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Pink Mystery |
Sam Britt |
Beautiful macro, Carol, Wonderful softness & pastel color.
Monnie Ryan |
Gorgeous, Carol -- so soft and lovely!
Debra Booth |
Michael G. Marshall |
Outstanding, Carol! Love the soft light and color of this macro! Michael
Cary Rogers |
A nicely-composed macro, Carol, with great contrast of sharp center detail and soft pastel petal textures!!
|| - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
This is a beauty, Carol. Details and soft colors are gorgeous.
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
Lovely soft feel and great details, Carol. Usman.
Judy A. Lawhon |
WOW....beautiful DOF, sharp detail and great color....well done, Carol!!
Joseph R. Ombrello |
Gorgeous floral macro, Carol. Great focus for sharp front and soft back. This really stands out!
John Benway |
Simply beautiful Carol. John
- Carol Engstrom Contact Carol Engstrom Carol Engstrom's Gallery |
This is so soft and pretty. Beautiful shot!
Jack Ryan |
Quite beautiful...excellent close up...nicely done.
Barbara Waldoch |
How very beautiful, Carol!
Ron McEwan |
I love the heart of the flower surrounded with the soft pink, absolutely beautiful Carol
Carol L. Fowler |
Thanks for all the comments- I appreciate them very much.
Dianna Murphy |
Whatever it is... who cares, this is superb! A winner Carol.. really outstanding.
- Denny E. Barnes![]() Contact Denny E. Barnes Denny E. Barnes's Gallery |
Outstanding macro, Carol! The color, clarity, detail, light and composition are all perfect!! Exceptionally well done!!
Maria A. Gonzalez |
Carol this is a beautiful macro,your composition excellent and the definition and colors very pretty.Well done.
BetterPhoto Member |
Beautiful closeup,Carol!
Roxanne M. Bubar |
Marty Straub |
Outstanding talent, Carol.
Susan Weisensel |
Beautiful Carol, It looks alot like the inside of a Tulip.
Carol L. Fowler |
Thanks for those comments. Yes Susan, at first I thought it was a tulip, but it opened up more than a tulip would.
|| - Tammy M. Anderson![]() Contact Tammy M. Anderson Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery |
Congratulations on this beautiful finalist, Carol.
Cathy Barrows |
Congrats on your finalist
Nadya Johnson |
Gorgeous, Carol! Congratulations on your outstanding finalist!
- Sherran Andersen![]() Contact Sherran Andersen Sherran Andersen's Gallery |
Congrats Carol. Sherran
Cheryl E. Molennor |
LOVE IT! Congratulations on your fabulous finalist!
- Patrick Rouzes Contact Patrick Rouzes Patrick Rouzes's Gallery |
Arlene Krassner |
Congratulations Carol! I adore this photo.
|| - Agnes Fegan![]() Contact Agnes Fegan Agnes Fegan's Gallery |
Congratulations Carol; this is beautiful!!!
Gerri R. Jones |
Congratulations Carol! Somehow I missed this beauty in your gallery, a beautiful and well deserved winner!!!
Wendy Moghadam |
Beautiful winner! Congratulations!
Carol L. Fowler |
Thanks everyone. I appreciate your comments.
Kelly S. Cavanaugh |
Congratulations, Carol! This is beautiful!
Rhonda Burger |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!! Rhonda
- Mary Beth Aiello![]() Contact Mary Beth Aiello Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery |
Just beautiful, Carol. Huge congratulations on this outstanding winner.
Jack Ryan |
Congratulations, Carol. A very deserving winner.
Sam Britt |
Big congratulations on your winner, Carol!!
Cheryl E. Molennor |
Big Congrats. Great image
Carol L. Fowler |
Thanks for those comments, everyone. Really appreciated!
Barbara Waldoch |
How wonderful! Congratulations, Carol!
AMALIA Veralli |
Stunning photo! Congratulations
- Gail Vitikacs Contact Gail Vitikacs Gail Vitikacs's Gallery |
Reallllly beautiful! Terrific win!!
- Carol Engstrom Contact Carol Engstrom Carol Engstrom's Gallery |
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Congratulations on your win Carol!
Katarina Mansson |
Beautiful SF and color tones. Congratulations Carol!
- Usman M. Bajwa![]() Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
CONGRATS. on getting Golden, Carol. WTG Usman.
- Elida Gutierrez![]() Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
CONGRATULATIONS!!! "Cup Full of Daisies" A Special Trophy for "February Winners"
|| - Dominick M. Dimacale![]() Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Carol on your Win!!!
Kathleen R. Struckle |
This is absolutely gorgeous Carol. Congrats on your win.
Howard B. Cheek |
Congratulations on this fine image Carol. Interesting story behind the shot, sounds exciting.. You never know what might pop-up :)
Patti Coblentz |
This is just perfect, Carol. I have been trying for 3 days to get a beautiful soft no avail. I'm determined! This is truly spectacular...congratulations on your win. I know, I'm late...but I didn't know you back then :) Patti PS...sounds like fun to keep discovering new flowers in your garden as you dig about.
Mark Dodge |
Right on, Carol! Looks like you are holding true to one of your New Year resolutions :o) Congratulations!
Mark Dodge |
Ooops! Okay... Duh! So I'm a year off. What the heck?
Kim Andelkovic |
Just divine......such elegance, love it.
Karen Celella |
Congratulations on your fabulous winner, Carol!
Carol L. Fowler |
- Laura E. Swan![]() Contact Laura E. Swan Laura E. Swan's Gallery |
So very lovely and soft, Carol! No surprise that it went Gold! Be-lated Congratulations to YOU! I need to find a good macro lens and have no idea where to start. I guess the camera shop. HeeHee... -Laura:D
Carol L. Fowler |
Thank you!
Now how in the world did I miss this! Absolutely gorgeous Carol! Congrats on this well deserved Gold Winner4 girl! jo ann c.
Carol L. Fowler |
Thanks for looking through my past winners, JoAnn.
Sharon L. Doane |
Stunning! Congratulations!
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