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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
  Supplemental Income
I photograph engagements to supplement my student expenses. I had a problem that I want to know the answer to. I went to the local camera shop and asked for a soft focus filter in prep. for the s...
January 11, 2000
  Flash photography
I own a Minolta 35mm xtsi. I took some flash pix at Christmas. I used aperture priority and closed the lens way down for max depth of field, probably f22. Used the built in flash on top of camera. ...
February 03, 2000
  Quality of digital camera/lenses and prints
How is the quality of digital camera lenses in general, and more specifically, the latest Epson 850Z for say 8x10 prints? 11x14? How about the Fuji MX-2900?...
January 10, 2000
  First camera
My 12 year old daughter's first camera. want a 35mm point and shoot with zoom, but don't want to spend a lot in case it is damaged, lost or stolen. you know how kids are!thanks for the advi...
January 10, 2000
My wife and I are trying to decide what lens to buy after dropping and breaking our Sigma 28-80 2.8-4.0 lens. We wanted to switch to a more durable lens since this is the second Sigma that has bro...
February 09, 2000
  Point and shoot cameras with zoom
I'm thinking about getting an inexpensive p and s camera . Should I get one with the zoom feature or not?...
January 10, 2000
  Camera inquisition
Okay....I have used Ricoh for some time now, I however cannot find any reviews or news about the camera/equipment. My camera has given me excellent results in most fields, I however feel like a too...
January 10, 2000
  New Camera
I've been thinking about purchasing the Canon Rebel 2000 EOS but want to make sure it's not too much for a beginner but will keep up with me as my skills improve. Also what lens would you ...
January 09, 2000
  Lenses for 35mm SLR Nikon
What is the most versatile, economical lens for my 35mm SLR Nikon?...
March 20, 2000
  Photo color printers
Some suggestions on a reasonably priced $300-$400 photo color printer?...
March 29, 2000
  Photography in low-light
I often take many pictures in low-light situations such as bands, concert situations, weddings, etc. My pictures all seem to come out blurry and/or bright red. I am changing the settings on my ca...
July 08, 2000
  Printing Technique
Some of the photos I have seen from my favorite photographers have a rough, jagged and almost transparent border around the frame when printed. I am unable to duplicate this cool looking "frame" i...
August 23, 2000
  Digital camera
I am looking for a digital camera. I want a powerful optical as well as digital enhancement. I have looked at a Sony DSC-F505 and have been reasonably impressed. I am looking to buy a camera under ...
January 07, 2000
  Flash on my Epson Photo PC
My flash is too bright. How do I soften the flash so that it produces less washout of close up subjects??...
March 20, 2000
In the past I have scanned old photographs to print for other family members and for our family tree. I now have an Olympus D-450 Zoom digital camera and am attempting to macro photograph these pic...
January 07, 2000
  Nikon N90
Hi, I am considering on buying a used Nikon N90 from a friend. However, the camera has had a new titianium shutter installed due to an accident. Is the titanium shutter better than a regular one?...
January 05, 2000
  Buying a camera
I'm an aspiring photographer. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to make a living with photography but love to take photos. I'm beginning a photography course at a local college. ...
March 19, 2000
  New Business
I find myself starting a business, the latter part of last year. It has not taken off as of yet. So I am trying to fine tune my ability as a photographer. I am trying to think reasonable pricing an...
June 15, 2000
  Film and flash use
When taking photos indoors, what film do you recommend and do you recommend using flash for stock photography?...
January 05, 2000
  Camera purchase
What 35mm camera and telezoom lens is best to buy for sports photography?...
March 18, 2000