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Rush Hour
David Pratt |
Excellent! This is another one of my favs of yours..!;-)
Steve M. Harrington |
Thanks, Dave. Mine too. This image was published in PCPhoto. Steve
Rona L. Schwarz |
WOW! I just made this a favorite, Steve! This is fabulous - I have never seen anything like it! Marvelous POV, detail, clarity and color, Steve! iT really shows the incredible hustle, bustle and almost frantic activity. Congrats in being published in PCPhoto, how wonderful! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you so much, Rona! Calcutta was an amazing experience and had a profound influence on me. I am pleased you like it. I hope your holidays are wonderful. Steve
Linda L. Ruiz |
Tammy Espino |
Congrats on your great finalist! :)
Patti Coblentz |
Congratulations on another wonderful finalist, Steve!
- Nancyj E. Hovey Contact Nancyj E. Hovey Nancyj E. Hovey's Gallery |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your very deserving FINALIST! 8o)
Joanna Madloch |
Amazing one, Steve. I understand that all these pictures were taken with the film camera. If so, you are a master of digital conversion :)
Rona L. Schwarz |
Not surprised to see this again, Steve! I just love it, as you know! Superb Finalist - Hope to see it with a GOLD badge next! CONGRATULATIONSand Good luck in the next round!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
Congratulations Steve! WTG!
||||||||||| - Kathleen K. Parker Contact Kathleen K. Parker Kathleen K. Parker's Gallery |
This is awesome, Steve! Congratulations!! kk
Merna L. Nobile |
I can only imagine how proud you must be feeling right now. What wonderful news! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna
Phyllis H. Burchett |
Congrats on this fantastic finalist!
Carol L. Fowler |
Big Congrats!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you all for your kind words. I really appreciate them. Steve
David Pratt |
Way to go Steve!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thanks a lot, Dave! Steve
- Ken Smith Contact Ken Smith Ken Smith's Gallery |
Very nicely done, Steve...congrats to you!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you, Ken. Steve
||||||||||| - Kathleen K. Parker Contact Kathleen K. Parker Kathleen K. Parker's Gallery |
What a wonderful win. So happy for you, Steve! kk
Joanna Madloch |
Huge congrats, Steve. Well deserved!
Patti Coblentz |
Wow...another beautiful gold winner, well deserved...congratulations!!
Tammy Espino |
Congrats on your win :)
||||||||||| - Tammy M. Anderson Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
Congrats on your fabulous winner, Steve.
Kay Beausoleil |
Congratulations on yet another fine win, Steve!!
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna |
WTG on this wonderful winner, Steve! :-) k
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
Congratulations on this incredible winner, Steve! WTG!
Rona L. Schwarz |
I know a Winner when I see it, Steve! A marvelous, marvelous image! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 2ND PLACE WINNER!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you all for your good wishes. I truly appreciate hearing from you. Steve
Michelle Alton |
You're on a golden roll, Steve. This is sensational, and looks great as an official winner!
Lorna Shutter |
Wow! What an incredible image, Steve!!! It does look crowded there! CONGRATULATIONS on another amazing 2nd Place Win!!!!! :)
- Val Feldman Contact Val Feldman Val Feldman's Gallery |
Gee, it's hard to top a comment following the dancing antics of the Seinfeld will just say, what a super and well-deserved month you've had, Steve...another superb capture and another beautiful Gold Win. The best and biggest of congratulations to you!!!!
- Bojan Bencic Contact Bojan Bencic Bojan Bencic's Gallery |
Congratulations on your winner, Steve. Fantastic capture.
Debra R. Harder |
WTG, Steve!! Huge congratulations on another BRILLIANT GOLD WINNER! Deb
David Pratt |
Way to go Steve! Congratulations!
- Mitch Spence Contact Mitch Spence Mitch Spence's Gallery |
There's that amazing image with its appropriate gold, Steve. Congratulations.
Kathryn Wesserling |
What an amazing scene, Steve. The long view of this street made the story you tell of this way of life very effective. Congratulations.
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you all very much! I really appreciate your comments. Steve
Phil Stith |
Congratulations on another delightful winner, Steve!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you, Phil. Steve
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you, Usman. Steve
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Outstanding work Steve! Congratulations on this story telling win!!
Steve M. Harrington |
Thank you, Donna! Steve
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