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New York pretzels
Jack Gaskin |
LOL Have had a soft spot for these since I was a kid Jack
- Rudi Reiner Contact Rudi Reiner Rudi Reiner's Gallery |
Nice shot, love the colors!
Louise Souchereau |
Great picture, great colors and great clarity...and again great hummmm pretzels, bravo Alejandro
Karen Celella |
Congratulations on your terrific finalist, Alex!
Karen Celella |
And now I can congratulate you on your fabulous win!
- Alejandro Cerutti Contact Alejandro Cerutti Alejandro Cerutti's Gallery |
Thank you :D
Merna L. Nobile |
What could be more important in life than to know in our hearts that in everything we have tried to do, we have done our very best? Congratulations for your magnificent contribution for the month of November, 2011. Merna Nobile
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