BetterPhoto Q&A: Traditional Film Photography

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  3350 Questions
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  Urgent Help Please
I will be attending a outdoors concert tommorow in NYC and I have no idea what I should set my film camera too. I have a Canon Rebel G with a 28-80mm lens and a 75-300mm lens depending how far back...
October 05, 2005
  Velvia 50 or 100
I am going to purchase some velvia film to try out on landscapes. I have a 35mm SLR, but I don't know whether I need the ISO-50 or 100 film. Is there much of a difference? Thanks...
September 30, 2005
  shooting fast action shots
i have a minolta film camera with a fixed 300mm 2.8 lens. I shot pictures of unlimited hydroplanes (race boats). I have taken several rolls of film mostly kodak prof 400 with the camera set to manu...
September 29, 2005
  Senior Portraits with a Truck
I am going to be taking a senior portrait and the individual would like it taken with his truck. I was wondering what would be the best way to take this picture.Thank you in advance...
September 27, 2005
  The best camera to buy
I'm wanting to buy a used 35 mm camera on ebay, but I don't know which would be the best one for a beginner. I want to take black and white pictures. I plan on taking a class on black and w...
September 27, 2005
I've been disappointed with some of the results of my night photography; the exposures seem OK, but about half have a hazy, washed-out appearance. I had thought they were simply over-exposed. ...
October 01, 2005
  Flash sync problem
I'm having a problem with my Nikon FM and I can't tell if it's a shutter malfunction or a flash sync problem. I recently started getting a dark area on one side of the frame, not quite ...
September 27, 2005
  Nikon flash sync problem?
I'm having a problem with my Nikon FM and I can't tell if it's a shutter malfunction or a flash sync problem. I recently started getting a dark area on one side of the frame, not quite ...
September 25, 2005
  Nikon flash sync problem?
I'm having a problem with my Nikon FM and I can't tell if it's a shutter malfunction or a flash sync problem. I recently started getting a dark area on one side of the frame, not quite ...
September 25, 2005
  What do the 2 boxes on my settings dial mean?
The two boxes on my dial on the left side of my camera what exactly is that for. I know when I turn it it goes to a ME so im not sure what that is....
September 23, 2005
  The iso on my STsi maxxum
I am a high school photographer and I shoot a lot of sports. I need to know if I have 800 film ( fuji) and I am shooting a football game is it able for me to push the iso to 1600. Will the prints t...
September 26, 2005
  The right embosser
I would like to purchase an embosser for my photographs, to emboss my name at the bottom corner. I checked with an office supply store today and they said what I wanted was a heat transfer embosse...
September 23, 2005
  first wedding shoot
Okay- this is my first time doing a wedding. I really wasn't even that interested in shooting weddings. Not that I don't want to, it's just that there's so much responsibility when ...
October 03, 2005
  Taking Pictures During Midday
I took some pictures at the local park on my lunch hour one day (1:00 pm). The (film) pictures consisted of mostly water and ducks. (I don't have the digital prints back yet to post the examp...
September 28, 2005
  Stock Photographs
What exactly IS Stock photography and what is it used for? Give me some examples of what type of objects go in a stock photo & is there a big market for this type of thing? Can a person do th...
September 22, 2005
  Developed images come out pink
Hi there. I'm getting into photography as a hobby and using a Nikon F65 SLR. Up to now things have been fine and I'm learning. However, I shot loads of colour film on my honeymoon and a ...
September 24, 2005
  Developed images come out pink
Hi there. I'm getting into photography as a hobby and using a Nikon F68. Up to now things have been fine and I'm learning. However, I shot loads of colour film on my honeymoon and a huge...
September 19, 2005
  Developed images come out pink
Hi there. I'm getting into photography as a hobby and using a Nikon F68. Up to now things have been fine and I'm learning. However, I shot loads of colour film on my honeymoon and a huge...
September 19, 2005
  First Time Shooting A Wedding
Hello everyone,My name is Jen and I have been asked to shoot a co-workers wedding. I work with both the bride and groom. They asked me to shoot their wedding because I know them and they know me.I ...
September 21, 2005
  North facing window
I've heard quite a bit about taking portraits using a north facing window, but am not sure what time of day is best for this. ...
September 26, 2005