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Vegetable medley
Vegetable medley
f/5.6 1/60 sec iso 200
Ronald Lunn |
Daniella Puente |
This is a beautiful image! congrats...
December 14, 2011
Ronald Lunn |
Thank you Daniella. Ditto You have a fabulous gallery.
December 15, 2011
Mary K. Robison |
Very artistic full-frame image, Ronald. CONGRATULATIONS on your well earned Gold Winner!
December 16, 2011
Ronald Lunn |
Thank you for your kind comments Mary. I was quite pleased to be a finalist now i'm over the moon.
December 17, 2011
Merna L. Nobile |
What could be more important in life than to know in our hearts that in everything we have tried to do, we have done our very best? Congratulations for your magnificent contribution for the month of November, 2011. Merna Nobile
December 30, 2011
Ronald Lunn |
Thank you for your those very profound word of support Merna.
December 31, 2011
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