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Singing in the Rain
Randy A. Myers |
Great idea. Made me laugh. Good job.
BetterPhoto Member |
Wonderfully lighthearted! Thanks for that!
- Nancyj E. Hovey Contact Nancyj E. Hovey Nancyj E. Hovey's Gallery |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your deserving FINALIST!!! 8o)
Christian Rosito |
Great idea! A well deserved winner, Congratulations!
- Nancyj E. Hovey Contact Nancyj E. Hovey Nancyj E. Hovey's Gallery |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your 2nd Place Winner! 8o)
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Congratulations Sarah on your beautiful WINNER!! UB.
Kathryn Wesserling |
Late to the party! This is wonderfully creative - it really brought out a huge smile. Congratulations for your Win.
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