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- Carole L. Parker Contact Carole L. Parker Carole L. Parker's Gallery |
Robin, this is a great shot. Very nice.
Julianne Bradford |
Perfect timing and great clarity in this whimsical capture Robin!
Phyllis H. Burchett |
Fantastic shot, perfect MT entry!
- Bruce E. Van-Buskirk Contact Bruce E. Van-Buskirk Bruce E. Van-Buskirk's Gallery |
Wonder shot. What were they looking at? Bruce
Patricia A. Stalter |
I see a winner here! Very nice. :)
Robin R. |
Thank you for the kind words. There was construction going on nearby. They relocated as soon as they heard a helicopter flying, but never groupd up again. Very attentive to all the sounds going on.
Kathryn Wesserling |
Congratulations on your Finalist. How extraordinary that you were able to catch them each looking in a different direction - that sure made this picture extra fun.
- Nancyj E. Hovey Contact Nancyj E. Hovey Nancyj E. Hovey's Gallery |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your very deserving 2nd PLACE WINNER! 8o)
Daniella Puente |
Congrats!!! this is great :)
- Joannie Bertucci Contact Joannie Bertucci Joannie Bertucci's Gallery |
Unbelieveble capture Robin and a fun one at that! I love watching meerkats on the nature channel! Congrats on your gold badge, very well deserved!
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Great capture, CONGRATZ on the Gold win!!! UB.
Merna L. Nobile |
Congratulations to all of the Award Winners for May 2011. Merna
- JudyAnn Rector Contact JudyAnn Rector JudyAnn Rector's Gallery |
Absolutely wonderful... CONGRATULATIONS!!
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