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  32894 Questions
Last Activity
In "My Profile" what does the "Score" refer to?...
October 15, 2015
  Changing profile photo
The upload dialog indicates the file name of the profile photo and shows the photo but doesn't finish the process of uploading and loops back to choose file even though the image is on the uplo...
October 14, 2015
Why do my images not retain their titles which were input but are listed as untitled? ...
October 15, 2015
  changing name under photo
How do I change my name under the photos ive entered into contest. I what to change from my email address to just my name.Thanks Nick...
October 15, 2015
  October 2015 EPs, SFs, Finalists
Ready for comments for Oct. ...
December 01, 2015
  How are winners chosen
I have had a few EP, but I received a second place yesterday. I'm really excited, but how are these chosen, and what does EP~Second place~finalist mean.I was excited with EP now you have no ide...
October 01, 2015
  Uploader question
When I tried a few minutes ago to upload an image, I got a pop-up box that listed the BetterPhoto website and indicated an application: Uploader 8, Publisher: Aurigma 8 wanted to take control of my...
September 27, 2015
  Layers and DD
If I use layers in Gimp, but both layers are of the same photo, is that considered DD work? Hope that makes sense. Padddy....
October 10, 2015
Can anyone explain how you can get over 700 "loves" in less than a week? Some others have over 600. How does this happen? ...
September 18, 2015
  emailing from photoshop cc
How do I email from photoshop cc? I get as far as Save For Web, that's it. I don't see an option for attaching to email. I'm upgrading from elements, and can't figure it out. Thanks...
September 15, 2015
  My Website with BP has a security block??
Hey Guys, I keep trying to pull up my website, and my security software says it has threats!! What's up with that?? I have Webroot software security protection... Any suggestions...
September 16, 2015
  Where is all my Gallery ??
Anyone else find their galley shrunk and to a very limited amount in the last week.... in no order at all?Sent 3 help inquiries with no replyThx, Rudi...
September 15, 2015
  Countdown to August Contest Results
Hello BP friends… it’s time to start the August countdown. I know that you were expecting Ken but you are stuck with me. But we both share our same enthusiasm in photography and we believe tha...
October 02, 2015
  Things Running Very Slow?
Is anybody else noticing how slow BP seems to be running? It takes a long time to post comments...too long to be any fun ...I have been having this problem for the last week or so, I clear my cache...
September 08, 2015
  September 2015 EPs, SFs, Finalists
Ready for comments about the September 2015 contest....
October 21, 2015
  How to photograph the moon
How do you photograph the moon...
September 14, 2015
  Photo manager vs Photo Gallery
Why don't the photo's that are in my photo manager show up in my gallery?...
September 01, 2015
  Trouble uploading
Is anyone else having trouble uploading photos right now? I've been trying to upload one for about half an hour and it keeps timing out. The photo is not too large, and I've rebooted my c...
January 17, 2016
I have no idea how to delete one of two of the same image that showed up[ today, have never had this problem before, how can I get ONE deleted?? HELP! :-( Have tried several ways???Also, the i...
August 23, 2015
  Best Photo sizing for BP
Does anyone know the best resolution/image size for BP?...
August 20, 2015