BetterPhoto Q&A: Photography Careers and Making Money

Have questions regarding making money with your camera? This Q&A helps you better understand the business of photography. For tips on driving traffic to your website, check out the workshops from Search Engine Academy.

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  2192 Questions
Last Activity
  how to achieve my dreams
how can I get into a career such as fashion photography like VOGUE as my ambition is to become like Mario Testino/ David LaCapelle. I have no idea what courses to study to get there.i no I may soun...
January 15, 2007
  New Talent Network!
Have you visited It is a blog focused on artist empowerment and industry changes through online networking. It is becoming a hub for all ...
January 12, 2007
  selling pictures on line
Hi I was wondering if anyone has seen the web site that is selling a guide to posting and selling pictures on line you can find it at www.247-guide.comThey boast fantastic results if only you follo...
January 13, 2007
  Pam & Jeff Farr
Is anyone familiar with a training program called 'Not Your Normal School of Photography' by Pam & Jeff Farr. It seems a lot of money and I wanted to get some 'real' testimonial...
January 12, 2007
  Selling Prints - Should You Add Your Name?
I am about to sell two of my prints (11x14) and was wondering if I should add my name on the prints. What is the norm? Thanks....
January 16, 2007
  Price for image use on website
Ok may sound like a broken record. But was jsut after some guidance on how much to charge for use of images on a website. Its a friends company website and he just wants 3 images to replace the fre...
January 11, 2007
  Using 2 photographers for a wedding
A friend of mine who is a photographer asked if I would be interested in helping her with weddings. I've done a few weddings, but stopped doing them because I thought they were too stressful. ...
January 11, 2007
I am starting to take pictures at Ultimate fighting and I wanted to know what insurance I should carrie? I am just getting into digital phot....
January 10, 2007
Okay I know there are a few experts on this lingering about... so I need your help.Insurance! I don't really know what kind I need. I'm just starting up my business and I'm doing a mark...
January 10, 2007
  Lifepics experience?
Does anyone have any experience using the Lifepics website for their business/proof/website? I am trying to set up my business doing mostly children's portraits and am looking for an online pr...
January 22, 2007
  Legal to sell photostories with music?
Hi - I was wondering if anyone had any idea if it is legal for me to sell photostories (basically slide shows) set to music. I'm not sure if that would be violating any rights on part of the m...
January 11, 2007
  Charging structure in the U.S.
Hi allI have just moved to Washington DC from the UK. I have been a photographer for over 10 year and have worked in a few different countries and have found that prices and charging vary greatly. ...
January 09, 2007
  Shooting in indoor riding arenas
Hi - is there anyone out there that sucesfully shoots horses and dogs in poorly lit indoor riding schools.I recently upgraded my camera to a 5D and a 70-200 L 2.8f lens hoping I would be able to c...
April 26, 2007
  Charging a business for ad photos
I have recently been contact about shooting for a business in my area. They want to use the photos for advertising. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to charge?...
January 08, 2007
  Selling Pictures of Sculptures
A few months ago, I took some pictures of sculptures. The artist allowed me full access to everything that was outside his home. My sister -in-law and her husband run a restaurant, and she has sugg...
January 12, 2007
  From home or not?
I have had my home studio for just over a year now. It is really tiny; my shooting area is about 10 x 20 foot, which excludes my office and dressing area, ect. I feel that I am ready to grow. Th...
January 07, 2007
  College classes in Columbus Ohio
Looking for college classes in Columbus Ohio area in photography. Have taken some classes at CSCC. Just looking for any extra advice or input before taking more classes. Thanks...
January 05, 2007
  Approaching strangers
Does anyone have any special techniques in taking portraits of strangers?I am a 16 year old female, so I don't think I look too intimidating, but I can't get over my shyness. I am already s...
January 08, 2007
  Shutterstock requires passport to register...
Hello and happy New Year and let the new year bring everybody happiness and health and tons of greenies ;-)I'm very new here and don't have any pictures yet, but it's coming.I have a qu...
January 03, 2007
  Paid listings in Search Engines
I was wondering if anyone has tried payed listings in Search Engines to promote their web sites and if the results were worth the cost of the listings....
January 02, 2007