BetterPhoto Q&A: Photography Careers and Making Money

Have questions regarding making money with your camera? This Q&A helps you better understand the business of photography. For tips on driving traffic to your website, check out the workshops from Search Engine Academy.

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  2192 Questions
Last Activity
  Starting up!
I have a Canon Rebel XT and I have a large house which I have divided to have a Photography Studio. I have been taking pictures( I will post some on here soon)and everyone wants me to take their fa...
November 01, 2006
  Anyone know about Shutterstock Plus
I came across this site - and wondered if anyone knows about them, have they used them, are they reputable etc?'d really like to start making some...
November 02, 2006
  Just made my first $1!!
Yippee! I've made my first dollar on microstock! Okay, I'm not ready to switch careers just yet, but it's still way cool! :)...
November 01, 2006
  No Soliciting - guidelines?
I am breaking into the real estate photography market, and want to get my brochure/business card out there. Is dropping off my brochure to the real estate offices considered solicitation? Thanks ...
October 30, 2006
  Exhibiting in galleries
I'm looking for information on exhibiting in galleries. Any information on going about it and things I should be aware of would be helpful. I was told some galleries take as much as 40-50% comm...
October 26, 2006
  Sensitive Issue over senior portraits
Need some advice. I was booked to shoot some senior portraits by the kid's father and grandmother. The senior comes from a split family and they were adamant about the mother not ordering pho...
November 02, 2006
  royaltys for images in book
I have been asked by a friend to take a few pictures for a book he is due to publish next year. We are a disscussing perecentage of sales fee , but should I also charge for doing the actual shots(...
August 13, 2007
  For Pros,...What's a Fair Price?
I work for a large catering company (my real job) and I've been asked by my employers to provide some photos to upgrade the company website.We have a lavish grand-ballroom wedding reception sch...
October 27, 2006
  Model Release
Quick Question--recently shot a wedding for a friend of my sister's. Bride and groom are happy to sign a release so that I can use their pictures on my website and/or on any advertising materia...
October 23, 2006
  Shooting for stock
Hello all,I was wondering if anyone here has been shooting photos using a entry level DSLR such as a Canon 400D or Nikon D80 and getting them accepted by any of the rights managed librarys.I know i...
October 20, 2006
  Model release - my child
Hi, I was wondering...I am looking into stock agencies, and do I need a model release form for my own child? I've tried to look throuhg some of the forums, but couldn't find any informaiton...
October 29, 2006
  A time to come together
Located on West Colombia Avenue in Kissimmee, Florida there stands a building. This building is only a pile of bricks by itself, but what moves inside this building is the heart of it’s existenc...
August 28, 2007
  Private structure in the Background
Recently, while on vacation, I took a photo of our new truck, however, in the background is a private home. Can I use this photo for anything other than personal use without getting permission fro...
October 19, 2006
  Usage rights for client
I'm currently in the process of writing the usage rights for a batch of photographs taken for a client. 90% of their use of my images will be in simple photo galleries on the business website....
October 17, 2006
  Cincinnati Photographers, Part II
Same audience, different question. When I lived in Rochester, I rented space at a local studio that had the backdrops, lighting, etc. Are there any places in the area like that? And that are rea...
October 17, 2006
  Photo Processing
Has anyone ever used Thanks. --Grace...
October 15, 2006
I am looking for ways to put digital pictures of flowers and vegetation on textiles.I need to know who does this and if they would help me.I would like to have garments made with the outcome.How a...
October 14, 2006
  Wish Me Luck!
Wish me luck - tomorrow will be my first attempt at selling my work "on location". I will have a booth at the Gretna Art Walk. This is in conjuction with an...
October 13, 2006
  Art Gallery Shows
My first showing in an Art Gallery is coming up the first weekend in Nov. The owner suggested at least a 3" matt border while my husband feels that a 2" border looks better. Is this just a matter...
October 12, 2006
  Photographing Buildings: Permission Needed?
Bear with me, Im new to the whole thing! :0) I have been taking pictures of local farms, barns, old buildings, etc. I was wondering if I had to get the landowners' permission before selling t...
October 13, 2006