BetterPhoto Q&A: Photography Careers and Making Money

Have questions regarding making money with your camera? This Q&A helps you better understand the business of photography. For tips on driving traffic to your website, check out the workshops from Search Engine Academy.

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  2192 Questions
Last Activity
  Help stop scanning!!!
It was recently brought to my attention that has an article telling people to steal photos from photographers as a way to save money. I just couldn’t believe it when I read this! A...
January 01, 2007
I´m working in interior photography (hotels and houses). Where can I take a inteior ligthing course....
December 11, 2006
  Price on a copywright
A customer asked me if I would let her use a photo I took of her family for a mass mailing of Christmas cards (both she and her husband are affiliated with the state government, so tons of people w...
December 03, 2006
  Day rate vs. half-day rate-please help!
Good morning all, I know this has probably been asked before, but my time restraint limits browsing through the forum. Someone is looking for a photo assistant to transport equipment and keep it c...
January 11, 2007
  Another Model Release Question
I apologize if this has been covered already, but I couldn't find the answer by searching the forums. I have hundreds (if not thousands) of photos shot with film from the past 20+ years. Many...
November 29, 2006
  Local Church Bureaucracy
I took a silhouette shot of a church steeple with the jet trails meeting at the cross on the steeple. A few weeks ago, I took a generic property release by the church to have them sign a property r...
August 15, 2007
  Music rights on screen saver selling.
I recently purchased some screen saver software that states you can sell royalty free screensavers. It is capable of containing audio such as MP3. What are the legalities of me adding music (such a...
November 26, 2006
  Contributions to photo book wanted
Hi all...I'm an Australian photographer who's currently based in Thailand, and I'm in the process of creating a book about photography. Well, actually it's more about how to help ph...
December 04, 2006
  quinceanera or sweet 16
I was wondering if you would charge the same to a Quinceanera or sweet 16 than a wedding... I started doing wedding and everything has worked great... but my first Quinceanera meet up is comming in...
December 28, 2006
  Wedding Leather Book
Hey everyone, I was wondering if any of you works with personilized (Sp) Books... I saw this 10x10 coffee table book and want to do something like that with my own work but Mpix doesn't do it y...
November 24, 2006
November 23, 2006
  Establishing Rates for Services and Prints
For the past year I've been selling photos to family, friends, people I work with, friends of friends etc. Generally, I've been pricing each job based on who there are, how long it will tak...
November 24, 2006
  ways to go?
I have been asked to do a 'few shots' at my husbands work for his holiday dinner. Ok so it will be great exposure and maybe a few $ in sales. I am planning a small set up with chair/stool ...
November 22, 2006
  Selling Prints
Just been contacted by e-mail to sell aprint of one of my shots from my gallery assuming this is not a scam, would like some advice how to go about it and what to charge, having never done it befor...
November 20, 2006
  unexpected sale opportunity, need advice
I'm in the process of finalizing an agreement with a stock agency to sell images on both a rights-managed and royalty-free basis, and I will be agreeing to exclusivity regarding the images with...
November 20, 2006
  quick time software ?
Hi Does anyone know what software and equipment I would need to buy to create virtual tours for wab sites.A bit like some of the builders have on their web sites.thanks...
November 19, 2006
  Fair commission to a coffe-shop gallery
What is a fair commission to pay a coffee shop owner who allows me to use wall space as a mini-gallery? I am talking to a local coffee shop owner and figure that we should have it all stated prior...
November 19, 2006
  Submitting Photos for Publication
I'm thinking about submitting some of my surfing photos via CD to several surfing publications. Does anyone have any experience in getting their work published? Is it OK to send the same pictur...
November 18, 2006
  Calling on Mark, Jerry, etc.
Mark, Jerry, and all others who are knowledgeable about this:I have to make a few presentations at a local high school career day on professional photography.They have asked me to provide general i...
November 19, 2006
  Combat Photography
I'm a former Marine with Combat experience and have a degree in Mass Comm with a video/audio backgroud but I desire to become a combat photographer. Does anyone have any suggestions on what di...
January 19, 2007