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Library of Congress
- Mary L. Olson Contact Mary L. Olson Mary L. Olson's Gallery |
Congrats, Max! Great image. Mary Lou
Merna L. Nobile |
Black and White, Bright Colors, Full Frame or Cropped, it does not matter. You’re a winner! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
CONGRATZ on the Finalist badge, Maxine!!! UB.
Lyn Darlington |
Congrats on your finalist, fantastic image!
||||||||||| - Chris Budny Contact Chris Budny Chris Budny's Gallery |
This is pretty spectacular, Maxine; congratulations!
Maxine C. Schnitzer |
Thank you all so much! You've made my day!!!
Mark Dodge |
Nice work, Maxine. Way to go! Congratulations :o)
Melissa G. Meiselman |
Huge congrats on your dazzling winner, Maxine!!
Lyn Darlington |
Congratulations on your fantastic winner!
- Emile Abbott Contact Emile Abbott Emile Abbott's Gallery |
Congratulations Maxine on a wonderful winner.
James Reininger |
Great colors.
- Irene Colling Contact Irene Colling Irene Colling's Gallery |
WOW Maxine; A winner. Huge congratulations. I am very happy for you.
- Mary L. Olson Contact Mary L. Olson Mary L. Olson's Gallery |
Glad you won, Max! Mary Lou
Maxine C. Schnitzer |
Thanks all so much. It's hard to miss when the subject is so spectacular.
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your wonderful Second Place Winner, Maxine!!! UB.
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