BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Amelie J. Gort

Saving Pics.

I was wondering what you guys recommend as an external hard drive? I guess my PC decided that there is no more memory while I was working in Photoshop. I have tons of pics that I probably should save somewhere else. I do have a Backup HD in my PC but I think I need something else?
Let me know what you guys think.

Amelie Gort

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February 23, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  First of all, you absolutely DO need something else!! I'm a fan of the Western Digital "My Book" external hard drive - if you watch sales you can get a 1T model for $100. If you travel much and need to transfer photos, the small Passport portables are excellent as well (250 or 500GB are reasonably priced). Another possibility is to subscribe to a back-up service like Carbonite (around $55 a year) that automatically backs up for you.

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February 23, 2011


Nancy Marie Ricketts
  I have a 2 Terabyte (2,048 Gigabytes) Acomdata that I paid approx $200 for 4 years ago. I know they somewhat cheaper now. I take thousands of pictures a month and I still haven't run out of room. I got mine at Costco, but I know they sell them on the web. Try, or BH Photo, etc.

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February 23, 2011

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  I am a bit confused by your original post. Memory or RAM is different from storage or disk space. Did you get a memory error in photoshop? This is quite possible to do when working on big files or when you have multiple things open or lots of layers and has nothing to do with disk space.

If this was the problem you need to either limit your open files, or flatten the layers occasionally so that you do not exceed your available RAM or add additional RAM in your system. How much you can add depends on both your hardware and operating system.

If the problem is that you ran out of disk space moving photos off to an external backup drive will work. Storage is cheap these days and I would recommend that you always have your photos in at least two places. I keep mine internally and back up (have a copy made) to an external drive daily. This of course will not help if your drive is full. If that is the case I would see about a larger internal drive and matching external drive for backup.

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April 01, 2011

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  I am a bit confused by your original post. Memory or RAM is different from storage or disk space. Did you get a memory error in photoshop? This is quite possible to do when working on big files or when you have multiple things open or lots of layers and has nothing to do with disk space.

If this was the problem you need to either limit your open files, or flatten the layers occasionally so that you do not exceed your available RAM or add additional RAM in your system. How much you can add depends on both your hardware and operating system.

If the problem is that you ran out of disk space moving photos off to an external backup drive will work. Storage is cheap these days and I would recommend that you always have your photos in at least two places. I keep mine internally and back up (have a copy made) to an external drive daily. This of course will not help if your drive is full. If that is the case I would see about a larger internal drive and matching external drive for backup.

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April 01, 2011


Sarah G

This Q & A has a link to what I think is a rather good blog on the subject. You might want to consider looking at it and taking from it what you want.

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April 02, 2011

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