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Schooner Sail
Melissa Olsen |
Gail, I love your creation and is so old world. Outstanding job!
Philippe Vieux-Jeanton |
Melissa is right!! This is Outstanding Art!
- Randy D. Dinkins Contact Randy D. Dinkins Randy D. Dinkins's Gallery |
Ditto Melissa! Love the colors here.
- Shelly A. Van Camp Contact Shelly A. Van Camp Shelly A. Van Camp's Gallery |
- Gail Sullivan Contact Gail Sullivan Gail Sullivan's Gallery |
Thanks so much, Melissa, Phillippe, Randy and Shelly.
- William C. Raco Contact William C. Raco William C. Raco's Gallery |
Beautiful subject, photo and presentation Excellent work, Gail
Remi Trepanier |
Great capture Gail!!!
- Stefania Barbier Contact Stefania Barbier Stefania Barbier's Gallery |
another amazing beauty Gail... congratulations!!!!
- Mary Beth Aiello Contact Mary Beth Aiello Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery |
Huge congrats on this beautiful finalist, Gail. Just outstanding.
Marcel J. Fernandez |
Wonderful capture and effects. Congratulations Gail.
Nick Lagos |
Lovely capture enhanced by excellent texture work Gail...congfrats
- Claudia Kuhn Contact Claudia Kuhn Claudia Kuhn's Gallery |
Beautiful Gail, congrats on a wonderful winner!
||||||||||| - Agnes Fegan Contact Agnes Fegan Agnes Fegan's Gallery |
Congratulations on your winning image Gail :)
- Bojan Bencic Contact Bojan Bencic Bojan Bencic's Gallery |
Congratulations, Gail!
- Stefania Barbier Contact Stefania Barbier Stefania Barbier's Gallery |
another gorgeous winner Gail, huge congrats!!!
Rhonda Burger |
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!! Rhonda
- Mary Beth Aiello Contact Mary Beth Aiello Mary Beth Aiello's Gallery |
Huge congratulations, Gail, on this outstanding winner.
Marcel J. Fernandez |
Congratulations Gail on your beautiful winner.
Renee Doyle |
Congrats on another beautiful winner Gail!!!! WTG!!
Jean-Pierre Ducondi |
Outstanding work. A master piece. Congrats on your win. JP
Donna La Mattino Pagakis |
Awesome image with beautiful treatment Gail! Congratulations on your win!
- Usman M. Bajwa Contact Usman M. Bajwa Usman M. Bajwa's Gallery |
CONGRATS. on getting Golden Usman.
||||||||||| - Dominick M. Dimacale Contact Dominick M. Dimacale Dominick M. Dimacale's Gallery |
Congratulations Gail on your Win!!!
- Elida Gutierrez Contact Elida Gutierrez Elida Gutierrez's Gallery |
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April 02, 2009