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Anne E. Morgan

Using a 2X Converter with a 500mm lens

I use Canon EOS cameras and lenses. When I connect my Kenko 2X converter to my 500mm lens and push the shutter button, the shutter remains open until I push the the shutter button again - no matter what setting or aperture I have camera or lens set to (lens works normally when connected directly to my camera). On my Rebel X, "bc" shows in the LCD display and on my Elan IIe, an empty battery symbol shows, but the batteries are all fresh. This does not happen when I connect the 2X to any other lens. If I can't figure out the problem, could I use an extension tube instead of the 2X to enlarge my image and alleviate the shutter problem? Thanks for your time!!

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June 09, 2004


Jon Close
  What brand/model of 500mm lens?

My fist suggestion is to make sure lens/TC/camera are all firmly and completely mounted together. I just recently used my Canon EF 2x with 70-200 f/2.8L and the shutter stayed open and battery symbol flashed. Turned out that the lens and TC weren't quite fully mounted. An extra little turning pressure and click of the mounting pin and everything was hunky-dory again. Also make sure that you mount the TC to the lens first, then mount the combination to the camera body.

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June 09, 2004


Anne E. Morgan
  Jon, its a Samyang 500mm f/8.0 lens. I got the 2X converter because I really couldn't afford a bigger or faster lens and I really want to fill the frame with the bird FIRST rather than crop afterwards. I tried your suggestion, thinking surely this would do it, but unfortunately, it didn't. Also, I HAD been attaching the 2X to my camera first rather than to the lens; I also tried taking off the T-mount for the lens and reattaching it. I thought I read somewhere that an extension tube help the image appear larger in the frame??? I know that these are not the most desireable solutions but hoping to get by with these while I save up for a fast long lens. Thanks for your help!!!

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June 10, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  save up enough to get a lens so you don't have to use a samyang. There's really nothing good about those.
But it looks like the same old compatibility problem you run into with different brands of lens/converter combinations.

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June 10, 2004


Jon Close
  I think Greg's right about it simply being an incompatibility when combining a T-mount lens with AF teleconverter. Your EOS should be able to trip the shutter with no lens attached. It works fine when using the T-mount 500mm mirror lens (no EF communication). The Kenko 2x TC works fine with AF lenses so it's passing the lens/camera communication ok. But something in the electronics of the Kenko 2x TC is confusing things when the non-EF lens is mounted to it.

See if covering the Kenko 2x TC's electronic contacts on the camera side with a piece of film or paper (don't use tape as it'll gum things up) restores the shutter function. Since the 500 mirror lens has no AF or aperture control, there's no reason for the TC to be able to communicate with the camera.

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June 10, 2004


Anne E. Morgan
  Jon - Thank you !!! The tissue paper covering the contacts did the trick! Now mine is not the mirror lens - its the long one with a manual aperture ring, but this shouldn't make a difference should it? Also, with just the lens, my camera LCD does not show an aperture value, but the light meter does work. Will the tissue paper affect this? Thanks again! Anne

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June 11, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Modern compatable camera/lens combos the apeture closes down only when you take the picture, right before the shutter opens. So you're always looking thru a bright view finder.
Since yours is a manual apeture, you might have to look thru a darkened view finder with anything other than the lens's widest aperture.
In other words, normally if you select f/16 on a 2.8 lens, everthing you see is 2.8 until you take a picture and then the lens goes down to f/16. But with yours, there dosen't seem to be any way for that to happen. So unless when you change the apeture ring manually and the diaphragm gets smaller while you're doing it, you're going to have to shoot everything at the lens's widest apeture.

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June 11, 2004


Anne E. Morgan
  I typically use the largest aperture anyway, but if I don't, I have one ring that I set the aperture with. Then another ring is used to "open" the lens for focusing, then you close it down to take the picture (which makes the image in the viewfinder darken). So until I take some test shots to know for sure, it SEEMS like all should work well with the tissue paper covering the contacts. THANKS AGAIN for your time and help - I really appreciate it!!!

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June 12, 2004

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