BetterPhoto Q&A: Traditional Film Photography

Looking for a review for film cameras? Maybe you just need a film photography tip. Check out these discussions about traditional photography.

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  3350 Questions
Last Activity
  Does sepia toning reduce a prints density
Does sepia toning reduce a prints density, and if it does is better to start with a darker print than normal...
August 06, 2005
Is there a filter on the market to cut through mist from a waterfall?...
August 06, 2005
  Presenting a Slide Show
Hi, I just came back from Africa, where I shot about 45 rolls of slides - mostly Fuji Velvia and Kodak 100vs. My colleagues at work want me to give a slide show, and I'm trying to sort out what...
August 09, 2005
  Ilford Pan F Plus ISO 50
How should I rate this film? I bought some Pan F Plus ISO 50 and got it in the mail the other day and someone at my photo guild said I should always pull my B/W film 1 stop to overexpose? Does th...
August 06, 2005
  35 mm WHAT ???
Moving from 35mm Rebel to a Digi Rebel I am still trying to find out what 35mm refers to. with the film size being 24mm x 36mm and the standatd SLR lense being 50mm.....Where the heck does 35 come ...
August 06, 2005
  Enlarging a picture to a 16x24
Hello,I have a Canon Rebel and I have a friend who would like me to take her son's senior pictures. She wants to blow one of them up to a 16x24. I would like some advice as to how to get the ...
August 05, 2005
  Help w/ my flash & sunset portraits
I shoot Canon Elan 7E and I have yet to buy a real flash. I realy want to save up for the 580EX, but its pricey. Anyways, I am currently stuck using that little pop -up flash built in the camera...
August 05, 2005
  use of minolta 1.4 telextender
I have a Minolta 100-300 apo zoom lens. Will the Minolta 1.4 telextender work with this lens?...
August 04, 2005
  Print Film v. Digital
Why does it appear that Digital has become the format of choice? Does anyone have statistics showing the ratio of digital to film sold? ...
August 06, 2005
What companies produce the backgrounds that JCPenny, Wal-Mart and others use for their portraits. Where can they be purchased at?...
August 04, 2005
  What Do You Think ?
I want some opinons on my photos I am only 14 but I love taking pictures any comments would be a big help because I am in the process of making a portfolio to sent to a gallery. Thanks ...
August 04, 2005
  A good place to purchase camera accessories
I live in a very small town & don't have any camera stores close by. I want to purchase additional lenses & filters, etc for my minolta, but don't know where to go (either online o...
August 07, 2005
  PhotoShop Versions
I have 2 questions (both of which pertain to Photoshop). 1) I found a website (I believe it was that is selling photoshop software for $59.95 (original price was $610.00. They sa...
June 29, 2008
  How To Shoot Nascar Racing
I'm using a Canon EOS Rebel with a zoom lens up to 300mm. I'll be fairly close to the track. What's the best way and speed to shoot the cars going by? ...
August 04, 2005
  B&W photos w/inserted color
Is there a name for creating a photo in B&W & adding back in only one or two items with color? I want to ask my wedding photographer if she can do this with some of the wedding photos, but I d...
August 03, 2005
  HELP!!! Is this ok?
Is this picture ok? I took this picture of a Mini Cooper in the parking lot of the zoo. It turned out well and I ran it through PS for effects and saturation. My question is: Am I allowed to ha...
August 02, 2005
  Transperancy to print ratios
I was wondering if someone could clarify 2 printing questions for me. First, Which precise standard enlargement sizes come from 35mm film? Which precise standard enlargement sizes come from 6x4.5...
August 02, 2005
  An Old Minolta vs. a new camera
My husband purchased a Minolta 5000 back in 1987. I didn't realize how long ago it was until I found the sales receipt. I never learned to use the manual features (I always shoot automatic pr...
August 02, 2005
  what is metering
what is ment by metering (Yashica fx3 super)...
July 31, 2005
  Low Light Wedding
I am new to wedding photography, and I have a wedding coming up in a poorly lit church, and I am not allowed to use flash. I am a film user, and I am hoping someone can give me a tip or two on the...
July 31, 2005