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Lords of the Dance |
Dorothy Neumann |
Fabulous, Zita! Beautiful horse, dramatic pose of his handler, great use of bright background.
Susana Matos |
gorgeous !! Cheers from Portugal, Su
Dorothy Neumann |
Hooray, Zita! Congratulations. I just love this photo.
Donna W. Neal |
Congratulations Zita, this is great, I missed it the first time out.
Murry Grigsby |
Congrats and good luck with this amazing image Zita!!
Leonard Pierce |
Congratulations Zita!!!
Ellen L. Zaslaw |
Very nice !! Congratulations !!!
Dorothy Neumann |
A win! Great job, Zita!
Kristen McKain |
- Kelly Abernathy Contact Kelly Abernathy Kelly Abernathy's Gallery |
Congrats on your win! -K
- Carolyn M. Fletcher Contact Carolyn M. Fletcher Carolyn M. Fletcher's Gallery |
This is just super! congrats!!!!!
Murry Grigsby |
Congrats on your win Zita!
Lori Ditlefsen |
Congrats on the win Zita. Wonderful shot!
Debra Booth |
Congratulations, Zita!! Great shot!
Audrea Telkamp |
Beautiful Zita - I love this image!! Congratulations!!!
- Zita A. Strother Contact Zita A. Strother Zita A. Strother's Gallery |
Thanks to you all! It is a double treat since the stallion is mine and I have raise him since the moment he touched all fours on the ground. Joao is a incredibly talented horseman and the soulmate of one of my dearest friends.A joy shared is a joy doubled...this one is surely quadrupled! Thanks to you all:)Zita
|| - Kathleen K. Parker Contact Kathleen K. Parker Kathleen K. Parker's Gallery |
Marvelous shot and you are so lucky to have this horse! Congratulations on your win! KK
Merna L. Nobile |
Hello Zita: I am so sorry that I am so late getting back to you. I forget to check my BP mail. Thank you for the honor of being one of your favorites! I love your work and appreciate hearing from you. My best, Merna
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