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  32894 Questions
Last Activity
  Reducing pixel/picture size
I have taken digital pics and downloaded to my pc. I want to upload these images to a website but cannot because they say the image size is too big. so many pixels by so many pixels. Can I reduce t...
June 20, 2002
  Power of the bulb for highlighting hair
In portrait work, how powerful should the light be that is used to simply highlight the hair (what wattage of bulb). Further, is there a problem to using a quartz bulb for this purpose while using...
June 03, 2002
  EOS Kiss III L
Best Wishes!I'm new to this forum and I'm planning to buy my first SLR gear a couple of weeks from now. I would be very glad of any help.Recently, I just noticed an upgraded version of Rebe...
June 03, 2002
  Enlarger f/stop
Why would I set my enlarger f/stop on a higher number if my negatives looked light?...
June 02, 2002
  How to operate my Elan 7e
I just bought a Canon Elan 7e and for some reason the only mode it will work in is in the autofocus action setting with multple frames per second. In The other modes it closes the shutter but does ...
June 03, 2002
  UV and polarizing filter, what is the difference ?
What is the difference between a uv filter and polarizing filter. I have a UV filter. Do I need a polar filter in addition....
June 02, 2002
  Caring for Older Cameras
Being, possibly, the world's worst photographer, I have gone digital. (The film's a lot cheaper ;-)) But I can't give up my Canon AE-1 or Rebel 2000. What should I do to protect these t...
August 14, 2002
I have a Minolta Maxxum 3XI. I have just received a used Sigma 75-300mm Zoom. Everything seeems fine with it but I notice a slight clicking noise as it focuses. Is this normal? If there is someth...
June 18, 2003
  Leasing a film scanner
Hi, everyone. I just wanted to offer some info I've found while researching the market for film scanners. I found a company who will lease items over $2,000 to "businesses." The company is cal...
May 30, 2002
  Which flash to buy?
I would like to buy an on-camera flash for my Pentax camera. Someone sujested that I buy a dedicated shoe mount flash with a stroboframe bracket. Can you tell me what these things are and if they...
June 13, 2002
  how do I correct exposure when using filters?
I am using a Nikon FM2 with a Cokin Grad Grey filter for sunsets. All the pictures come out with either the sky being over exposed or the foregroundis underexposed, what am I doing wrong? ...
May 30, 2002
  Cheap Lighting Ideas?
Photography for me is only a hobby (which is already quite expensive) and I was wanting to find cheap/alternative lighting methods for portraits or still life.My main idea was to use just 1 or a fe...
March 16, 2004
  Uploading Pics in Europe
We are planning a trip to France. I am going to buy a digital camera so that I can email the pictures to family as I go. I won't have my laptop on me, so how will I connect to the web to send t...
May 29, 2002
  Lighting equipment
I want to buy some studio lights more or less a traveling kit. I can not afford thousands of dollars of equipment what can I buy to get me started. Nothing to cheap eitherplease help....
April 07, 2003
  How to delete pix from the Kodak site on my pc.
How do I delete stored photos from the Kodak site, stored there from my Kodak DX3500 camera? I downloaded them for viewing, and wish to delete some or all from a series of pix. Appreciate any help ...
May 29, 2002
  using print film
i'm going to the US in sept,and I will be taking both slide @ print film.Can I get the same saturated colours with Fuji Reala as with Sensia slide film and will Ineed to underexpose the print f...
May 31, 2002
  Lenses for the Nikon F100
Soon I will be buying the F100 and I wanted to get some opinions on the choice of lens. I`ve always travelled with one zoom (Sigma 28-200) but a friend has recommended that with the F100, I should...
June 29, 2003
  Pulling Film
Oops! Just shot a roll of Portra 160 at ISO 50 by mistake. Had Velvia in there last, I guess. My camera (Nikon N90s) sometimes mis-captures the correct DX coding on my film, and I forgot to check ...
January 16, 2003
  Buying a manual slr Cameras
Am a professional photographer and my camera euipment just got stollen recently while I have so much work pending. Is there someone out there with a manual SLR camera for sale that I could order fo...
May 27, 2002
  Photographing the Birth of a Baby.
What suggestions do you have for photographing the birth of my grandchild? Such as: lens, filters, flash and film. I have a Nikon F100 and several Nikon lenses. I also have a Tamron 28mm-300mm, ...
May 26, 2002