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Flamed tulips
Lana Arcemont |
Nadia Paul |
This just glows Monica - utterly gorgeous!
- Monica Mermoz Contact Monica Mermoz Monica Mermoz's Gallery |
Thank you very much, Lana and Nadia, for your kind comments! I really appreciate them!
Nadia Paul |
Congrats on your gorgeous winner Monica!
LeAnn Wood |
Drama, intense color and clarity....a well deserved winner. Congratulations, Monica!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
CONGRATS on this phenomenal WINNER, Monica! WTG!
Merna L. Nobile |
Are you amazed at the vivid colors, sharpness and composition of your photographs? Well the judges are, CONGRATULATIONS you are a winner for the month of December, 2012! Merna
- Monica Mermoz Contact Monica Mermoz Monica Mermoz's Gallery |
Thank you very much, Nadia, LeAnn, Patrick and Merna for your kind and generous comments! I've been out for a few days, so I'm just now reading your comments. Thanks a lot!!
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