BetterPhoto Q&A: Problems with Images

Have questions regarding resizing photos for websites? How about taking pictures without shadows? Check this section out to find some answers.

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  2205 Questions
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  i am a new in this art
How I can eliminate the noise ,from my images.i have a sony dsc f828.i lock the iso at 64 ,i use speedy shutter,but noise it is still there. I waiting for any ideea. tks...
March 13, 2005
  Contest Entry Problems! What am I doing wrong? I've been trying for two days to upload a picture to the contest. I go to Contest-Upload New Photos-Enter File Name-Submit Photo. When I hit Submit ...
March 04, 2005
  Basketball pictures with a Nikon 8700
I'm still having problems with my new camera in gymnasiums. I have bought an external flash and a telephoto lens which I have not tried. I'm not sure I need to. Help! Big Tourn. this Su...
March 04, 2005
  Nighttime Rodeo Photography
My Husband and I shoot nighttime rodeo sometimes and we have a hard getting the focus due to low light and our lens not focusing fast enough. How can we solve this problem?...
March 04, 2005
  Is a demonstration a public performance?
If a person is participating in a demonstration, it would seem that they want to be seen, and are part of a public statement of support or protest. Are they, then, fair game for photographers? Demo...
March 03, 2005
  scanning photos to have copies made
I have photos that I need copies of but do not have the negative. Can they be scanned in and burned to a CD then printed? I need about 10 copies of each, it is too expensive to print with my prin...
March 04, 2005
  Cropped too tight!!!!!!! HELP!!
I recently took a shot that I wasn't really paying attention to and cropped it too tight. Naturally that is the one the bride chose to have enlarged to an 11x14, but of course, as we all know, ...
March 02, 2005
  Cropped too tight!!!!!!! HELP!!
I recently took a shot that I wasn't really paying attention to and cropped it too tight. Naturally that is the one the bride chose to have enlarged to an 11x14, but of course, as we all know, ...
March 02, 2005
  Cleaning Slides and Negitives
I would like to know the best way to clean dirt and mold from slides and negatives prior to scanning with a digital scanner. I have a number of images that are very old and need cleaning before I ...
March 19, 2005
I have 4 different filters for my camera but when I use a filter all I get is very blurry pictures, I think the camera might be focusing on the lens instead of the object I'm taking a picture o...
March 03, 2005
I have 4 different filters for my camera but when I use a filter all I get is very blurry pictures, I think the camera might be focusing on the lens instead of the object I'm taking a picture o...
March 01, 2005
I cropped the foreground out of a pic that I recently took, and wanted to print the cropped pic to an 8X10. The print did not print out to a size 8X10 but instead it printed at a size of 6X9. How...
March 01, 2005
  how do I keep my pictures in focus
I have a Promaster 500 Super manual camera with a 50mm lens,35mm. I take a lot of indoor pictures, however I get the green light, supposing my pictures are in focus after adjusting everything, but ...
March 03, 2005
  How to shoot pics. of cutlery without reflections
I am trying to take three pictures of a silver spoon, knife and fork to frame for my friends kitchen. I have tried putting them into a 'black box' (suitcase lined with a black cloth materi...
March 31, 2005
I'm an amateur photographing artworks for my business. Many of the artworks are under glass and I'm getting a lot of glare. Can you offer an tips?Thank you very much....
February 28, 2005
  Wide angle and Tele
When I use These lens, (a Tokina video wide angle and a Raynox high definition video lens 2X tele),with my FinePix S3100 camera with tri pod, My images are shadowed with a blue or red, shadow foll...
February 28, 2005
  engagment announcment
what would be a good background color to shot an engagment newspaper announcmentwith...
March 01, 2005
  Shooting Action Shots - Keeping Things Sharp
I very recently moved from a Minolta 35MM SLR using film to a Canon 20D. While at a basketball tournament this weekend, I snapped about 100 pictures, and none are really that great due to blurring....
March 08, 2005
  Adding pics to questions
I must be stupid! In Q&A why can't I attach a proper jpeg to my question? I've tried four times ! Following your steps I wind up entering contests, etc....
February 25, 2005
How can I diminish the distracting area in the upper right corner? I have PS Elements2 and access to Elements3. Thanks. Steve...
February 24, 2005