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Business Casual
Julianna J. Collett |
I love it !!!
Joan Powell |
Love it , great lighting ! Is it Bazooka ?????
Cathy Barrows |
Congrats on your it
Judi Morrissey |
Love this! congrats!
Betsy Labuschagne |
Congratulations on your outstanding finalist Justin!!
BetterPhoto Member |
great spin on a simple subject- would work well for stock sales!
Paula Showen |
Great shot! Love it...congratulations!
Vladan D. Djordjevic |
Congratulations on your finalist!
Colleen Farrell |
Love this! Yes, you could make quite a bit of $ on this at a stock site. Big congrats!
Mary K. Robison |
So unique and creative, Justin! Congratulations on your well-earned win!
- Elida Gutierrez Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! A Special Trophy for "August Winners"
- Justin T. Akers Contact Justin T. Akers Justin T. Akers's Gallery |
Thanks everyone for the great response. I am thrilled to have placed!
- Elida Gutierrez Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! A Special Trophy for "MARCH Winners" Sorry!!!
Betsy Labuschagne |
Congratulations Justin!!
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Very unique and cool Justin, congratulations on your win!
Remi Trepanier |
Outstanding winner!!
Cathy Barrows |
Congrats on your 2nd place it
||||||||||| - Dominick M. Dimacale Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Justin on your Win!!! Dominick
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