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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
  AI Nikor Lens
Can I use my Nikor Al lenses from my FA days with my new N70?...
January 30, 2000
  Digital Camera
Can I learn photography?...
January 28, 2000
  Film Transport
How does the film transport system work and what are some pitfalls?How do I develop film and print proof sheets? What does each stage do?...
January 28, 2000
Which zoom lenses would you recommend in the 100-200mm range for a Ricoh 35mm SLR?...
January 28, 2000
  Sunlight Photography
Sometimes when I photograph in sunlight, the four corners of the picture image come out darker or very shaded. What is the cause of this and how can I correct it?...
January 28, 2000
  Focusing up close
I want to be able to focus at short distances (2 feet maximum) to take pictures of operative procedures, graphs and charts in journals, etc. and download them onto my computer for presentations. I...
March 19, 2000
  Tungsten Photography
We are a group of semi professionals shooting silver jewelry on Provia 100 in Hellogen 1000 watts, because we don't have professional lights and the we can't shoot in the daylight condition...
February 05, 2000
  Lenses for Rebel G
I have a Rebel G, and use a Canon 35-80mm zoom and a Tamron 100-300mm zoom. I'm looking for a macro lens with a 1:1 ratio, but don't know if I should buy a 50mm, 90mm or 105mm. And is Sig...
January 27, 2000
  Black/white Photography
What different filters should I use for different types of b/w photographs, like for landscapes or family?Thank you!...
January 26, 2000
What resolution on a digital camera will produce max size images i.e. to get a full frame 5x7 pic, the lowest resolution is …...
January 28, 2000
  Action Photography
I have a Nikon N90 with a Nikon speedlight 25. What settings should the camera and speedlight be on to obtain the best action photos for a car race/soccer game?...
January 25, 2000
  Macro Photography Lighting
I have an X700 Minolta with 50 m Macro MD lens (Minolta lens). Lighting is tough without the very expensive Minolta ring light. Are there alternatives that are effective regarding external lights...
January 24, 2000
  Camera Tripods
I'm looking for a sturdy and rugged tripod, but not sure what brand to buy. I'm currently deciding on a Manfrotto 190NAT, but I would like to change the head to a ball head.What other bran...
February 17, 2000
  Digital Cameras
I am a student teacher and am trying to develop a lesson on digital cameras but I know almost nothing about them. Could you recommend an easy to read "digital cameras for dummies" type book?...
February 09, 2000
  Exposure Compensation
I took photos on Boulder Beach in S. Africa where the sun was very bright & the sand very white. The photos came out too white in colour and with little detail. Do I use a polarizing filter or ...
January 23, 2000
  Correct exposure of blue sky
I went to South Africa in October'99 & the sky had a washed out look to it. Sometimes the landscapes also looked a bit drained.I've bought a Hoya Cir-Polarizing filter 55mm. Will this s...
March 14, 2000
  35mm SLR camera
Which camera do rate higher? The Nikon N60,
August 06, 2005
  Nikon N70 vs. Canon Rebel 2000
I'm currently evaluating the N70 and
March 14, 2000
  Still shots with voice attachments
I take a few still pic. and record voice overlay. I can't seem to transfer from the disk to the computer. I would like to send them to family. Do I need a special program for this???...
January 22, 2000
  Choosing a slr camera
I have an old Minolta SLR that is a manual. I enjoy using it and find that I like the basic camera functions very much. But.. I've taken a few classes and feel the need to step up. I enjoy l...
January 21, 2000