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Traffic Jam!
Joy Brown |
Great shot and perspective, Sharon!
Colleen Braun |
love it...
Cathy Gregor |
Very cool shot Sharon. You do a great job with duckies! -cathy
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Joy, Colleen, and Cathy - thanks! Cathy - I do love my ducks....
Rob Friedman |
Excellent and very creative Sharon!
Allan L. Whitehead |
"Just Ducky, eh…" Sharon, I love this (as always) and the color is wonderful. Very well done, my very dear friend - your good friend, Allan
Charlene Bayerle |
Adorable and great title Sharon!!!!
||||||||||| - Jeff Robinson Contact Jeff Robinson Jeff Robinson's Gallery |
Nice image Sharon! Jeff
- Carolyn M. Fletcher Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
Well isn't that just ducky? I love it!
Jill A. Johnson |
great image Sharon... wonderful work hun :)
- Evy Johansen Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
So cute, Sharon.... Love it!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Rob, Allan, Char, Jeff, Carolyn, Jill, and Evy - thanks for your nice comments!
Barbara K. Breitsameter |
Great title to match this fun, colorful image. Well done Sharon!
Colette M. Metcalf |
Very cute, Sharon!!
S J |
Really like the composition of this shot, Sharon! Wonderful colors and subject!!!
cj patterson |
love the colors, perspective and composition of this image Sharon!! Excellent!
Robin L. Wehrman |
Awesome shot and great colors, Sharon! This is cute, Perfect!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Barbara, Colette, Sanjay, Carol and Robin - thank you so much for your nice comments!!
Donna J. Taff |
Great shot, Sharon!!!!! I'd like this one to hang on my bathroom wall!!!!
Lori Ditlefsen |
Rubber ducky, your the one. You make bath time lots of fun. Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you, boo, boo, bee, do! Rubber ducky joy of joys, when I squeeze you, you make noise. Rubby ducky I'm awfully fond of you! Sorry, it just made me break into song! LOL Fun shot!
Dan Holm |
Excellent shot, Sharon! Very cute! Love your perspective and DOF!
- Diane Addonizio Contact Diane Addonizio Diane Addonizio's Gallery |
Great image!!
- William C. Raco Contact William C. Raco William C. Raco's Gallery |
Fabulous photo! I love the herd of ducks, all turned this way and that. The DoF sets this off beautifully! Wonderful work, Sharon bill
Terry R. Hatfield |
Very Colorful Love The Prespective And The Quackers Sharon:-)
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Donna, Lori, Dan, Diane, bill and Terry - thanks so much for your nice comments!!!
Lisa Clark |
Unique idea. Very well done.
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Lisa - thanks!
Terry R. Hatfield |
Congratulations Sharon:-)
Lori Ditlefsen |
Congrats Sharon!
Patricia A. Cale |
Great shot, Sharon. The DOF is just right! Congratulations and good luck!!
Allan L. Whitehead |
Congratulations Sharon and best of luck on the next step - Allan
Donna J. Taff |
Congratulation's, Sharon!!!!!
Murry Grigsby |
Congrats Sharon!
Carol Brill |
Sharon, congratulations and best of luck in the finals!
Penny Steiner |
Really creative with rubber duckies...congratulations on your win. P.
Patricia A. Kuniega |
It's bumber-to-bumper ducks! Congratulations on this adorable shot Sharon!
Karen Engelbreth |
Congratulations Sharon!
Donna R. Moratelli |
Great conceptual image! Congratulations; Sharon!
- William C. Raco Contact William C. Raco William C. Raco's Gallery |
This is wonderful. I LOVE it! Congratulations, Sharon Best wishes for it and you, bill
- Evy Johansen Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Still love it..... Many congratulations and good luck, Sharon!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Terry, Lori, Pat, Allan, Donna, Murry, Carol, Penny, Pat, Donna, Bill, and Evy (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) - thanks for you nice comments!!
Danilo Piccioni |
Sharon, we meet again. Congratulations!!! Danilo
Kathleen Clemons |
Congrats, Sharon!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Thanks Kathleen!!
Colette M. Metcalf |
Congrats Sharon!!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Thanks Colette!
- William C. Raco Contact William C. Raco William C. Raco's Gallery |
Congratulations on the win, Sharon. I love this photo! bill
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Thanks Bill - always so nice to hear from you!!
Danilo Piccioni |
glad to see this among the winners! Congrats! Danilo
cj patterson |
congratulations sharon! I knew we would see this one again!!!
Terry R. Hatfield |
Congratulations To You Sharon On Your Win:-)
Karen Engelbreth |
Congrats On Your Win, Sharon!
Colette M. Metcalf |
Congrats on your win, Sharon!!
Allan L. Whitehead |
Congratulations on this terrific win, my dear friend - Allan
Murry Grigsby |
Congratulations on your win Sharon!!
Cathy Gregor |
Congratulations Sharon! -cathy
||||||||||| - Terry Cervi Contact Terry Cervi Terry Cervi's Gallery |
This is so cute, and nicely presented, Sharon! Congrats!
Robert Goodman |
Congratulations Sharon!!!!
Kristen McKain |
Wonderful! Congrats!
Donna J. Taff |
Congratulation's on this fantastic win, Sharon!!!!!!
Lori Ditlefsen |
Congrats on the win Sharon!
Carol Brill |
Sharon, congratulations on your win here!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Danilo, Terry, Carol, Karen, Colette, Allan, Murry, Cathy, Terry, Robert, Kristen, Donna, Lori, and Carol - thanks so much for you comments!!
Robin L. Wehrman |
Congratulations Sharon on your magnificent win, Well deserved!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Robin - thanks!!
Kathleen Clemons |
Congrats on your win, Sharon! :)
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Thanks Kathleen! (I've missed your images in class....)
- Evy Johansen Contact Evy Johansen Evy Johansen's Gallery |
Many congratulations on your win, Sharon! Well deserved! Love it....
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Evy - thanks! I'm such a big fan of your work, I consider your comments very high praise!!
Donna L. Cuic |
I love this Sharon. Congrats on your win. Donna
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Donna - thanks!
Donna R. Moratelli |
Great conceptual image; Sharon!! A big congratulations to you!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Donna - thanks!!
Leonard Pierce |
Congratulations on your Second Place win Sharon!!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Len - thanks!
Penny Steiner |
Hi Sharon: Well deserved win...congratulations on this creative image. P.
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Penny - thanks!
Dolores Neilson |
This made me smile, Sharon! A lovely whimsical shot with great warm color! Big congrats!!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Dolores - thanks!
Diane Dupuis |
Congrats Sharon! Fantastic job!! Keep up the great work!
||||||||||| - Sharon E. Lowe Contact Sharon E. Lowe Sharon E. Lowe's Gallery |
Diane - thanks!
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