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  1607 Questions
Last Activity
  Studio Lighting Techniques
Need studio lighting set-up for B&W bridal portraits. I like black backgrounds for these. Any good books?...
March 16, 2000
  Olympus supertelephoto
I currently own and use an OM system which I enjoy very much. I have been using a 300mm f4.5 Zuiko with a 1.4 TC for bird and animal shots but have found that this setup is a little too slow for t...
March 15, 2000
  Equipment maintenance
I own a Nikon F70D camera with 28-105mm Nikkor lens and 80-200mm Nikkor ED lens. How do I prevent my equipment from getting moldy (fungus growth) with having to spend a lot of money on some expensi...
March 15, 2000
  Photographing small objects
How do you photograph small objects? Objects that tend to be less than 20 inches. I'm using an Olympus D-450Z to photograph my wife's hand crafted dolls; we run into some problems. One pro...
April 26, 2000
  35mm SLR for scenery, wildlife and babies
I'm going to South Africa and would love to get close up pics of the scenery and wildlife. I'd also love to capture great shots of my 1 year old nephew. In the past I've used a point an...
April 08, 2000
  Need a good book on lighting
Where can I find a good book on lighting? I want one the has illustrations with the shutter and aperture speeds given. Any suggestions? I read some book reviews on Amazon - trouble is that two woul...
March 13, 2000
  Need good lighting book
Please suggest a good book on lighting. I would like to have one that shows the photographs and then tells you what the settings (full,two-third,one-third) lights were set on. It also tell what the...
March 13, 2000
  Photoshop Plug-in, digital negatives & the Zones
I have learned and am continue learning about photography by following Ansel Adam's fundamental yet wonderfully artistic approaches. Now, I am venturing into the digital world via CD ROMs and ...
March 12, 2000
  Slave lighting
I am working with two slave units with colored gels to throw colors on some concrete products. I am searching for a way to meter the lights with these slaves. Is there a formula when using these sl...
March 10, 2000
  Using a Grey Card
Hi. My question has to do with exposure. If I wanted to have a correct exposure I would for example have to focus on a grey card. That would mean pressing the shutter button half way. So that means...
June 07, 2000
  Slide Scanning Equipment & Computer
I'm interested in high quality scanning of slides & films. First of all, I'm looking into a scanner that provides Optical Density of over 3.2 (Nikon Super Cool Scan 2000). What do you...
March 08, 2000
  Reflective Subjects (i.e., silverware)
Any tips in shooting silverwares (spoon, forks, knives, etc.) in a low light condition. I don't have a studio or additional lighting. Just have 2 flashes, 1 attached to the camera, the other ...
March 08, 2000
How do you develop black and white images from colour negatives?...
June 12, 2000
  Zoom lens for Canon EOS Elan2e
I've just bought a Canon Elan 2e with 70-300us /is zoom lens. I want to get another lens that is a shorter focal length (but I will use it mostly for normal or short telephoto lengths. Can'...
March 07, 2000
  Fast telephoto
I am currently using an OM system (OM 1n) and would like to shoot birds and wildlife. My longest lens is a 300mm f4.5 with a 1.4x tc. Do you think that I should acquire a faster lens, such as a 35...
March 06, 2000
  What filters should I buy?
I have been doing photography for a long time now, but never really got into shooting with filters. I know what kinds of filters I need, but I do not know the leading brands. Can anyone suggest a...
March 06, 2000
  Taking portraits
I am new in the business of photography. I would like to take portraits in dim-lit surroundings. It is important to note that I intend to get a photograph which shows the profile relatively distinc...
March 06, 2000
  Greyscale printing via Photoshop
I recently purchased an Olympus C-2500 L and have been shooting at 'high quality' or super high quality, then opening the images in Photoshop 5.5, converting them to greyscale, and printing...
March 05, 2000
  Difficulties in Low Lighting
Dear SirThank you for you answer from my previous question. I have another question which has puzzled for some time. I am trying to take a photo indoors using my F90x. The meter shows a meter readi...
April 08, 2000
  16mm Minolta
Having just got online, now I have a question that has been bugging me. About 30 years ago, I had a Minolta that used 16mm b/w film. It fit in a small pocket or an empty cigarette pack. It was grea...
March 07, 2000