just Amazing Aaron...such a stong portrait. Congratulations!!!!
February 26, 2005
Lori L. Thomas |
Wow! The contrast of his beard, skin, and eye - incredible.
March 15, 2005
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