BetterPhoto Q&A: New Questions

In the BetterPhoto photography forum, great questions on the art and craft of photography flow in at a rapid, non-stop rate. The following are the photography questions that have been asked most recently. Browse the questions below to see which photo topics have most recently been posted in our photography forum.

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  32894 Questions
Last Activity
  People Photography
I was recently asked by a friend to take some casual, outdoor shots of her two kids. Beautiful little girls ages 4 years and the baby is 3 months old. I agreed to do it thinking how hard can it be...
October 26, 2014
  Others looking at my images
Firstly, I don`t have a Deluxe site. My question is quite simple really and that is could I invite my daughter for example, who is not a member of BP, to look at my images in my Better Pholio site...
September 24, 2014
  How to resort my gallery
I want to rearrange my finalist to the front...
October 01, 2014
  email notifications
Even though I dutifully check the notification box when I respond to a discussion in the forum, I do not receive the notifications. This is true only since the roll-out of the new BP. Anyone else...
October 06, 2014
  Delete Photos
I cannot delete old photos from my galleries...I check the delete box and hit Update and nothing! Tried three different browsers. I just renewed and want to get rid of old stuff. This is very fru...
September 20, 2014
  New overhead polaroid flash
I have the canon 70D and just bought an overhead flash. Does the camera setting need to be a specific type for the flash to sync with the camera? I had it working the day I got it but now can not ...
September 22, 2014
I have not been on the site in a while. I wanted to upload some new photos and to my surprise everything has changed. Please someone tell me how to upload and how to get to the admi...
September 16, 2014
  Viewing Photos
Really my question is about the website. I would like to be able to view photos in the order they have been uploaded. As more and more are uploaded I want to be able to view the one's I haven&#...
October 04, 2014
  Inside Volleyball Pics
I have a canon 7d with a ef 70-200 f/2.8 L. I cannot get a good shot without the people and ball being blurry./Users/cindyprice/Desktop/IMG_6836.jpg/Users/cindyprice/Desktop/IMG_6838.jpg//Users/ci...
September 16, 2014
  Countdown to August Contest Results
Hello everyone…it’s time to start the August countdown. Please share the photo you hope makes Staff Fav or higher. And for fun, please share one of your non-EP photos if you like. I think BP...
September 29, 2014
  Comment Editor
The comment editor does not seem to be working. I went to my Profile>My Forum Activity>Discussions I have Responded to>My comment (Edit). I click edit and it takes me to the discussion, but there a...
November 04, 2014
  Share buttons
Is there any way to turn off those share buttons? I have a pretty slow internet connection and trying to comment on the recent contest entries takes forever...Having to wait for those buttons on th...
December 02, 2014
  Calendar printing
Does anyone have a suggestion on a printing company for calendars?...
October 14, 2014
  LARGE Photography Backdrop
I was wondering if anyone has any idea where I can purchase a rather large backdrop online? I am photographing a dance school and there are about 12 classes that have 6 to 15 girls/boys in each cl...
September 13, 2014
  Difficulty reading text in new BP
Does anyone else have a problem reading a lot of the text on the new web pages? For example, when I come in, I can see "Better" and "Logged in . . . Proceed" across the top bar but not "
September 07, 2014
  Sept. EPs, SFs, Finalists
The posts in this forum should only be related to EPs, SFs and Fs. Please start a new thread for anything else. Good luck everyone!...
October 15, 2014
  Gallery Settings
Under the My Photos tab I have the choices My Editor's Picks, My Staff Favorites, My Contest Finalists, etc. When I click on the My Editor's Picks tab it shows me the photo's of mine th...
September 09, 2014
  Why all the likes?
One of my photos just showed up with 15 likes. It had just 1 this morning and probably didn't even deserve that. I heard of that happening with a few other people's photos, too. What's ...
September 03, 2014
  MAC & The New BP
When I click on an image thumbnail to view it, it brings me to the comments page but doesn't show the image. I have to exit out of it and reclick on it and then it brings me to the image. Thi...
September 08, 2014
  Entered contest in wrong catagory
I entered a photo in the wrong category by mistake... is there a way I can fix or change that?...
September 07, 2014