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Supremely Elegant |
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
Stunning capture, Chris. Sorry I never made it to the Supreme Court.
Katarina Mansson |
WINNER!!! Love it!!!
- Carolyn M. Fletcher![]() ![]() Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Very effective curve, pov and lines, Chris! UB.
Joy Rector |
beautiful shot
Robert Jensen |
- Nikki McDonald![]() Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
Beautiful staircase and great perspective and framing, Chris.
- Carol Flisak![]() Contact Carol Flisak Carol Flisak's Gallery |
Stunning image, Chris... excellent in every way and appropriately titled!
- Mitch Spence![]() Contact Mitch Spence Mitch Spence's Gallery |
The title is correct and refers to both the subject and the image, Chris.
Naomi Weiser |
great shot and pov!
David M. Montero |
Absolutley masterful capture Chris!!! Love the juxtaposition of the stairs and floor, the soft tone and of course POV. Yes indeed, this is a winner! A new fav for me.
- Melinda F. Schneider![]() Contact Melinda F. Schneider Melinda F. Schneider's Gallery |
Supreme image! This is a winner for sure!! Wowee Kazowee!!!!!
- Dr Silly![]() Contact Dr Silly Dr Silly's Gallery |
Awesome. :O)
- Bob Cournoyer![]() Contact Bob Cournoyer Bob Cournoyer's Gallery ![]() |
Love the pov/comp... :-)
Michelle Alton |
Magnificent work, Chris. You are (in my esteem) the King of architectural photography on BP.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you all very much for the kind words! (Wow, Michelle, you're good for the ego!) I was very surprised this turned out; the viewing angles are limited (the public is allowed to enter and stand on 1 landing, with large solid wood walls preventing you from going up or down from that landing. You can basically lean over the landing's railing), the lighting is challenging (bright, hot-spot wall-mounted sconces) and I shot fairly underexposed to minimize camera shake. (You'd laugh at the original RAW image of this!!) I'm thrilled with how this turned out, given all of that, and glad you all like it as much as I do!
- Carol Quina![]() Contact Carol Quina Carol Quina's Gallery |
A very pretty image! "Super!"
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
This is STUNNING! I agree with Michelle. You da KING!!!!LOL
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you Dayna and Carol, very much!
Kara L. Hendricks |
Oh Chris... I see another GP in your future... at LEAST first!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Ah, wouldn't that be something! Let's hope your predictive powers are spot-on!
- Linda D. Lester![]() Contact Linda D. Lester Linda D. Lester's Gallery |
I really loved this view too! Excellent work hope we see it again!!!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Of all 3 visits I've made to the Supreme Court, shooting the spiral stairs each time, this is far and away my favorite result. Thanks!
Kara L. Hendricks |
I know I chose an image from you not long ago, but when a shot needs to be showcased, it needs to be showcased! Congrats on the 101 POTW Chris.. WINNER!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you for the 101 pick, Kara! This is definitely one of my two or three all-time favorite stairs captures!
- Nikki McDonald![]() Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
So very elegant, Chris. Looks great on the home page. Hard to find in your gallery, lol, but worth the search :)
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Nikki! Glad you searched it out! My regular BP gallery is overdue for some pruning I think; I try to keep my a little less packed-full, and grouped by subject, loosely. It isn't a perfect system, clearly ;)
- Amanda D. Austwick Contact Amanda D. Austwick Amanda D. Austwick's Gallery |
Just love this Chris.The title is perfect, since it is so elegant! Nikki you did better than I did. I got waded down in the search and asked Chris for help:)
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Amanda! ;) Apologies for my gallery layout... I haven't struck on the perfect system yet ;)
BetterPhoto Member |
Julianne Bradford |
Boy! This has the most elegant feel to it too Chris! What a fabulous finalist! Congratulations!
- Lindley Johnson![]() Contact Lindley Johnson Lindley Johnson's Gallery |
Terrific POV, and a wonderful image of this elegant curve. So well done, Chris - big congratulations!
Elegant it is!! Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Chris.. jo ann c.
Shawn Jennings |
Super shot, Chris! Congratulations on your finalist!
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
Congrats on a stunning finalist, Chris.
- Nancy L. Green![]() Contact Nancy L. Green Nancy L. Green's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS Chris, wonderful lines, POV and comp, WTG!! <><
Tammy Espino |
Congrats Chris!!!1
|| - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
So beautiful. Congrats, Chris.
- Nikki McDonald![]() Contact Nikki McDonald Nikki McDonald's Gallery |
My pick for a sure gold from among your many finalists this month, Chris. Congratulations and good luck.
Ellen Hodges |
Huge congrats on an absolutely gorgeous finalist, Chris!!! Very best luck with this and your other fab finalists!!
- Carol Flisak![]() Contact Carol Flisak Carol Flisak's Gallery |
Happy to see this again! Huge congrats on your stunning finalist, Chris!
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
The king strikes again! LOL This is truly amazing Chris...I am jumping up and down, clapping my hands and hollering like crazy for you! (My co-workers are looking at me funny) Grand Prize here you come!!!!!
David M. Montero |
Genius!!! Congratulations on your Finalist selection Chris! Candidate for Grand Prize for sure.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you all very much! I believe I shot this with Renee & Linda, on the same day I shot my Lincoln Memorial Finalist, and my Pension Building Finalist, and the day before my Passage Finalist---making that weekend certainly one of the most successful on record, for me personally! I recommend shooting with Renee & Linda all the time, now. ;)
Renee Doyle |
That's too funny Chris - we'll be back next weekend :-) BIG congrats to you on this - I have a shot of you actually shooting this :-) .... want me to post it!!! Seriously, just getting to the finalists so sorry for late congrats ,... but BIG congrats for this and all your other wonderful finalists!!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks! I'm pretty sure I DON'T want to see myself leaning out over a railing ;) Sure wish they let us access the entire stairwell, with tripods! ;)
Ryan Murphy |
Congrats, Chris on a wonderful month! Hard to pick a favorite amongst your 6 finalists, but this is probably mine. I expect to see some of the silver turn to gold to add to your already spectacular portfolio.
- Amanda D. Austwick Contact Amanda D. Austwick Amanda D. Austwick's Gallery |
I can see this one going for Gold! Great image Chris!
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
An incredible POV and image Chris. Congrats!
Phyllis H. Burchett |
BIG congrats Chris on this and all your fabulous finalists, good luck!
Kay Beausoleil |
Congratulations on your win for this superb image, Christopher!
- Stefania Barbier![]() Contact Stefania Barbier Stefania Barbier's Gallery ![]() |
superb winner... congratulations Chris!
Jill Battaglia |
this is gorgeous! congrats Chris!!
Ellen Hodges |
Huge congrats on a gorgeous winner, Chris!!!!
- Peggy Pfister![]() Contact Peggy Pfister Peggy Pfister's Gallery |
Huge congrats on a truly elegant winner!
Tammy Espino |
Congrats on this awesome win!:)
Rona L. Schwarz |
WOW! and then some, Chris! I haven't even made it through all the finalists yet and now see you had 6 (!) and 2 Gold Winners! This is my favorite - it is truly spectacular and so very elegantly presented. Have to agree with Michelle - you are definitely the KING of architectural photography at BP and probably wherever else you choose to compete. Huge Congratulations on this superb Gold Winner!
Susan Williams |
Huge congratulations for the Gold on this outstanding image, Chris. Outstanding work!
- Michele Peterson Contact Michele Peterson Michele Peterson's Gallery |
Big congratulations, Chris, this is fabulous!!!
Katarina Mansson |
Gold star in stairs photography! Congratulations again Chris!
- Bojan Bencic![]() Contact Bojan Bencic Bojan Bencic's Gallery |
Fantastic. Congratulations on your win, Christopher.
- Linda D. Lester![]() Contact Linda D. Lester Linda D. Lester's Gallery |
Great so see this one....Congratulations on your win!!!.
- Gail Sullivan![]() Contact Gail Sullivan Gail Sullivan's Gallery |
Classic and elegant...congrats, Christopher!
- Dr Silly![]() Contact Dr Silly Dr Silly's Gallery |
Congrats Chris on your Gold for this photo. :O)
- Leslie McLain![]() Contact Leslie McLain Leslie McLain's Gallery |
Congrats on a fantastic winner, Chris.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks so much! I stand by my earlier comment---try to have Renee & Linda nearby whenever you shoot ;) Both of my golds this month were shot in their presence... (The other included Gail V. on the outing.) There just might be something to that ;)
Jessica Jenney |
Congratulations, Chris on your win! Fantastic!
Monnie Ryan |
Fabulous, Chris - congratulations on a well-deserved win!
- Claudia Kuhn![]() Contact Claudia Kuhn Claudia Kuhn's Gallery |
Wonderful Chris, congratulations
- R. J. Laudenbacher Contact R. J. Laudenbacher R. J. Laudenbacher's Gallery |
Congrats Chris on your winner. Outstanding!
Barbara Socor |
...and supremely seen and shot! A truly outstanding image, Chris. Congrats on a memorable winning image!
Julianne Bradford |
Congratulations on this elegant winner Chris!
- Lindley Johnson![]() Contact Lindley Johnson Lindley Johnson's Gallery |
Big congratulations on your elegant and well-deserved Win, Chris!
Diane Dupuis |
love love love it!! congrats!!!!!
- Carol Flisak![]() Contact Carol Flisak Carol Flisak's Gallery |
Huge congratulations on your stunning winner, Chris! Glad to see this again!
David Phalen |
BIG Congrats on a spectacular Winner!!
- Mitch Spence![]() Contact Mitch Spence Mitch Spence's Gallery |
You know, I think every time I see this that, as I said before, the title is perfect because it is. It's just so very nice, Chris. Congratulations.
|| - Terry Cervi![]() Contact Terry Cervi Terry Cervi's Gallery |
Fantastic EOD work and winner, Chris! Congrats!
Congratulations on this fantastic 2nd Place Gold Winner Chris! jo ann c.
Renee Doyle |
:-) WTG Chris on this excellent Gold!
Michelle L. Frick |
Supremely beautiful! Congratulations Chris!!
Janet Fikar |
Hey Chris - awesome shot and great comp. Gotta love those spirals! I know what you mean about hanging over the rail with low light. This shot is fantastic!
- Don Johnson![]() Contact Don Johnson Don Johnson's Gallery |
Another stunning image, Chris. Congratulations!
|| - Deborah Lewinson![]() Contact Deborah Lewinson Deborah Lewinson's Gallery |
Superb winner, Chris! Congratulations!
Phyllis H. Burchett |
BIG congrats Chris on this fabulous winner!!!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you all very much!
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
You know how I feel about this image....nuff said.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Dayna! I'm so glad you like it as much as I do!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Christine--I've been on the watch for stairs too, ever since getting the ultra-wide EFS 10-22 lens (inspired directly by Katarina's magnificent stair captures across Europe.)
- Lydia Williams![]() Contact Lydia Williams Lydia Williams's Gallery |
Magnificent, Chris! Congratulations on your golden win!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you, Lydia!
David M. Montero |
A belated but rousing appluse on your win Chris! I can't fecide if I like this one better than "The Way Up" Oh well, I like them both!
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you, Dave! How can you not love a great spiral? ;) They're so appealing as subjects. Glad you like 'em both!
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Glad to see this win a Gold badge, Chris. Huge CONGRATZ on this stunning Second Place Gold!!! UB.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thanks, Usman!
- Dayna Cain![]() Contact Dayna Cain Dayna Cain's Gallery |
This photo is so captivating, so skillfully taken. Resubmit this one. Second place is not nearly good enough for this.
|| - Chris Budny![]() Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
Thank you very much Dayna; it is definitely a favorite of mine! I may work up a revision to enter, in light of your re-entry suggestion.
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